USDA/ SWCD helps w/ habitat improvements

I have been performing habitat improvements for 20+ years but similar to the OP I came across some information and pursued it . I called my local NRCS and started talking about what was available that may mesh with my goals. I had shared that I would like to create another NWSG/pollinator habitat (I have a couple already) and secondarily I have planted various trees for 20+ years and wish to continue to do so. Turns out, their "Conservation cover to provide food habitat for pollinators and beneficial insects" (I believe through EQIP) and "Tree/Shrub planting for wildlife food" (not sure who subsidizes the tree plan) were both a match for my goals and available.

Within the pollinator program there are dozens of flowers/pollinator seed mixes from which you can choose. Reviewing the list some more, I see it also includes Big/little blue, Indian grass, several types of clover, vetch and even alfalfa. Bam!
The tree/shrub list has maybe 80 species,... of which all the types I wished to continue planting were included. Bam x 2!

To be brief I was approved and actually received my payment before I have started. We have talked for hours and they have very few notable restrictions for my 2 plans. They ask I cage/tube the trees for a couple years (been doing that for 20+ already), they ask I remove the invasives from both plan areas (been doing that for 10+ already, lol), they ask I choose native species (no problem!), they ask I prep the pollinator area very well to prevent weeds (been doing that for all my NWSG areas).

Both programs are only 5 years. The tree/shrub plan is paying me about what I expected but the pollinator plan is paying me about 2x more than I anticipated. If I had land in their "high erodable" designation they would be paying me 7x more than they are currently paying. :emoji_astonished: I am doing the same things I have been doing for many years. It seems now they are just paying me to continue doing it and the amount is more than I anticipated.

I wanted to create better turkey/grouse brooding areas hence the choice for another section of pollinator habitat. Wish I would have found NRCS before I started my previous 3 sections of NWSG/pollinator habitat several years ago.

I am soooo glad and I went and talked to the NRCS. My $0.02.
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They do pay you to maintain such as burns,not alot but some.I have had my programs 10-15 years and they are expiring.I am trying to renew but they seem like they don't want to do the work.I would probably leave it even if they don't re enroll me.
Luckily, my NRCS people seem to be game animal management friendly. I'm looking to enroll in a couple EQIP programs for the first time, and they work with my local state private lands biologist. It seems in some areas this doesn't happen. I look at it as another tax credit or deduction as well since I'm getting some of my tax dollars back.
... I look at it as another tax credit or deduction as well since I'm getting some of my tax dollars back.
Yepper! Another great position!
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