5 year old buck +
I went back and pulled out the clip where I was making a second pass at 90 degrees to try to catch the stuff that laid down but didn't snap. I know there was a guy on here that did this earlier in the year with his rye and his packer or cultipacker. I know he got it flat, but I don't know if we got follow up reports on it.
I sped this up to 3x to move it along. It does seem like it laid down a little better with the second pass. I really don't have the right packer to do this. Mine has the sprockets between the smooth wheels. One like this without the sprockets would have better psi on those tips, and I bet would do a really nice job.
I sped this up to 3x to move it along. It does seem like it laid down a little better with the second pass. I really don't have the right packer to do this. Mine has the sprockets between the smooth wheels. One like this without the sprockets would have better psi on those tips, and I bet would do a really nice job.

Two direction crimping with cultipacker
I've been wanting to try this. Trying to crimp my crop without having to get another piece of equipment. Not sure if this will work, but here's the try.