Strange Things That have Happened While Hunting!



Saw a thread on another site that had some great stories on strange things that happened while hunting. Could be during hunting or working on your land, going to your hunting land, anything you may find interesting.

The one I found interesting was when one of the guys had his wife and girlfriend drive into hunting camp....In the same car!:eek:

Quite a few years ago my buddy and I were up in Bayfield County to do some bow hunting. We were scouting and came upon this site along a small lake in the National Forest. It had a star shaped fire pit made out of rocks and a whole bunch of animal skulls hanging from the surrounding trees. Talk about getting the heebee geebees.
Another time my brother and I bow hunted this old farmstead that was on a dead-end road. It was a Sunday afternoon and the Packers were loosing so we went bow hunting a little early that day. We pull in and see a car parked were we normally park. There is a really good looking woman doing the deed with a guy on a blanket in front of the car.. They never heard us pull up. After a few minutes we got out of truck and they heard us shut the doors. The guy rushed to get covered up but she just sat there in shock. Never saw that car back there again.
I wasn't hunting but it's still funny. I live on a dead end road and I'm the ONLY house there, so we don't get ANY traffic unless they are coming to visit us or are lost!

It's late at night and I hear a vehicle come up the road and I see the lights thru the field like they are turning around. No big deal - someone is just turned around. Then I realize I still hear the vehicle running (it was summer time and we had the windows open). I go to the window with the house dark as a tomb. Sure enough some car is parked by the mailbox with only the parking lights on. I figured it was some kids out screwing with my mailbox. So - I figured I would teach them a lesson. So out the back door I go with 12 gauge in my hand. The closer I get to the car I still don't see anybody - that's odd. So now I'm growing even more concerned, and I'm not thinking. I walk up behind the car and get to the drivers rear quarter panel and I use the barrel of the gun to tap on the window. The drivers door comes flying open!

This kid with his pants half falling off jumps out - "What the #$%^ you doing man?"

I didn't say a word - I just racked that shotgun. The situation couldn't have been better. The light from the security light in the barn lot was behind me - so he saw no detail, just a dark 6' form standing there with a gun and heard that racking sound! I'm certain he thought he was going to die!

"Holy #$%^!!" the kid jumps back in the car and just floors it. Door still open, gravel flying - still no lights on.......and more than likely piss on himself!!!!

Only after I have a chance to think about it a moment do I realize that this poor kid just had the worst date of his life!!!! Oh well, if anybody's getting lucky at my place - it damn better be me!

I have NEVER had it happen again!
My farm is on a dead end road, and there was this hippie who liked to drive down there, drink beer and hide from his wife. He doesn't really hurt anything, but sometimes I do get tired of picking up his cans. One day I saw him drive down past where I was standing, and I was wearing a big Ruger on my hip. I walked out beside the road and leaned up against a fence post so that as he come out the Ruger was sticking out like a sore thumb, and my back was to him.

He pulled up beside me, stopped and rolled his window down. He said, "Are you seeing anything to shoot?" I turned toward him and said, "Every so often a varmint comes down this road that needs to be shot...." His eyes got as big as golf balls and after a very quick friendly goodbye he took off. Never had to pick up another can after that...LOL.
NH's story got me thinking about my hunting trip to texas a few years ago. My buddy and I were driving down a sand road that lead to our hunting lease that was 20 miles off the highway, with No homes anywhere in sight for 20 miles. We were half way down this old road at about 4 in the morning to our hunting spot, when we noticed something leaning against a fence post moving around. As we got closer we noticed it was a guy about 90 years old, dirty as hell and thin as a skeleton. He was waving his hand back and fourth really slowly. He never moved as we drove by slowly, other than his hand back and fourth. My buddy that was driving hit the door locks and punched it to get the hell out of there. Why I have no idea, but it scared the hell out of him I guess.

