Let's See Your Hunting Knives

Here's the knife we got up at Reeds a few years ago. Maybe you MN guys know this one. It holds a pretty good edge.

Nothing special. I have two "go to" knives for hunting. The one that gets most use is the Schrade Isolate fixed blade. I like that the sheath has a sharpening stone, which helps keep the knife sharp for multiple deer or those accidental cuts into bone.
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The other I keep handy, and has gotten me through lots of deer is the Buck 110 Folding Hunter
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That's what I still use too. I think it's 25+ years old at this point.
For the last 10 years or so, I've been doing the gutless method, deboning, and packing out the meat (even on a 50 acre piece where I can drive close to the deer). I just find it easier/faster overall, and I can process the meat later at my leisure. I like Wiebe knives. They're made for trappers/skinners, and do a really good job.