
Dropped well into the 20's last night, growing season officially over.
Yesterday the heat index was 97. This morning the wind chill was 35
Yesterday the heat index was 97. This morning the wind chill was 35
Wow, quite the temperature drop. I thought ours was a lot yesterday it was 81 and this A.M. it was mid 40's.
Changes in the deep south quite a bit less dramatic... average high last week in Tallahassee was 92. This week an ever-so-slightly less hellish 90. :emoji_disappointed_relieved:
We had 22" of rain last month. I will need to prep some really well drained sites for my fruit trees. Good news is the rain helps the mushrooms.
Yes, we have had to much rain this year as well. My building site has a mote around it. It was never that way in the past, but I assume from all of the large equipment it has compacted the soil, and it wont drain.
7" of rain this weekend with more on the way. You can see the top of my overflow pipe.20181008_082716.jpg
10" of rain since friday. May be able to bowfish out of my best stand.

Bit early this year..
Coming down pretty good at the moment.
The goes out of the lake is finally exceeding the goes in. That is a picture of 5 ft tubes with pawpaws in them. There are tubes in there with SWO and you can't even see them.20181013_165238.jpg
We got about 3" of snow from the storm and now the last 2 nights have been below 0 for the first time this year. Last night with wind chill it hit -20.
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Truck thermometer said -10 this morning, don’t know what the wind chill was.
It was cold.
-5 when I went to work. Was on the ice fishing after work on a neighbor's pond. +/- 4" of ice here.
- 40 with the windchill in the forecast at night 4 out of the next 10 days.
Frigid 56 this morning, but forecast to rise to mildly-nippy 72 by the afternoon.
We had rain to start the day, transitioned to freezing rain, then about an inch of snow. Today is cold and sunny