We hunted til noon that day until the outfitter came by. We told him the story of the old ghost leaning against the fence post. He laughed his ass off and said that is the old rancher that owns all the land in the area we were hunting on. He said the old guy goes out for a walk every morning between 3am and 5 am. I said.....WTF? how the hell does he keep from getting eaten by the coyotes?
This isn't as good as some of the others, but it was memorable to me. I think it was the first year my dad let me go hunting, and I was hunting with a friend of my dad's so dad could sit with my brother. It was probably about 8:30, and Steve says to me, "Here comes a buck." I looked and looked where he said it was, but all I could see was saplings. I told him if he could see it to go ahead and shoot it, so he did. We walked up to this big-bodied, one-horned spike... with a bright green nylon rope tied around its neck. We just stood there and stared at the buck that came with its own drag rope! We found out later that a guy from the neighboring camp shot a spike in the head (we saw the one spike was freshly missing), put his drag rope on it, and started dragging it to his truck. When he realized it was too heavy and he didn't have a knife with him, he left the deer and started walking to the truck. When he came back- no deer. What a story from my first hunt!
I was in my early 20's and loved FAST cars & driving them for what they were built for. I was known by the local and most the county cops. Early one day me and a buddy were heading out to so some scouting. We were going to hunt near a gravel pit. As we were driving down towards the pit we could see a reflection on something. As we got closer it was the city squad car. We thought it was funny to see it there being 20 miles from town. We walked up to it and the windows were fogged up. Knocked on the window and the back one opened and it was the chief of police with his girl friend. Said hi how's it going and this isn't your wife is it. Walked away from a lot of tickets for a long time after that.
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This is very entertaining.

I dont have a whole lot.

Around 1990 we were duck hunting our slough at the farm in late October for the 'bills...
My buddy and I were in one blind, across the slough was my buddies dad(John), and my dad.
It was pretty dang cold with light snow falling.

Our dads shot a duck or ducks and rowed out to pick them up during the morning.
My buddy and I are watching faintly from the distance and all of a sudden John let out the biggest screech/yell/holler/whatever the hell you want to call it.

Absolutely beyond ourselves, we didnt know if he was having a heart attack or what. Honestly I remember being a bit scared.
We hollered across asking what happened.

Good old John had his gun leaning on the side of the duck boat. My dad was rowing, and SOMEHOW the gun must have slid back a bit and my dad hit the barrel of the gun with the oar on one of the strokes and it flipped it right overboard and into the drink.

That wasnt the end of it. John completely disrobed and was in his tighty whities ready to slide in. He was on the front of the duck boat with his legs in the water trying to acclimate to the water temp, and he was dead set to jump in to try to find it...... After some coaxing, we talked him out of it. The gun still lays in the slough today. I have thought it would be fun as heck to take a metal detector out there to find it. its in about 2-3 ft of water, but about 1 to 2 ft of loonshit muck...
Oh boy, if the drive to, what happens after and in between actually hunting can be included, I could come up with some :D

When I was 15 I got invited as a guest to hunt 4 hours away from home in PA with 5 older guys who had a 12X20 cabin and small club. Bet your A$$ I washed dishes, swept floors, cut shooting lanes and did anything else I could to get these guys to let me in their club. They did, so for $60/yr I had full access to the place when ever I wanted. In my early 20's a few buddy's and I would spend summer weekends up there hunting groundhogs and hitting the local watering holes.

The night before the rifle opener was always pretty regular. Eat dinner, play blackjack while having a few beers, cut the generator at 9 and go to bed.
Until the one year that all that happened but then everyone was woken up at 12:30 by a drunk girl in a short skirt holding her high heels looking for me because her car got stuck in the lane as she was coming to visit.

Those guys were pissed that night :D. But it got a lot of laughs for years after.
Oh boy, if the drive to, what happens after and in between actually hunting can be included, I could come up with some :D

When I was 15 I got invited as a guest to hunt 4 hours away from home in PA with 5 older guys who had a 12X20 cabin and small club. Bet your A$$ I washed dishes, swept floors, cut shooting lanes and did anything else I could to get these guys to let me in their club. They did, so for $60/yr I had full access to the place when ever I wanted. In my early 20's a few buddy's and I would spend summer weekends up there hunting groundhogs and hitting the local watering holes.

The night before the rifle opener was always pretty regular. Eat dinner, play blackjack while having a few beers, cut the generator at 9 and go to bed.
Until the one year that all that happened but then everyone was woken up at 12:30 by a drunk girl in a short skirt holding her high heels looking for me because her car got stuck in the lane as she was coming to visit.

Those guys were pissed that night :D. But it got a lot of laughs for years after.

So you didn't share? You ass!;)
How about a terrible shooting story. We spent years only seeing a single deer all weekend, and that was often too far to even consider shooting. Nevertheless, we kept hunting for the sake of tradition. We pull up to a small slough to walk and instead of getting ready to shoot, a deer jumps up (easily within range) and we stand there and argue about whether or not it's a buck instead of even getting in a shooting stance.

I often joked that having a loaded gun was our curse. I told Omaha Steve I wasn't going to bring any ammo on one of our walks. Sure as hell, a deer jumps up ten yards from me and would have been an easy shot.

