Swiffy's View From Rocky Knoll

Everythings looking good!
That certainly makes getting out of bed easier!
Here’s a clover patch on year #6. It’s been beautiful but looks like the reed canary is starting to take over. I’ve sprayed with cleth but that didn’t seem to set this stuff back. I gave it the 3rd cutting for the year. Maybe have to put it back in brassicas next year...B833D5E9-24E6-4BFA-9086-DDA9BEF85888.jpeg


More flowers... the bees and the monarchs seem to be out heavy right now!

My 2nd attempt planting brassicas. Got dumped on the next day and looks like they are coming up nicely! Planted August 15, hope they get big enough to provide something...

Finally another nice looking soybean plot in a rich bottom with my little partner
Me and my little buddy, Perkins, went and broadcasted some oats and rye today in some brassicas and beans. Lots to do yet. My brassicas seem to be growing well in the last week to 10 days.
That buck really wants to be a super star. Looks young to me(long legs). In the end it doesn't matter what myself or anyone else thinks. Shoot what makes you happy. I planted my brassica on the 12 this year and they dont look that good yet. (broadcast No tillage)
Perkins looks like a spoiled pup(as he should be) Good times. Enjoyed your pictures
Brassicas are coming along nicely in a few different plots.
Here’s a throw ‘n roll with Rye and Winfred Rape
Everything is looking really good.
I want to hear more about Perkins, brittany? Does he bird hunt? Great looking pup.
Everything is looking really good.
I want to hear more about Perkins, brittany? Does he bird hunt? Great looking pup.

Hey thanks H2O!

Well heres the background... Ive had 2 amazing old Black Labs. Best dogs ever! Both lived into their teens and recovered thousands of ducks and pheasants. In the last 15 years the ducks have vanished from our state. I mean nothing like the "good old days" so ive really lost my fire. Thats when I really became more interested in Deer hunting and after I moved her to the farm, trapping as well. SO a few years a ago I had a buddy with a Drathaar. I though it was cool so I bought one of them for birds and coons and coyotes and deer recovery. That thing was a MANIAC! Maybe would have been good in my early 20's when I hunted more, but now...no. I swore Id never get rid of a dog, but I had to keep this one outside, my girls were scared of him because of his size and energy and his always wet beard... he was so loving, but just too much dog for our family. Which takes us to Perkins.

I missed having a dog and a companion at my side when Im out and about and working in the shop. I dont care so much about hunting anymore but I want a dog capable of finding and retrieving pheasants as I do enjoy it behind a good dog. My girls want a little dog that pretty and cute but I refuse to own a worthless ankle biter. So after researching and talking with some friends who own different dogs and this and that, we decided maybe an English Field Cocker Spaniel would be the right dog for our family. So in early May when I was done taking my shed hunting trips and ready to stay home with a pup, we want and got Perkins. So far, I think, hes been wonderful. Hes full of energy and the most loving little dog. Hes always at my side and in the car with me. He loves to retrieve and swim. He has a GREAT nose and has been getting up a lot of pheasants on our walks lately. He needs some obedience work but seems to learn very quickly. He just turned 6 months and is about 15 pounds! I wanted a small dog but he is a tiny little bugger. Doesnt seem to slow him down at all! His parents are both about 26-28 pounds. I plan on using him for pheasants and sheds and hopefully for trailing wounded game. So far hes perfect but I am not used to this thin, wispy, soft hair!!! Man im trying to brush out the preachers lice and the cockle burrs 3 times a day!

Dogs are great! Thanks for asking about him H20fwler. I hope to include him in posts for years and hes a part of my children growing up and me growing old in Gods country!
That is awesome SWIFFY!
Sounds like you two are going to have some fun training in the next year or so, it’s great that he is a good family dog too.
I’m a dog lover from the ground up, especially hunting dogs. I just can’t imagine not sharing my life with a pup, I’ve been lucky and have been blessed with a few good ones over the years.
Like you I take my girl along with me constantly if I’m not at work.
Looking forward to seeing Perkins adventures in the future. How did you come up with his name? It fits him and sounds unique.
Thanks! Yes, its obvious youre a dog lover! I really enjoy watching your posts with you and Darcy as well. I dont hunt waterfowl much anymore but that fire is still inside me. I love how versatile she is finding upland, waterfowl and SHEDS!!!! Thats a really great partner you have there!

Ahhh the name... well my grandfather worked for Perkins Lumber for 45 years, followed by my dad who worked there for 37 years before he suddenly died in his sleep one night. You dont think about how much a family members workplace is a part of your life until... all of a sudden its not anymore. We had hat and jackets and this and that all our lives that said "Perkins" on them. Usually when he/we talked about work it was in a negative connotation relating to how many years of his life it ate up. But now that hes gone I miss Perkins, the people, the warmth, the free popcorn, the smell of the place... maybe it was the wood, but one of those smells you only remember from your childhood that never leaves you. Anyway it was a name that had been thrown around in our family for decades and wasnt anymore and part of me just missed hearing it. That was one part...

We were still up in the air about a name when we stopped at my mothers house before going to get the dog. Interestingly she had just finished reading a book. The book was about the life of Maxwell Perkins. He was a publisher in the early 1900's and was known for searching out new authors and was basically responsible for a new literary generation around 1920. Perkins was the one who stood behind authors like F.S. Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway when no one else would give them a chance. Anyway, after finishing the book my mother was astounded at the loyalty Perkins showed towards his authors. Even though they may have had their difficulties over the years, he had their backs and spent his career fighting for their success. She said Hopefully this dog will be half as loyal and good to you as Maxwell Perkins was to the people who counted on him.

And that was it. It just seemed meant to be. Hes our Perkins.

Sorry for the long explanation.... but I guess this is "my thread" so... love it or hate it, there you have it! :)
That is a great story on the name picking with some really good family history wrapped up in it. I feel like your dog is going to be a special one already!
Funny how you mentioned the publisher Maxwell Perkins, that is similar to how we picked our dogs name too but not near as special. My wife is a big Jane Austin fan and her favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice with one of the main characters being Mr Darcy.
Ah yes! That sounds like one my wife would roll up in front of every Monday night or something on PBS... or maybe it was Downton Abbey... what’s the difference! Lol cool cool
Your place is absolutely awesome, where are the milkweed that you sent me seeds located?
Hey ACCMan! Milkweed is everywhere. I can’t say there’s an area where it’s solid, but the whole farm has it growing where things aren’t sprayed. It seems to thrive where there’s mowing... I don’t know why? There’s hardly a spot where there’s not a plat every 10 square feet. I saw the first one today that split...
Man, I love your place. If I had that it would work me to death but I would love every minute. If you need a hired hand, let me know. The next time you send some milkweed, you could enclose a couple of those nice bucks. Give that wonderful little pup a pat on the head for me.

Well thank you very much! Ill see what I can do:emoji_wink:

Ive actually been looking for a hired hand, it doesnt pay well, but I promise you all the snow you can shovel! :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Will you get me an enclosed cab tractor with a seat for Perkins?