Thanks! Yes, its obvious youre a dog lover! I really enjoy watching your posts with you and Darcy as well. I dont hunt waterfowl much anymore but that fire is still inside me. I love how versatile she is finding upland, waterfowl and SHEDS!!!! Thats a really great partner you have there!
Ahhh the name... well my grandfather worked for Perkins Lumber for 45 years, followed by my dad who worked there for 37 years before he suddenly died in his sleep one night. You dont think about how much a family members workplace is a part of your life until... all of a sudden its not anymore. We had hat and jackets and this and that all our lives that said "Perkins" on them. Usually when he/we talked about work it was in a negative connotation relating to how many years of his life it ate up. But now that hes gone I miss Perkins, the people, the warmth, the free popcorn, the smell of the place... maybe it was the wood, but one of those smells you only remember from your childhood that never leaves you. Anyway it was a name that had been thrown around in our family for decades and wasnt anymore and part of me just missed hearing it. That was one part...
We were still up in the air about a name when we stopped at my mothers house before going to get the dog. Interestingly she had just finished reading a book. The book was about the life of Maxwell Perkins. He was a publisher in the early 1900's and was known for searching out new authors and was basically responsible for a new literary generation around 1920. Perkins was the one who stood behind authors like F.S. Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway when no one else would give them a chance. Anyway, after finishing the book my mother was astounded at the loyalty Perkins showed towards his authors. Even though they may have had their difficulties over the years, he had their backs and spent his career fighting for their success. She said Hopefully this dog will be half as loyal and good to you as Maxwell Perkins was to the people who counted on him.
And that was it. It just seemed meant to be. Hes our Perkins.
Sorry for the long explanation.... but I guess this is "my thread" so... love it or hate it, there you have it! :)