Strange Things That have Happened While Hunting!

More of a living in the middle of nowhere story...

My cousin was the same age as me and lived a mile down the road so we always ran around causing trouble when possible. One time when we were around 14 (around 12-13 years ago) we had seen a a dog that was laying in the ditch all bloody and beat up a few miles up the road. When we drove up some other dogs had ran off and it looked like they had been attacking it. We recognized it was from a house just up the road so we drove up there to tell the guy his dog was injured. We did not know the guy and when I knocked on the door a big guy, both height and weight, and answered the door in his whitey tightys. I told him about the dog and he grumbled a little bit, grabbed a bathrobe and got into his vehicle and drove down to where the dog was. We went back down there as well and started saying we didn't know what happened to it. He took a look at it, reached behind his pickup seat, pulled out a large 44 mag revolver, said "I shot the c@#&sucker". He walked up to the dog, shot it in the head, and drove back to his house.

Friend and I looked at each other, said WTF, and went about our day. A couple weeks later we heard that a different guy in that neighborhood was telling everyone a couple teenagers on dirtbikes (my cousin was driving one) were going around killing dogs.
First one that came to mind is I went out hunting from the cabin a couple years ago. Got all settled in our blind. About 30 min later I feel something walking up the steps of the blind. Then back down. Then back up. Then back down. I crack the door open and its our darn dog. She tracked me a half mile through the woods and found my ass in the blind. But then she didn't know where I was when the trail ended at the top of the stairs. LOL

Great way to ruin a hunt.
First one that came to mind is I went out hunting from the cabin a couple years ago. Got all settled in our blind. About 30 min later I feel something walking up the steps of the blind. Then back down. Then back up. Then back down. I crack the door open and its our darn dog. She tracked me a half mile through the woods and found my ass in the blind. But then she didn't know where I was when the trail ended at the top of the stairs. LOL

Great way to ruin a hunt.

Another reason I don't own a dog!
A good friend and I were bow hunting in a very remote area of northern Pa. and were walking out the 2 miles to the vehicle. It was after dark and the stars were out. We heard a strange sound in the sky, sort of like a commercial jet - but it had a different sound, unlike anything we had heard before. As we looked toward the sound, we noticed an un-lit shape like a boomerang passing over the stars. We weren't thinking UFO like so many would. As we watched it fly off to the northeast, we agreed it must be some government military plane.

About 2 years later, the news broke that the U.S. had developed a " Stealth Bomber ". I guess they were flying night missions over remote areas of the Northeast U.S. as part of their testing of the new plane. Less chance of being seen that way before they went public.
BNB, that is like deja vu for me. My story was just about the same as what you posted, only it was in the early morning dawn while duck hunting. We have a couple of military bases near us and one is an Air National Guard base(near badgerfowl) and a bombing range as well(near bueller's place). We were set up on a pond in the northern end of the Necedah NWR for our morning duck hunt. We had just set decoys and were hunkered down on the side of the bank of the dike in some tall grass, when all of a sudden I see a black speck like a mile off in the distance. Thinking it was a flock of geese, we ducked down to get everything ready for them when they got closer. Within like 15 seconds, I peeked back over the rim of the dike and a giant "flying wing" was blasting past us at a very low altitude(like at the lowest edge of radar detection) headed for the bombing range. The details of the B-2 had not yet been released to the public and we sat there slack-jawed:eek: wondering what the h#ll had just flown over our heads, the only planes we commonly saw out there were A-10 Warthogs and transport aircraft.
First one that came to mind is I went out hunting from the cabin a couple years ago. Got all settled in our blind. About 30 min later I feel something walking up the steps of the blind. Then back down. Then back up. Then back down. I crack the door open and its our darn dog. She tracked me a half mile through the woods and found my ass in the blind. But then she didn't know where I was when the trail ended at the top of the stairs. LOL

Great way to ruin a hunt.
Been there! My lab throws a huge fit when I go out and she has to stay in the house. My wife says it's like when a 3 year old throws a temper tantrum the entire time. She will track me all over the property to find me - she however sits at the base of the tree and then whines! If for some reason I ever go missing at my place - follow the dog!
Strange, medically unexplainable, the works.....

My first time hunting off my own property when my uncle took me. I was only 14, I was very wet behind the ears as I didn't grow up doing it as my Dad didn't like it. So I get up way early, didn't eat, walked 2-300 yards through some heavy snow and he set me up on a bucket behind some brush, there I sit until day break. When I hear something in the pine rows to my right. I don't know if it was the cold weather, the not eating or what, but I remember taking my gun off safety (again rookie, didn't know a lot, no one taught me) thinking a buck was gonna blast out of these trees. Next thing I remember I woke up face down in the snow with a shotgun barrel to my head. Did I mention it was off safety, I nearly killed myself and I don't know exactly why I passed out to this day.

