Attached is the photo that I couldn't up;load on Sunday; if you look closely you will see a tree in the background - between the 2 Regal Prince trees in the foreground. As you and others probably know, the Regal Prince trees are a hybrid cross between a SWO X English oak. I know the tree in the background is largely bur oak ... it is about 18 yds SW of 4 magnificent Regal Prince hybrids (see May 29 / #276 post above). Since white oak trees are largely wind pollinated and, with our prevailing winds out of the southwest, it seems to me that this situation might be ripe (if I'm lucky) for a 3-way cross (swo X English X bur oak). All 5 trees are throwing acorns this year; however we are in a severe drought situation so I don't expect high volume or large size acorns. I may try my hand at hand pollinating each species with the other. I have no idea what the odds of success are; however (I suspect they are low), I am curious enough to take a shot at it. I'm also going to consult some experts. This post reflects another thing I did wrong .... paying too much attention to the 4 larger trees which led me to overlook the important 5th tree about 50 ft away. Since these are specimen/sidewalk trees in a commercial setting, I doubt anyone planted them in this configuration with the hope/expectation of a hybrid cross. The point is ... if you find a good tree, look around and be aware of what other trees may be in the immediate vicinity.
The leaves on the left are from Regal Prince (swo X English oak) and the leaves on the right side of the photo are from the mystery tree (hoping for a hybrid bur x maybe a swo). The mystery tree clearly has acorns reflecting bur oak parentage; further, the tree does not exhibit the "peeling" bark on the trunk often characteristic of young swo trees. Leaf shape (especially the top half of the larger leaves / mystery tree) and leaf color (verry light ... but probably a weak marker) is what gives me hope there is some swo in it's heritage.
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