Yup. Southeast of the house.Looks good Art, is that the seasonally damp area you dropped a roll of wire at last spring?
In that finger is another crab that I started from a piece of root. It is a slow process. I have this tree and all fo the rest shaded on the south side.View attachment 5975
And also a violi's crab from sln. It has started to grow in it's second leaf.
View attachment 5976
You might not need to do so if the south side is not exposed to the winter sun.Tress are looking good. I am going to start leaving everything on the south side as well.
Fair point Bnb :eek::oops:
I do have more room...but it will require starting to fill foodplots with fruit trees. I just may turn those foodplots into fruit tree/clover plots in the future.
It would be good to sit down together and work on a few of them. I hope to do a dozen or so next year and have areas sprayed. They marked with a single conduit or stake in the picture.Your fruit trees are looking pretty good Art. Maybe I can pay you or Stu to graft me up some varieties each year. This hopefully will be the next step in my habitat plans. Only problem is I suck at it. I did 5 grafts this spring on those dolgo rootstock and they all failed:(
And probably some good BS'n besides.We'll get 'er done then
I would like to do that. I work most Saturdays.I was thinking of inviting a few of you guys out to my property in August once the fricken deer flies go away. Any takers?
Update.View from the stand. I'm not sure if the corn will be mature enough or not. There are a few rows of beans in there, also.
View attachment 5621 View attachment 5622