Never told my uncle about what happened. Crazy to think back on....
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BNB, that is like deja vu for me. My story was just about the same as what you posted, only it was in the early morning dawn while duck hunting. We have a couple of military bases near us and one is an Air National Guard base(near badgerfowl) and a bombing range as well(near bueller's place). We were set up on a pond in the northern end of the Necedah NWR for our morning duck hunt. We had just set decoys and were hunkered down on the side of the bank of the dike in some tall grass, when all of a sudden I see a black speck like a mile off in the distance. Thinking it was a flock of geese, we ducked down to get everything ready for them when they got closer. Within like 15 seconds, I peeked back over the rim of the dike and a giant "flying wing" was blasting past us at a very low altitude(like at the lowest edge of radar detection) headed for the bombing range. The details of the B-2 had not yet been released to the public and we sat there slack-jawed:eek: wondering what the h#ll had just flown over our heads, the only planes we commonly saw out there were A-10 Warthogs and transport aircraft.

Whip was that at the Hardwood bombing range?
Many years back I built a 15' high, aluminum, portable ladder stand that I could backpack into the woods. I also had a curtain around it and a shooting rail about waist high. So on the day before gun season I had set up the stand......and returned in the dark the next morning and began climbing up into the stand.

When I was about to crawl onto the platform I sensed something was there. I dug my mini-flashlight out of my pocket and turned it on. I was face to face with a porcupine. I didnt want to shoot it.....and he held the upper ground. So I went and sat on a stump until after first light. He was gone and my hunt resumed with me taking the high ground.

Now, I always check a stand before climbing over the top of the ladder. ;)
Strange thing happened to me last year.

I was hunting in the deer dessert Chippewa national forest. I actually saw 2 live deer. No kidding. They were both fawns, but they were definitely both deer. Does too I think. They were not smart at all. They spent 4 hours within 30 yards of me browsing the select cut forest floor. They kept looking back and I thought surely something was there that wanted to kill them as we had many wolves in the area. I spent the entire 4 hours protecting them with my 308 waiting to blow away anything that threatened them. They were the only 2 deer I saw in 5 days of hunting.
Years ago during rifle opener, i passed several deer from my stand waiting for a particular buck. Walking home at about noon I saw a button buck walking dead away from me up a ridge. I waited for it to turn broadside, but it just fed away, finally it turned its neck to browse some buckbrush. Put the crosshairs on its neck, & as I was squeezing, it took a step. Dropped it, walking up to it, found the entry about an inch from its corn hole shattering his spine. Walked back to the farm to get the truck and told my great uncle (with 2 bad hearing aids) the story. He didn't catch the whole story because when he got to the deer he kept flipping it over and over until I lifted up its tail......he couldn't look at me without laughing for a week
I hung the button buck in the barn to age out, and my schizophrenic uncle went to look at it. He came out and told me not to eat that deer. I told him it was plenty cool for meat to age, & he was gutted 20 minutes from when I shot him. He said dont eat that deer, he was queer letting other deer corn hole him
Great stories.

A couple of times I turkey hunted near Sisseton SD on tribal land. The first morning of the season we setup on the edge of a grove next to a clump of trees. Long beards were gobbling on all sides and things were looking good. About 30 mins in while the sun was rising I started to see the ground moving between my legs and around me. Crap! I jumped up and ran. I sat on a snakes nest and there were garter snakes everywhere. I never shot a turkey out there.
More of a living in the middle of nowhere story...

My cousin was the same age as me and lived a mile down the road so we always ran around causing trouble when possible. One time when we were around 14 (around 12-13 years ago) we had seen a a dog that was laying in the ditch all bloody and beat up a few miles up the road. When we drove up some other dogs had ran off and it looked like they had been attacking it. We recognized it was from a house just up the road so we drove up there to tell the guy his dog was injured. We did not know the guy and when I knocked on the door a big guy, both height and weight, and answered the door in his whitey tightys. I told him about the dog and he grumbled a little bit, grabbed a bathrobe and got into his vehicle and drove down to where the dog was. We went back down there as well and started saying we didn't know what happened to it. He took a look at it, reached behind his pickup seat, pulled out a large 44 mag revolver, said "I shot the c@#&sucker". He walked up to the dog, shot it in the head, and drove back to his house.

Friend and I looked at each other, said WTF, and went about our day. A couple weeks later we heard that a different guy in that neighborhood was telling everyone a couple teenagers on dirtbikes (my cousin was driving one) were going around killing dogs.

You could have saved that one for yourself. Crappy story.

Then don't start it!


What's your next forum name going to be? "MoWishIwouldKeepMyMouthShut"?

For real, please don't push me.

You are a great contributor to this forum, and I appreciate that as do many of the users here.

Please keep in mind who started this place and who pays for it. If you don't have respect for that, feel free to go somewhere else.

You take a shot at me and you think that is ok? What is going on John?