I just spent 2 hours with my son, checking trail cameras. My son and I were amazed that water could flow so many directions on our 80. I can not see anyway possible to do any field work until june,. Have rr ag beans, eagle beans, 4 types of white clover, gfr, 4 types of turnips, 150# wr, 2# rr sugar beets. couple bags of rr field corn. Need to add K o-o-60 , 200#/ acre, P 11-52-0, 100# per acre, both by soil test. 9 plots total, 1/4 acre, 3/8, .5, .6, .6, .7, 1.0, 2.5 plus 3/4 acre in trails. Trails are in clover since 2009. Had 3- 12" culverts , could not nandle water, washout, will add 3 more as soon as tractor can get there. Had 4 wheeler stuck, and tractor stuck, thats how heart attack started. Can we get someone to help with solutions?