^^^ Odd that they haven't cleaned up your apple pumice. Here, they'd be fighting over it.
Sorry to hear about the CWD there. We have it here within 20 minutes of my home. PGC has areas marked out for post-mortems & has issued warnings about deer taken in those areas.
The shriveled crab apples on the Profusion crab in our yard are drawing flocks of birds now - robins in particular. Late winter feast for migrating birds. Time for the cedar waxwings to show up.
And yep - folks sitting in glass towers don't have a very good view of things like other people walking the terrain and seeing actual signs like tracks, etc. Our Game Commission told us we were overrun with deer, despite me walking miles on snow and not cutting a track. - - - Pants polishers at meetings / dinners / on TV ……………