Switchgrass Biomass Trials


5 year old buck +
I wanted to share a PDF link regarding Switchgrass Field Trials. I found this to be a very good read as the trial areas provide the amount of rain fall and they tested 5 years. They also comment on geographic location and how far is reasonable for trying a variety that is far from its origin. In my case Sunburst looks like a good variety while CIR is not. My area is drier and significantly farther north than Illinois where CIR originated.

If I remember correctly Crazy Ed recommends Sunburst as it has been successful on his sandy soils.

Good reading for those trying to determine which variety works best for their area.

Thanks for posting Freeborn, I looked at this document about 6 or 8 months ago and could never find it again because I couldn't remember what I searched for when I found it the first time. I was kicking myself for not posting the link then. Good info! One of the things with CIR is I feel for it to do really well, it needs the "summer heat" that it would normally get in it's native latitude, take that away by moving too far north and it doesn't seem to perform as well. The other issue with CIR is that it is a lowland ecotype and while it is very adaptive to other sites, it does best on a more lowland type of soil. Forestburg ecotype is from SD as well and is very similar to Sunburst and would also be a good choice for the more northern growers(excellent hardiness and persistence) on upland type soils.
Thnks for posting