All Things Habitat - Lets talk.....

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We’re back but still not 100%

This is more of a general request. I was wondering if it would be possible when opening a user's profile, to be able to see posts that they have submitted separate from their comments? Sometimes I remember a post and who submitted it, but when I go to their profile, it's pages of comments and this feature would be nice to quickly find a post, not just individual comments. Just a thought. Thanks for your guys' hard work!
This is more of a general request. I was wondering if it would be possible when opening a user's profile, to be able to see posts that they have submitted separate from their comments? Sometimes I remember a post and who submitted it, but when I go to their profile, it's pages of comments and this feature would be nice to quickly find a post, not just individual comments. Just a thought. Thanks for your guys' hard work!
The search function lets you search for a word or words and limit the search to thread titles and/or usernames.
The search function lets you search for a word or words and limit the search to thread titles and/or usernames.

what jack said. And there is an advanced search option also.

Since you can see it via the link in your browser, it tends to make me think the photoserver is accessible by the public. I wonder if John has a browser running on the server he is running the forum from. If he can't see it, there is probably something blocking access between his server and the photoserver. If he can see it in a browser from that machine, it is likely an issue with the forum configuration.


If a few folks who use the forum could click this link and let me know if they see the picture above it would be helpful.


John can’t even get on the site yet via the internet. He can visit via cell line but not local internet.
John can’t even get on the site yet via the internet. He can visit via cell line but not local internet.
Well whomever John has working on the site. Who is your hosting service now?
Well whomever John has working on the site. Who is your hosting service now?

I'm remoted into my work computer so I can connect to the site.. Still doesn't work from home (thank God @Bill was able to connect or I would still be fighting with the hosting company). It's my ISP and their DNS server as far as I can tell. I was running around town today and was able to connect using several different WIFI connections on my phone (as well as straight up Verizon).

The good news is it's working for everyone else.

I'd like to leave the hosting company (new and old) out of the discussion for now until I'm done discussing their perceived performance, or lack thereof.

I'm remoted into my work computer so I can connect to the site.. Still doesn't work from home (thank God @Bill was able to connect or I would still be fighting with the hosting company). It's my ISP and their DNS server as far as I can tell. I was running around town today and was able to connect using several different WIFI connections on my phone (as well as straight up Verizon).

The good news is it's working for everyone else.

I'd like to leave the hosting company (new and old) out of the discussion for now until I'm done discussing their perceived performance, or lack thereof.

Roger that. Completely understand. :emoji_smile:
I just reached the site for the 1st time from home. Welcome me to the party.


that’s funny right there. It was a frantic one man party for a few days!
Working great. Thank you for what you do, and the expense you incur.

Is the night mode look an option, or is that the only view?
Working great. Thank you for what you do, and the expense you incur.

Is the night mode look an option, or is that the only view?
If your on a laptop upper right corner to the right of your name there's a lightbulb and you can toggle between dark mode and light mode.
It is responding fast and I like everything about the new upgrades. Thank you!
Working well for me, thanks guys!
I like the new look. The system is much quicker than before. Both are great improvements. Good work.
Love the new look and the site seems to be working well now. Thanks again for all you guys do to keep this site up. We really do appreciate it!!!
Same here clicks are getting instant page viewing today, no waiting at all. And posting is going equally smooth as well.
I'm remoted into my work computer so I can connect to the site.. Still doesn't work from home (thank God @Bill was able to connect or I would still be fighting with the hosting company). It's my ISP and their DNS server as far as I can tell. I was running around town today and was able to connect using several different WIFI connections on my phone (as well as straight up Verizon).

The good news is it's working for everyone else.

I'd like to leave the hosting company (new and old) out of the discussion for now until I'm done discussing their perceived performance, or lack thereof.



I'm still playing around trying to figure out why I can't post images by linking the URL. Can you send me a PM with the new hosting service info? Understand why you don't want to discuss in public. It might help me figure out if there is an issue on my end. Interestingly, I got a new piece of information. Uploading a picture to your forum from my computer works which I found earlier. Today, I decided to try something a little different. I used the picture upload, but instead of browsing to the file on my computer, I pasted the link to the photoserver picture. It worked. The forum uploaded the image from the photoserver and displayed it. That tells me that the forum can access images on the photoserver. So, the issue must be somewhere in the forum code rather than something that is blocking the form server from accessing data on the photoserver.

As a short-term work around, I could simply upload images to the forum. There are a few issues with this. One is that the pictures uploaded take up resources on your server (which may or may not matter to you). More importantly, all of the pictures I've posted over the last few years will still be missing. I much prefer posting the picture to the photoserver and referencing it with a link. That way, I can upload it once to my photoserver, and post links to in on multiple forums.

I'm not sure if this is only affecting me or if others are having issues posting links to images hosted elsewhere. So, this my not be a high priority issue for you.

