Wassup peeps?!?!?!?

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Every now and again you just gotta put your big-boy pants on. That is the problem with the Q-site. If you didn't sing according to their music.....then you couldn't play along with their site. Sometimes we just don't see eye to eye. :D

There were a few personalities over at that site I didnt care for.....but that is to be expected. All of a sudden you could not be "discontent" or your going out the door. OK :)
Did he step down, or did he get fired for not toeing the line tight enough?

I have no idea what's transpired in the last year over there. But his showing up and acting like nothing happened is trolling for a fight. IMO
I have no dog in this fight either. I stopped caring about QDMA's forum when it was evident the only thing they cared about was converting forum members and their content into dues payments.

QDMA is dead to me.
Stu started it. ( ;) ) .........and I'm glad he did. ........or was it Sandburn? Buncha mal-contents.

Why can't y'all just accept lousy deer management and poor regulations and cheating and kiniving behavior? o_O
Seems like people with lots of deer in their woods want to judge those of us that spend thousands a year to go out in the woods for a week to freeze our ass off and celebrate seeing A DEER. Until you guys come up here and see how shitty the hunting has gotten you really have no right to judge us for being pissed off at our DNR. I have stood by for far too long and watched our lakes get destroyed by the poor management, and the piss poor management of the woods pushed some of us over the edge and into action to try and bring about some accountability.

I fail to see how working entirely in the system like we did to try and improve our shitty hunting is whining.
I never understood why he would have quit posting over there after banning all you whiny crybabies anyway?:eek:;) He had apparently gotten rid of all the drama queens and then some of the less "passionate" guys got there hand spanked via PM's, so you would've thought things would have returned to "normal"?
I fail to see how working entirely in the system like we did to try and improve our shitty hunting is whining.

I don't see it as whining either. I'm proud to know every one of you guys who've stood up and said "this has to change." It's still going to be a rough road moving forward, and I'd be lying to say I don't have animosity over what'll come out in this years regs, but we've started getting attention on the problem. It's a huge start.
Damn proud to know you whiners!
Sometimes you realize your Captain is a douche and the mutineers were right. :)
ok...you want my perspective from knowledge from the qdma.

you have people that were told to stand down and let the political process take effect. they didn't want to wait and raise a ruckus to change things now!...just how did that go for you?

you had respected people in the industry willing to take up your cause and fight for you. you decided that you knew more than them and wanted to disrupt another site to further your cause.

i am sick and tired of so called know it alls taking up much needed helpful electrons on internet sites to forward causes. the deal in minnesota is bad. the way you guys handled it was worse. you could have listened to the qdma and been much further down the road if the correct political processes were followed.

cwd has gained much more notice in missouri since we talked, listened, and followed a plan from a consensus of some very smart people.

this may all go to waste if a republican governor gets into office here. they seem to follow money instead of science...hmmm...see a trend yet?

i don't nor didnt' want to start a fight...but you all wanted to stir it up again....have fun pilgrims...hope the indians don't get ya.
just how is that clueless?
Holy shit... we could be further ahead if we relied on QDMA in MN?

What bullshit.
so having political influence would have hurt?
ok...you want my perspective from knowledge from the qdma.

you have people that were told to stand down and let the political process take effect. they didn't want to wait and raise a ruckus to change things now!...just how did that go for you?

you had respected people in the industry willing to take up your cause and fight for you. you decided that you knew more than them and wanted to disrupt another site to further your cause.

i am sick and tired of so called know it alls taking up much needed helpful electrons on internet sites to forward causes. the deal in minnesota is bad. the way you guys handled it was worse. you could have listened to the qdma and been much further down the road if the correct political processes were followed.

cwd has gained much more notice in missouri since we talked, listened, and followed a plan from a consensus of some very smart people.

this may all go to waste if a republican governor gets into office here. they seem to follow money instead of science...hmmm...see a trend yet?

i don't nor didnt' want to start a fight...but you all wanted to stir it up again....have fun pilgrims...hope the indians don't get ya.
What more could QDMA have done? The deer regs instantly went conservative for last year and this year, there's an audit in place, and multiple MN deer groups are working together and not against each other. QDMA couldn't have pulled this off nor did they want to. A lot of MN hunters are looking forward to better hunting because of the hard work of these guys on this site.
Good Old Boys Club!

Was not going to work! We saw that for 10 years!
It could have been a great political leader/land manager that could have been influenced to step forward in MN if he didn't think he was leading a bunch of mutinous minions to the cliff edge.

None of it was handled well from either side. QDMA, MDDI, nor MN DNR.
this may all go to waste if a republican governor gets into office here. they seem to follow money instead of science...hmmm...see a trend yet?

i don't nor didnt' want to start a fight...but you all wanted to stir it up again....have fun pilgrims...hope the indians don't get ya.

You obviously haven't been following Gov. Prozac's policies very closely. Vikings stadium, baseball stadium, soccer stadium, and DNR got more money but even his people state "No money would come from the state’s general fund." While his top people got ridiculous raises and he is still crying there's no money for education...

Science and democrats? What are you smoking?

Republicans aren't much better, but you've got blinders on if you think the DFL cares about anything more than winning their seats in the next election.
ok...my knowledge is old then...what had transpired now?
just how is that clueless?
REAL political pressure needed to be put on the MN DNR sooner than later, things were getting worse for these guys each and every season, exponentially in some areas. Waiting was not an option, were they supposed to wait another 2 or 3 seasons for QDMA to decide to use whatever meager political clout they might have being a 501c. There herd was already at the lowest levels in decades and the tags were not going to stop flowing from St. Paul anytime soon. Ask them about the walleye situation there DNR has them in at the moment.
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