I like the tubes to get some height on the trees, but no longer like the long tubes.Interesting way to deal with the tubes Art. I'm going to roll the dice on my trees/grafts in tubes this year and see what happens. I do know I'm getting better growth this year in tubes than I had previous years without them....how that translates long term remains to be seen.
Which ones were they and can you ventilate it a bit more for the rest of the summer to harden it off?Art, checked on my grafts/scions from you today....one is over waist high in a 4' tube, I won't be surprised if its out of the tube before the end of summer. Now to see if they survive winter in tubes
Chestnut crab has also been a fast grower.Which ones were they and can you ventilate it a bit more for the rest of the summer to harden it off?
The wild crab from my neighbor has been a fast grower. Two inch crab that drops about Veterans day.
I keep finding room. Before you order, please let me know.I'd like to try a handful of either ranetka or baccata rootstocks. I may contact Walden Heights to see if I could get 10...pretty much be out of room for more fruit trees after those 10 I think...unless I hire a bulldozer someday :D
That makes perfect sense, but I have also read that Antonovka are not self pollinating, so how can this be? :confused:This is what confused me, as I was under the impression already that what you said might be true about them being pollinated by the same variety of tree. Some of this apple stuff...:confused:o_O:confused:!!!Antonovka from seed would be similar to Dolgo or Siberian crab from seed...they'll come true to seed if they're pollinated by another Antonovka (or Dolgo to Dolgo or Siberian to Siberian). In many parts of Russia, the only full size apples grown in an orchard are Antonovka...so the resulting seed may likely produce another Antonovka tree.