And so, there you go. Both sides of the coin. What we are discussing are voluntary programs. Take it or leave it. No problem. There are so many programs, at least here in Virginia, one needs a concierge to figure it out. There's federal money thru FSA and NRCS. State money comes thru the Soil & Water Conservation Districts. There's help from the Department of Forestry, and some programs involve all of those agencies. If you decide to take the money, be clear on THEIR objectives because the deal is for objectives other than creating great deer habitat for you. You are renting your land for another purpose. Hey, its very liberal when you think about it. You still get to use it. You can keep other people out, but don't violate the provisions of the contract. Now you are a landlord and you've lost some control of your property. On the other hand, you've been handed some money. There are 23 - 24 million acres enrolled in CRP. Somebody likes it. Then there are all the other programs. In this country that conservation effort - money for your cooperation touches at least 50 million acres. Some want to take the money and play their own game, and like with taxes and the IRS, a few get burned. For the most part, there is NO penalty if you lie, cheat, or steal. You simply pay back the money you've been paid plus a little interest - t-bill rates.
There's that. If you want to do habitat improvement on your terms and have the resources to do it and want your independence, then just do it. I get it. I'm with you. I want to do it on my terms. Here's an option. If you don't want the money, there's lots of public help -- if you want it. NRCS has soil scientists, wildlife specialists, engineers, and other's more than willing to consult with you for free and you are under no obligation contractually. Bring in a state forester, a wildlife specialist, people who know there stuff and listen. Or you can do it yourself.
Really, there are lots of great options. Pick what's best for you.