Thoughts on this 20 acre property


5 year old buck +
Hey guys,

A 20 acre piece came up for sale about 5 minute drive of my other property. What do you guys think of it? Do you think it lays out for big bucks? My goal is just to expand my hunting opportunities.

fairly secluded (in the middle of a big block of woods)
I believe the wind is right (depending on easement location)

I'd be using an easement
no edge?

Topography - layout


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Have you walked it? Looks kinda like rough hilly country. Topo makes it look like it was logged or pasture. Lots of holes in the canopy (which may not be bad)

On the plus when you zoom out it’s smack dab in the middle of the biggest piece of timber in the neighborhood surrounded by lots of ag.

A lot depends on the neighbors.
I haven't walked it... I am going to reach out to realtor to see if I can walk it when I am down there. one of my ideas is to hinge cut the heck out of it with what trees are left.
If I’m buying 20 acres with the hopes of shooting big bucks my primary concern by a mile is figuring out what kind of hunters the neighbors are.

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x3 on the neighbors as my biggest concern. Could freeze you out or completely disrupt your hunting.
Depends on the price—is it a deal for the area?

Personally I like 50/50 farms timber/tillable, but sometimes a farm in the middle of a section can be a rut hotspot.
Twenty acres is not a lot of land. On top of that, it's smack dab in the middle of a larger chunk of timber and you might find yourself surrounded by hunters. If you hinge cut the whole thing to create crazy good bedding habitat, it could definitely be a big buck hang out....but how are you going to hunt it? Seems like in the evening the deer will be pouring out of that middle 20 and the timber into the surrounding ag fields. That's going to provide some serious challenges. Could be a good spot for morning hunts though. I'm not sure that spot is going to provide you with quality evening hunts. Could be a real hot spot for AM hunts if you can create a great buck bedroom and get in there early.
Depends on the price—is it a deal for the area?

Personally I like 50/50 farms timber/tillable, but sometimes a farm in the middle of a section can be a rut hotspot.

The price is about right for the area. The 50/50 property's definitely go for more. From what I can tell this seller inherited the property. From the topography and typical wind direction I think the bucks would be cruising the leeward side of those two of the fingers. I'll probably at least walk the property to see what kind of buck sign there is. Getting good neighbors is kind of a crap shoot. My existing property has great neighbors. So I might ask my neighbor if they would be willing to sell part of there property.
It never hurts to go check out a property. Make a lower off ... if it’s an estate.

An estate is often a good buying situation. They often just want to get rid of it.
I'm all about small acreage spots, but being in the middle of a bigger woods like that you loose all control to manage anything. Like others have said neighbors hunting practices are a concern, stopping trespassing would be about impossible, opening it up some to plant plots/bedding might help sexy it up for getting more deer traffic but there are lots of ag edges to compete with.
If the price is ridiculously cheap buying to flip later is an is a usually a good investment. Making a little off it and selling and buying a better piece of ground down the road is a good option to have.
Access to the property? From the looks of it, this would be a tailor made situation to locate bedding dead center in property and hunt the outside based on wind. Especially if the timber outside of property is open.
Look at it this way.....IF the neighbors stay on their side of the line, they still disrupt 100 yards into yours (per Jeff Sturgis). So with that in mind - how much property do you have left? My folks have roughly 20 acres....and it feels like I can throw a rock across it at times. It's going to be virtually impossible to actually hold deer. You may create one heck of a bedding area, but those deer will wander beyond your 20 acres.....DAILY! To minimize disturbance you will need to be looking at perimeter access, which looks to be difficult AND if it's THE bedding area in the area your going to get fence sitters as well. I would also be concerned about how the terrain plays with the wind.

As for neighbors....just expect them to be the worst. The reason I say this is because things change...and sometimes very quickly. You may have no hunting neighbors now. You start growing some deer and got every gun in the area surrounding your place. Property ownership and land use can change quickly and your 20 acre sanctuary can become nothing more than a 20 acre brush pile. 20 acres and "big bucks" only go together in my opinion when your talking about creating a sanctuary for them and you control a lot more land around it.

If you can get a deal - then go for it and sell later if it doesn't pan out. If you have realistic opportunity at buying something to expand your current place than don't let that slip thru your fingers by having your hands tied with this place.
Look at it this way.....IF the neighbors stay on their side of the line, they still disrupt 100 yards into yours (per Jeff Sturgis). So with that in mind - how much property do you have left? My folks have roughly 20 acres....and it feels like I can throw a rock across it at times. It's going to be virtually impossible to actually hold deer. You may create one heck of a bedding area, but those deer will wander beyond your 20 acres.....DAILY! To minimize disturbance you will need to be looking at perimeter access, which looks to be difficult AND if it's THE bedding area in the area your going to get fence sitters as well. I would also be concerned about how the terrain plays with the wind.

As for neighbors....just expect them to be the worst. The reason I say this is because things change...and sometimes very quickly. You may have no hunting neighbors now. You start growing some deer and got every gun in the area surrounding your place. Property ownership and land use can change quickly and your 20 acre sanctuary can become nothing more than a 20 acre brush pile. 20 acres and "big bucks" only go together in my opinion when your talking about creating a sanctuary for them and you control a lot more land around it.

If you can get a deal - then go for it and sell later if it doesn't pan out. If you have realistic opportunity at buying something to expand your current place than don't let that slip thru your fingers by having your hands tied with this place.

I agree with this. I would much rather have a 20 acre "island " of trees in the middle of open ground than own 20 acres surrounded by timber owned by others.
Thanks guys … I am going to talk to my neighbors first and see if they would be willing to sell part of their property. I am going to still walk the property just to see, and see how long it stays on the market. The realtor told me the property had been logged eight years ago and two parcels north of this property recently sold, but weren't listed.
Thanks guys … I am going to talk to my neighbors first and see if they would be willing to sell part of their property. I am going to still walk the property just to see, and see how long it stays on the market. The realtor told me the property had been logged eight years ago and two parcels north of this property recently sold, but weren't listed.

Buying a 20 ac plot is like buying a bar stool at a bar ... you hope the pretty girl can pass' all other stools to get to you.

I'd rather be at the front door checking them in or own the bar ... better to get first choice than what others passed on.