Strange Things That have Happened While Hunting!

3 years ago our camp got a nice little fat fork horn. Nobody fired a shot. I was down the road a few miles and back into the bush about a mile and came across a the little guy laying there dead. He was pretty stiff, but still warm. Didnt look like anyone was gonna claim him so we threw a tag on him and took him back to camp. Not to many people can say they got a deer with out discharging a weapon or hitting it with a car. That was the second one that I know the big guy from NE tagged without shooting it. The other one didnt make it in front of a buick.
Hey knock it off.
I was just getting ready to tell another story about the chick in the mini skirt. Yup the same one. It's the prequel.
Whip was that at the Hardwood bombing range?
The B-2 was headed towards Hardwood, my assumption is that it was flying out of Volk Field in Camp Douglas. The area we were hunting that day was actually in the Meadow Valley State Wildlife Area, just across Hwy 173 from the Necedah NWR. About 3-5 miles due west of Hardwood and about 10-12 miles NNE of Volk Field.
On our farm growing up, we never really had great hunting dogs. About half might have come with, but were about useless from there. The cats on the other hand were well trained soldiers. We would often walk the pasture and shoot blackbirds and the cats would tag along and follow the barrel to see where the birds would be falling from. Well we had one that was a dog in a cat body. That cat had trailed Omaha Steve from a distance out to his stand. This was the kind of cat that just needed to be on you. That cat climbed up the tree (only had screw-in steps) to the chain on stand and sat between his boots for the entire morning sit, and didn't move a muscle.
I found out about the Hardwood range the hard way. I was out on the bike riding in that area. I was cruseing along and 2 jets come out of no where at tree top level. I about stained my shorts. I got up to Frost Watch to have a cold one and let the wheel bearings cool off and told the bar tender about what happened. She told me about the bombing range.
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I found out about the Hardwood range the hard way. I was out on the bike riding in that area. I was cruseing along and 2 jets come out of no where at tree top level. I about stained my shorts. I got up to Frost Watch to have a cold one and let the wheel bearings cool off and told the bar tender about what happened. She told me about the bombing range.
Were you riding your H-D on the dirt roads right in and around the Range? :eek: Or just outside that area on the paved back roads? We used to take coolers full of beer up there and sit in the bleachers at the viewing area watch the A-10 Warthogs do strafing and bombing runs. Really cool when you can see the rounds hitting the targets before you hear the gunfire and jet engines. And then they come screaming over the treetops behind you! :cool:We find unexploded ordinance laying in the woods up there all the time when we make deer drives on the Range(training flights are suspended and the majority of the Range is open to hunting during the 9 day gun season). They have had a wolfpack up there for a number of years as well, so the population is nowhere near what it once was. We still drive through there every gun season just to check out the number of hunters, but haven't actually hunted it for 3 or 4 years now.
I love Frost Watch!(I think the name may have changed, it has been a few years since I've been up to Babcock) Every once in a while I used to hang out there with some buddies who lived up that way and worked at the cranberry bogs. Those little pubs around there can get a bit rough during the 9 day gun season, especially the Friday night before opener. Wilderness Inn and Josie's Hideaway are right on Hwy 80 and can get a bit out of hand at times as well. Most of the time they don't even bother calling in bar fights, the County Sheriff Department is over 40 minutes away down in Mauston. By the time they even attempt to get there the place has cleared out.
Back in the early 90's, 4 of us were on a "scouting road trip" looking for deer up near the Refuge and we were "hopping" our way back south towards home and we decided to stop at Josie's Hideaway to take a leak and refill the cooler one last time. My old Uncle Leroy runs in to use the bathroom and about 5 seconds later he comes flying back out the door as white as a sheet, he proceeds to tell us "I would rather p!ss my pants than walk into that bar!" o_O I said "What's Up?" he tells me to go in and grab beer and find out for myself. So I head to the door, walk in, and the whole bar is full of about 30-40 slobbering drunk Winnebago Indians whooping and hollering and tearing sh!t up. Needless to say I grabbed a 12 pack and we got the h#ll out of there!:eek:
Bossman and MO, come on guys......


Can't we just agree our Pres carries the biggest stick? ;)
Were you riding your H-D on the dirt roads right in and around the Range? :eek: Or just outside that area on the paved back roads?

