Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II


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I’ve tried several different ways to try and post a link that works for that one it’s hilarious but kicking my backside
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With all due respect to the proud Texans but I’ve never seen a state live more off of reputation than Texas! For such a state full of tough guys who don’t take kindly to their rights being trampled on they sure are letting that state get over run (both liberals and illegals) without putting up much of a fight…
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With all due respect to the proud Texans but I’ve never seen a state live more off of reputation than Texas! For such a state full of tough guys who don’t take kindly to their rights being trampled on they sure are letting that state get over run (both liberals and illegals) without putting up much of a fight…
Most republicans in red states are democrats. It's just easier to get elected if you take the R instead of the D. I have maintained for a long time there isn't a true republican anywhere in the midwest, despite having multiple senators and congressmen. When trash legislation gets 80 votes in the senate, it's the deep red state GOP that helps get it done. All 6 GOP senators in the Dakotas and Iowa will vote for all uni-party garbage.
Most republicans in red states are democrats. It's just easier to get elected if you take the R instead of the D. I have maintained for a long time there isn't a true republican anywhere in the midwest, despite having multiple senators and congressmen. When trash legislation gets 80 votes in the senate, it's the deep red state GOP that helps get it done. All 6 GOP senators in the Dakotas and Iowa will vote for all uni-party garbage.
Agree totally. There’ some but it’s few and far between. But the legend of the texan is so comical these days. If you believed the hype they would have a full blown militia sitting on the border daring criminals to enter their land. Instead at best they are indifferent and at worst they are welcoming. And don’t get me started on Dallas and Austin.
Just wait until the governor of Colorado makes his presidential run to take over behind biden. He'll come for more than guns, he'll fight to remove hunting completely. R vs D won't matter at all.
Just wait until the governor of Colorado makes his presidential run to take over behind biden. He'll come for more than guns, he'll fight to remove hunting completely. R vs D won't matter at all.
HIS (that’s right) husband is a huge anti. That’s another state that has gone down the drain. Enjoy the wolves idiots.
Agree totally. There’ some but it’s few and far between. But the legend of the texan is so comical these days. If you believed the hype they would have a full blown militia sitting on the border daring criminals to enter their land. Instead at best they are indifferent and at worst they are welcoming. And don’t get me started on Dallas and Austin.
They don't have to be shooting illegals in the street, they just aren't stupid about it. When one farmer did shoot some though, he was arrested.

Sometimes it more of a covert operation :)
Being from Ok, it's really hard for me to defend Texas. But, I'll have to say, it's pretty easy to second guess/criticize a state that borders Mexico.
Way back in the day, while playing ball and visiting around the southern texas area, it was all Mexicans, and no one seemed to care at that time. Kinda similar to back in the day when Freddy Mercury and Elton John were at the top of their popularity. Everyone knew they were gay, but no one really cared, don't remember anyone seriously boycotting them, we just turned our radio up louder.
In that regard, I don't think even Texans could have imagined how the world would change, with every absurd belief being force-fed like it is today. Being force-fed is causing some major resentment, and the idiots trying to do it are alienating themselves from the majority.
Most of the true Texans in my circle are as advertised (conservative yet very independent, capital punishment, second amendment rights, etc etc), and are tough SOB's that will "be there when its done". It's just that unexpected change in our society/media that's caught them off guard, and now there's enough lefty's infiltrated to make their screaming be heard.
The silent majority will eventually speak really really loudly (just ask some major corporations trying to sell their product today), and Texas is chock full of them. I wouldn't sell Texas short just yet!

I'll still give them crap every chance I get tho!!!!
Being from Ok, it's really hard for me to defend Texas. But, I'll have to say, it's pretty easy to second guess/criticize a state that borders Mexico.
Way back in the day, while playing ball and visiting around the southern texas area, it was all Mexicans, and no one seemed to care at that time. Kinda similar to back in the day when Freddy Mercury and Elton John were at the top of their popularity. Everyone knew they were gay, but no one really cared, don't remember anyone seriously boycotting them, we just turned our radio up louder.
In that regard, I don't think even Texans could have imagined how the world would change, with every absurd belief being force-fed like it is today. Being force-fed is causing some major resentment, and the idiots trying to do it are alienating themselves from the majority.
Most of the true Texans in my circle are as advertised (conservative yet very independent, capital punishment, second amendment rights, etc etc), and are tough SOB's that will "be there when its done". It's just that unexpected change in our society/media that's caught them off guard, and now there's enough lefty's infiltrated to make their screaming be heard.
The silent majority will eventually speak really really loudly (just ask some major corporations trying to sell their product today), and Texas is chock full of them. I wouldn't sell Texas short just yet!

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I'll still give them crap every chance I get tho!!!!
I get it…but essentially they are just like any other conservative minded individual from any other state. The whole don’t mess with Texas thing is overhype to the highest degree.