The Throw n’ Mow Method

Impressive. What is growing in photo 3?
Attempted throw and roll this year on my new farm.
Started with an old hay field. Field is a total or around 7 acres and I used 2 acres for the plot.

Didn't have any equipment so I bought an ATV sprayer from TSC for around $200 and strapped it to my tailgate. This and an Earthway seeder was they only things i purchased for the plot.

Burned it down with generic Gly the first time on 8/1. Had a pop up thunderstorm just as I was finishing. Inches of rain that afternoon when there was 0% chance. I actually ended up getting a pretty good kill considering.

I decided to go ahead and spray again the day I spread the seed. I used Welter Seed Big Buck Brassicas mix. Had 14% PTT, 28% DER, 28% GHR and 28% Pasja Brassica. I also spread a couple pounds of ladino in hopes it would pop come spring. I spread at 10lbs/ acre which i knew was a little heavy, but I antcipated a decreased germination rate due to planting technique. After spreading seed I rolled it with a borrowed atv and a rented lawn roller. After the throw and roll.

Had decent but spotty germination.

On 9/11 I spread 3lbs of GHR, 100# cereal rye and 50# of wheat to fill in the holes in the plot. There was very obvious areas i had completely missed on my first seeding.
I also spread 100# of 46-0-0 and 100# of 19-19-19 on 9/11. This was the first and only fertilizer.
Filled in nicely by the first week of October.


By Mid to Late October It looked great and had big tubers. The deer were pretty much only eating the radish and cereals.

And now at middle of November it does not look so great. This is my first experience with brassicas but i don't think they should look like this. We have had a handful of frosts but the lowest temp has probably been 25 F.

It seems to look worse every time i see it. There are quite a few big turnips and radish tubers in there but the leaf tissue is all degrading fast. I know that some areas had too high of plant density, i ended up with much better germination than anticipated. Future I will spread less than recommended and come back and overseed if needed. I also should have performed a soil test and amended correctly.

This is the first time these deer have encountered turnips and radish tubers. They have not touched any tuber yet and I am worried they may ignore them.
I may overseed with 100#/acre of rye as a hail marry to have a decent food source this winter.

Lots of lessons learned on my first plot. Thanks to everyone in this thread for all the tips and tricks on throw and mow/roll!
Did you hit it with nitrogen when it first started to yellow? My fields started to yellow so I hit them with 100 lbs/ acre of 33-0-0 and it really kicked growth into high gear. I continue to monitor in case I need to hit them again.

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You ran out of nitrogen. You need some 33-0-0.
I think it would likely perk up a lot from what it is now.
My throw and mow turned out better than I expected this season with the exception of the half that was winter rye last year. Turns out It was a good thing that the rye out produced the brassica because it is being used a lot more than the other half that is solid brassica. We have had some cold weather this year with temps getting down to 10. The leaves are pretty wilted but the radishes are getting some use. The thing that shocked me was how much they are targeting the chicory that the gly didnt kill. My bulbs are smaller than I had with traditional tillage but that is what I was hoping for anyway because my deer seem to prefer the smaller bulbs. I'm hoping that with the smaller bulbs they start to use it earlier so I can have a chance of hunting over it muzzleloader season. Fingers crossed because they usually dont start to touch it until February.
SoInHunter- I will be trying something similar on some over due pasture next year. Beings it's so far from home, I'll probably just go light on the bassicas and heavier on the clover and winter rye as I'm not there often enough to keep an eye on when it needs fertilizer. My ground's in Crawford Co, what part of So. IN do you call home?
Hey Crimson n' Camo, at what rate do you seed? I think that some culprits may have had an effect. When was that planted? Far Field Turkey.JPG Far Field Turkey.JPG
I use roughly 100 lbs/ac on my cereal grains.....1 lb/ac on brassicas (which ended up a little thicker than I wanted) and 10-15 lbs/ac of clover.....That was cereal rye, purple top turnips, and a three different clovers....yuchi arrowleaf, durana, crimson
Thanks. Any comments on the turkey eating seed?
They're a nuisance with tillage or TnM.....Nothing birds like better than seed and bare dirt. About the only solution is thick thatch and try to plan your planting just ahead of some rain so that it germinates quickly.
The field pictured above was planted with triticale, oats, peas, buckwheat, berseem and crimson on 6/1. Winfred, radish, turnip, kale and rutabaga, throw and mow on 8/5. Buckwheat in first planting as usual got demolished, along with peas. Picture is 10/18, so I am guessing that most of what is visible is regrowth of triticale and oats. Overseeded with rye 10/3 since I did not see much from the brassicas. This field joins another planted in ladino, medium red, berseem, alsike, chicory and alfalfa and the ever popular rye 8/29 after spending too much time removing rocks so that I can mow safely. Picture of that field.Landing.JPG

Going back to first picture, will that be sufficient thatch? Recommendations?.
Started with a "clean" field in May of 2015. Here it is in buckwheat, July 2015.


Mid August 2015 I overseeded with rye, clover, and radish. Spring of 2016 rye and clover looking good.


July of 2016 the rye has matured and the red clover is about a foot tall.



Recently overseeded with some turnips and urea. More winter rye goes in about a month from now.

Did you mow or roll the buckwheat before you overseeded, or did you just broadcast the seed straight into the standing buckwheat?
Did you mow or roll the buckwheat before you overseeded, or did you just broadcast the seed straight into the standing buckwheat?
All I did was walk through the standing buckwheat with my solo spreader to broadcast the rye and clover, didn't mow or roll. The plot is still going strong and hasn't seen a tire track since May 2015. Every August I broadcast rye into it again. This year I also threw in some white clover to see if I can get it to establish.
All I did was walk through the standing buckwheat with my solo spreader to broadcast the rye and clover, didn't mow or roll. The plot is still going strong and hasn't seen a tire track since May 2015. Every August I broadcast rye into it again. This year I also threw in some white clover to see if I can get it to establish.

Thats cool! Thanks. I'm new to the plot thing. I just purchased 52 acres last year and will plant for the first time this spring, so I'm learning as much as I can. I'm super excited to learn from this thread!
Greetings. Plenty of great info on this forum.
I checked my plots out this weekend. The sugar beets havent been touched yet so i kicked some of them loose hoping the exposed inner part of them will get them to try them out. The rye/wheat plots are getting used a little and the radish tubers are being eaten. The other bulbs havent been touched but im assuming the 8-12" were forecasted to get the end of the week will help. Cant wait to get out in the tree a couple of times the last week of our season.
My rye is now covered with about 2-3 inches of snow. The deer simply do not dig through the snow to get at rye by me, even when it's just a couple inches. They will dig deep to get at turnips but I don't have any this year. The rye won't shine for me again until early spring when the snow melts.