Wassup peeps?!?!?!?

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whats a dfl?
The Mutinous Minions created their own political influence...as I said, clueless.
QDMA has great influence...and it doesn't sound like you guys used all the available resources that you could have....you got yourselves blackballed on qdma...why? because you didnt want conventional wisdom to work. thats what pissed me off. let the process work. the public will notice when things are wrong...it doesn't take a genius to see that.
QDMA is a good thing if you want start a co-op and try to make your hunting area better. That is their boundaries. I'm not sure they would be successful outside of that. I guess that's why we now have NDA tearing it up out there for us.:eek:
QDMA has great influence...and it doesn't sound like you guys used all the available resources that you could have....you got yourselves blackballed on qdma...why? because you didnt want conventional wisdom to work. thats what pissed me off. let the process work. the public will notice when things are wrong...it doesn't take a genius to see that.
The audit is in progress, looks to me like the Minions process worked just fine!
QDMA has great influence...and it doesn't sound like you guys used all the available resources that you could have....you got yourselves blackballed on qdma...why? because you didnt want conventional wisdom to work. thats what pissed me off. let the process work. the public will notice when things are wrong...it doesn't take a genius to see that.

The public did notice something was wrong - when the MDDI organized to communicate that we were ALL seeing the same decline. What did QDMA do about it? Said "lets wait and collect more dues and maybe then we'll do something?" No, they said "shut the F up and quit clogging up our forum." That's what they did.
im sorry, but having state's listen to scientist recommendations is quite often, not a bad thing.

having competing scientist is better. you usually get a better outcome when you get a group of nerds together instead of a single authority.
ok...my knowledge is old then...what had transpired now?

I dont know you Thayer and could give a shit about QDMA or anything that happened with you and members of this site. All I know is that hunting up in the 100 zones in MN is so F*****G abhorrent that there was no time to sit and wait for some bullshit "proper procedure" to get something done. Three years of eating shit sandwiches was enough for me and others to get involved. To think that some group like QDMA was going to come to the rescue is completely preposterous. A bunch of us were laughed at and booted off other website cause we were sick of it. We were told that we couldnt get anything done. It may end up that hunting still sucks, but I feel like we got more done that if we would have waited for some "legitimate" assholes to finally come to the table and save us. We actually have a whole bunch of the state legislators on our side.
So, jim, how did clogging up the forum work for you?
buck, completely short term solutions.
You guys know that i am for your best deer hunting possible. I am on your side...but you need to use your resources properly.
buck, completely short term solutions.

What makes you think we are going away??? I hope this is just the start and hope that MDDI is part of the conversation for years to come. We will replace QDMA, MNDHA as the "go to" organization regarding MN herd health if I were to have my way.
im sorry, but having state's listen to scientist recommendations is quite often, not a bad thing.

having competing scientist is better. you usually get a better outcome when you get a group of nerds together instead of a single authority.

What scientific data would that be? Batman had to pull teeth to get the A to produce anything for him to work with.

How'd it work out for me?

I left because people who were passionate about fixing our herd were being muffled and the money wasn't adding up in the organization. I started QHMG group on FB to provide a place to speak freely, and then we ended up with John starting this forum. I think it worked out great!
@$30/member that's 1.1 Million dollars from those 10 states. What did you guys do with that money?
im sorry, but having state's listen to scientist recommendations is quite often, not a bad thing.

having competing scientist is better. you usually get a better outcome when you get a group of nerds together instead of a single authority.
Are you saying that you don't think the Minnesota Office of the Legislative Auditor is going to get the best science available just because QDMA isn't invloved? Hogwash! QDMA may have some pretty smart guys on the payroll but they are by far the end all, be all of deer biologists, c'mon really? Plenty of other great biologists out there that can offer up the same info. If the QDMA yearly deer report is any indication of their level of "data gathering and science", I'd say there are many more people out there that are just as qualified. Tons of inaccurate info in that thing every year about many states deer herds, because they just take the state agencies word on much of the information they print and many guys see it as fact because it was printed in the publication of a "trusted" organization. They should really be pointing out the inaccuracies and taking the states to task every time they see misinformation being given to the deer hunting public. It is the reason deer hunters pay their dues to QDMA, to have an organization to be their voice that is backed by good science that will try to point out and correct "bad science" should it affect the herds/hunters in those states, not so they can get a glossy magazine 6 times a year. They epically failed the hunters and deer herd of the state of MN in that regard.
Buck, until you have laws on the books...legislators don't matter. They want votes...thats all they see.

Jim, i don't give a rats shit if you ever go back to qdma or anybody else. They are the deer management authority and not wanting their help is just plain stoopid.

Passion is a good tool, but using that tool too much will make you look foolish. Reasoning and working within the system is how you get goals met. That is not science..that is how our system works.

i am out for the night...will look forward to more conversation later.
ok...wisc...kip adams would be the one to contact. if you can show me where he would not take minnesota to task for their bad information..then i am all ears.
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