Swung through the farm today for some quick turkey scouting and snapped these while I was there.
Eastern leg of the main plot.
Main plot
One of the three ROW’s I ran the plow through.
Some already know this, but I’ve had to learn that a forestry mulcher/chipping head isn’t always the best for clearing an area. Yes it’s fast, but there is the debris left behind & also unless the operator is running it sub surface, and most don’t due to tooth wear, you will have the tree sprouts & stumps that will come back with a vengeance.
I had let some of the debris deteriorate since we had the plot enlarged in ‘18 & this year with mowing & then running the disc over it, plus the last 3-4 yrs of thatch built up from the rye & wheat, hopefully will help the soil.
Side note- the rotten log you see in the main plot, was on a mound of wood debris I had pushed up back in ‘12 or ‘13. I ran the loader into it, some of the richest blackest dirt I ever saw in ENC-
Plan is to spray mid-late summer & start back with our T&M cereal/greens combo for fall.
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