Or the perennial "see a dozen pheasants during deer season" and a dozen deer during pheasant season hunts.
We spent years only seeing a single deer all weekend, and that was often too far to even consider shooting.

So this is a very current story? :)
So this is a very current story? :)
Most of the boom years I spent hunting farm country and didn't see deer. There was/is just no cover. In the winter, plowed fields and that's it. I caught a few years of the good hunting, but most of my deer came out of the river country of Jackson county, MN.
Shot my first deer with a bow when I was 12. A little 5 point that I heart shot at 15 yards. I watched the deer crash. My dad always told me to give it 30 mins if I ever shoot one before I even climb down from my stand. Well you know how well young men listen to their fathers so I climbed down right away and approached the downed buck who's left front leg was stuck behind his antler. I was wound up tighter than a garage door spring... I pulled the bucks leg out from behind his antler and let it go. It sprung down in a hurry. The remaining air in the deers lungs caused a loud grunt slash gurgle.
I Bet my feet came 3 ft off the ground. Scared The $hit out of me. Don't think a guy could have driven a trim nail in my ass.

One time while driving home late from my girlfriends house while in high school I observed somthing white fall or jump off a train trussle as a train approached. I literally had to dodge it as it hit the pavement an tumbled. My initial thought was that it was a person wearing a white shirt. Well I pulled over along with the car behind me and to my surprise it was a deer! It was a young buck in velvet! As we approached the deer that remained in the road it ran a short distance to the ditch on the shoulder. It layed in the ditch half submerged in water hyperventilating with audible labored breathing. The guy that was in the car behind me, a man in his thirtys said. "I can't watch him suffer. I'm gonna try to hold his head under water and put him down". I remember thinking. Oh this should be good. He jumped down in a pretty deep ditch and got within ft of the lil buck before it exploded up and out of the ditch like dynamite!!!! Guy busted his ass in the mud an the deer ran off like it had not been injured!!!!
I spined a deer once. It dropped and did the crappie flop. I proceeded to do the cool expert descent down from the tree. Slowly, without excitement. Got to the ground, took my gloves off slowly and began walking towards my deer that was just barely moving. I began my slow cool walk up to my kill and that deer jumped up and bolted at full speed and without any injury. No blood, just a little hair.

One of many reasons I no longer enjoy slug hunting. Too hard to be accurate within the range of the ammo.
Too bad you cant teach that to oodles of hunters that there are limits with a gun. Especially limits when they dont bother to sight them in annually......
Shot my first deer with a bow when I was 12. A little 5 point that I heart shot at 15 yards. I watched the deer crash. My dad always told me to give it 30 mins if I ever shoot one before I even climb down from my stand. Well you know how well young men listen to their fathers so I climbed down right away and approached the downed buck who's left front leg was stuck behind his antler. I was wound up tighter than a garage door spring... I pulled the bucks leg out from behind his antler and let it go. It sprung down in a hurry. The remaining air in the deers lungs caused a loud grunt slash gurgle.
I Bet my feet came 3 ft off the ground. Scared The $hit out of me. Don't think a guy could have driven a trim nail in my ass.

One time while driving home late from my girlfriends house while in high school I observed somthing white fall or jump off a train trussle as a train approached. I literally had to dodge it as it hit the pavement an tumbled. My initial thought was that it was a person wearing a white shirt. Well I pulled over along with the car behind me and to my surprise it was a deer! It was a young buck in velvet! As we approached the deer that remained in the road it ran a short distance to the ditch on the shoulder. It layed in the ditch half submerged in water hyperventilating with audible labored breathing. The guy that was in the car behind me, a man in his thirtys said. "I can't watch him suffer. I'm gonna try to hold his head under water and put him down". I remember thinking. Oh this should be good. He jumped down in a pretty deep ditch and got within ft of the lil buck before it exploded up and out of the ditch like dynamite!!!! Guy busted his ass in the mud an the deer ran off like it had not been injured!!!!

Hahahahaha! Good One!

I was hoping you would tell the dog banging on the shack door!;)
One time I was quail hunting down in southern az with my brother and a buddy of mine and I walked up on a bleached out human skull. We called the sheriff out and when he got there we did some more searching and found the rest of his bones,clothes and wallet. He was a Mexican national that had died crossing into the U.S. it happens a lot in the desert down here but never expected to find someone myself. Also had a mountain lion cross the road in front of me once when I was out delivering to a ranch. One time when I was out lion hunting with my brother we rode up on a bunch of illegals hunkering down in a wash with a load of dope on their backs. Called the border patrol later on but they never got them.