The Sweet Clover Thread

SD I have wondered that too. How many bees do you think do not make it out of the roller crimper way.
There's no way to miss them all, and that's an unfortunate reality. The upside is you've left the system in place for them to rebound much like a mosquito population. I think your idea of rolling later in the evening is a good one. I'm not sure where those bees go in the evening, and I'd bet it's different for each type of bee. Some probably sleep out there in the plot, and some head underground, some head back into trees.
The chicory bolts are getting eaten, but they should outrun the deer soon.



I learned these are hover flies?





I also learned this isn’t a beneficial bug. It’s a meadow plant bug and it’s not good for rye. Only saw these two getting busy. There are other bugs that will regulate these.


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There's no way to miss them all, and that's an unfortunate reality. The upside is you've left the system in place for them to rebound much like a mosquito population. I think your idea of rolling later in the evening is a good one. I'm not sure where those bees go in the evening, and I'd bet it's different for each type of bee. Some probably sleep out there in the plot, and some head underground, some head back into trees.
I've always assumed that all bees return to their hives each night. I think that is true. I never see many bees an hour or so before dark. Here is an article on bees at night....

I doubt that you will kill many with a roller crimper......but what do I know?
Frantic are you saying your existing cliver did not come back up through your crimp. ???

It was newly seeded annual. Haven’t seen it pop through yet.

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As a bee keeper I’ll argue all day long that not all bees return to their hive/nests or burrows at dark. Most yes but all no. I’ve moved swarm traps after dark and gone back the next day to put up a new trap box and have seen 100s looking for the old box. Most native and solitary species don’t even have a nesting site. I’d think crimping in the middle of the day would be better, at least they’d have a chance to get out of the way
Oh what a day. The clovers are starting to finish up.


It looks like the balansa is almost dry. The red seems to be taking longer.


The chicory is starting to open up.


Normally I don’t get worked up about weeds, but there was a wild parsnip in there. It got yanked and mulched into the lawn.


Do you see him?


I was originally gonna use this photo to voice my bi-weekly hate of hairy vetch (don’t ever plant that shit) but check out that 5.5’ balansa on the right!


Some YSC did make 7’ again.


Lots of browsing in here. The critters have knocked down at least a third of this plot, so it’s gonna need to be rolled.


I can say they eat YSC all the way thru July. I’ve been finding it browsed all over. Doesn’t matter how stemmy it is. And I’ve got natural browse off the hook on my property.


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