5 year old buck +
Can Do Bur !!
I'm a fan of naturally sweet apple sauce. I've used Connel Red and those were my favorite that I've tried to date. I let my apples sit for a while before I make them into sauce. Then I run them through my meat grinder after only being washed, cored, and quartered. Then the juice and the pulp separates somewhat and a guy could split up the jars a little between sauce and juice.Being diabetic, I want to start making my own apple sauce(it's my favorite way to eat apples other than pie) to cut back on the corn syrup they so love to use in store bought products. How much sugar do you typically add to your sauce and are their sweeter tasting apples that would require less refined sugar that could be used? Of course Fuji would be on that list, maybe Honeycrisp as well, but any others I should look into? I would like to try making some sauce with some Pitmaston Pineapple, but I have never seen them for sale, likely because they are not commonly grown.
True and I have thought of that as well, just haven't pulled the trigger on that experiment yet.You could use Stevia to sweeten instead of sugar
The big crabs are chestnut and we make most of our apple sauce from that. This is an off year for dolgo, but dolgos make a great red sauce and we only got about 3/4 kettle of dolgo sauce.Bur - Are those big crabs in the pot Chestnut ?? Do you ever mix crabs and regular apples to make sauce ??