Walk behind mower home lawn?

Turkey Creek

5 year old buck +
Not your typical question for the forum.:D I have a fairly large yard at least in least in terms of most residential yards. I currently have a John Deere self propelled, walk behind mower. It has been a dang good mower for probably 15 years now. It is definitely showing the years now, taking on a redneck look with Gorrilla tape and 14 ga wire holding a couple things together as of late. Basically time to retire the mower. I probably use it 4-5 hrs a week during the summer. I bought a back up mower a couple years ago, a Craftsman (Sears) it was a piece of junk, didnt even make it through one summer with occasional use! Looking for input on a new one.

snapper pro sw20 36" walk behind is what I would get. Not cheap but its commercial grade. You could pick up some of your neighbors lawns for some extra cash. Then you would be taxidermist, orchard man, and lawn man ;) Sounds like my life haha
Yea but in my little town of 400 I would put the couple highschool kids out of business that mow lawns! :D Then my a$$ would be grass..... pun intended! Those kids do make some darn good money though.
I think you answered your own question. You got 15 years from the Deere they do still make them.
I think you answered your own question. You got 15 years from the Deere they do still make them.
Could very well be. Just thought I woud see what other options might be viable.
I have used a Honda mower for home mowing for many years - zero complaints...;)!
Honda self propelled mowers get top reviews by most. I've owned one for some time....and it's good.