I was on paved roads I try not to hit the dirt roads but sometime have to. I was on a poker run, went down on 173 across on 21 and back up on 80. I was on 80 when they flew over. I've been to the range several times watching them do strafing. Those warthogs are something else. Several years ago they had an open house with all different fly overs, bombs and strafing runs. I know what you mean about the Indians when they let loose with the fire water.
MNFISH - post # 28 - I had that same thing happen to me with a Barred owl. It lit on a limb at arms length away while I was turned looking for deer on a rise behind me. When I turned around, 2 huge black eyes were staring at me from 3 ft. !!! I about splattered my shorts too. 20 ft. up in a tree stand you're not expecting company !! Why it didn't rake my head when it flew in is beyond me.

Probably the strangest WILDLIFE episode I ever had was in October after the leaves had mostly all fallen. I had spent the evening in a tree stand and was walking back to my vehicle about 2 miles down a mountain. At the intersection of 2 woods roads near some fields - and in dry, crunchy, noisy conditions - a big doe and her fawn were eating acorns on the road. It was star-lit, but pitch dark, - bow in one hand, climber in the other. The doe never snorted, stomped her feet ..... just looked toward me & went back to eating acorns. The fawn came walking right over to me, sniffed my camo pants up & down the leg, rubbed it's nose on the knee area, then ate some acorns right at my feet !!! After about 4 - 5 minutes, the fawn sneezed and blew snot and acorn bits all over my leg. The doe walked over to about 6 ft. away from me and made a little sniffing sound, then a quiet " baa " sound and they just walked slowly away to a distance of about 20 yds. and continued eating acorns !!! I walked real easy & quietly away from them to head down the mountain and they never spooked - just kept eating acorns !!! How do you figure THAT one ??? 99% of the time, they'd have been in high gear way before I got to even SEE them, as noisy & crunchy as it was. I'll never forget that encounter.
Had a small Screech owl land on my head once when setting in a treestand. I saw it coming, felt it land on my stocking cap and within a second it flew away.

Swore I saw a UFO one night walking back to my pickup. Saw 3 lights up high in the sky blue, red and green in a triangular pattern. Assumed it was a helicopter, plane or something until it shot way across the sky in just a split second. Stayed in the same location the rest of the night. Looked at it through binoculars when I got back to the pickup. Never saw anything like it in the sky since.
Not sure about anyone else......but I lost a little respect for some folks on this thread. :(
Had a small Screech owl land on my head once when setting in a treestand. I saw it coming, felt it land on my stocking cap and within a second it flew away.

Swore I saw a UFO one night walking back to my pickup. Saw 3 lights up high in the sky blue, red and green in a triangular pattern. Assumed it was a helicopter, plane or something until it shot way across the sky in just a split second. Stayed in the same location the rest of the night. Looked at it through binoculars when I got back to the pickup. Never saw anything like it in the sky since.

One time at a annual family party at my dads farm we took glow sticks and put them in rubbers filled with helium and tied them to fishing line on fishing poles. We let them WAY out in the sky. This looks like UFOs and has fooled allot of people over the yrs. On a breezy ev they will shoot across the sky super fast! We had the hole party freaking out! My uncle said "I'm convinced I have seen a UFO" we couldn't contain ourselves and started cracking up. He was pissed when we told him what we had done lol...
My buddy had traffic stopped on major interstate hwy with this trick :oops:
I think sometimes owls see something moving in a tree and just have to investigate. If we're in camo and up in a tree, moving slightly .... who knows what an owl thinks ??

Foggy - I don't know if you're referring to my above deer encounter, if you think it's BS ......... but it isn't. I have no clue why it happened then - or now. Had it not happened to me, I would probably think it was BS too if I heard it from someone. I still think it's weird !!
You could have saved that one for yourself. Crappy story.


Yeah not the best situation and a crappy ending to the story, pretty messed up for a couple 14 year olds to see. When I told my dad about it he said that guy has lived there for many years and my dad has never seen him. Nice looking house on at least 40 acres too, not the kind of place you would expect a weirdo like that to have. Still one of the strangest things that I have seen and I drive by the guys house a few times a year and shake my head. I sure as heck wouldn't want to get lost in the woods and end up on that guys place.
I think sometimes owls see something moving in a tree and just have to investigate. If we're in camo and up in a tree, moving slightly .... who knows what an owl thinks ??

Foggy - I don't know if you're referring to my above deer encounter, if you think it's BS ......... but it isn't. I have no clue why it happened then - or now. Had it not happened to me, I would probably think it was BS too if I heard it from someone. I still think it's weird !!

BNB I'd bet the farm his reply has 0% to do with you.
^^^^I agree^^^^