Stock Market is the bottom in?

There’s some stocks that are at levels that make zero sense . $400 a share and that don’t make a profit

There’s some stocks that are at levels that make zero sense . $400 a share and that don’t make a profit

We'll find out someday if valuations matter. I think they do, but I'm not betting on it. Crowd surfing on bulls for the time being. I'd really like to know at what point the dam is gonna break because of those bond yields. I caught an article this morning that thought it could happen as soon as 1.5%, which at the rate it's been going, will hit by 2pm today.

Myself, I think they just need to get high enough to tip homes underwater and freeze the market, and it'll all blow in glorious fashion. I wish beer and popcorn weren't off limits right now, cause market watching is gonna get real fun in the near future.

Maybe the central planners want to blow the markets to pieces again and go for another big heist? That's about the only logic I see. Interest rates are rising quickly because they want them to.
We'll find out someday if valuations matter. I think they do, but I'm not betting on it. Crowd surfing on bulls for the time being. I'd really like to know at what point the dam is gonna break because of those bond yields. I caught an article this morning that thought it could happen as soon as 1.5%, which at the rate it's been going, will hit by 2pm today.

Myself, I think they just need to get high enough to tip homes underwater and freeze the market, and it'll all blow in glorious fashion. I wish beer and popcorn weren't off limits right now, cause market watching is gonna get real fun in the near future.

Maybe the central planners want to blow the markets to pieces again and go for another big heist? That's about the only logic I see. Interest rates are rising quickly because they want them to.

Maybe it will come down to the senate parliamentarian. Normally inflation pressure comes from the labor market and with unemployment so high it argues against inflation. However if they would suddenly hike the minimum wage (probably won't be sudden, but that is the perceived risk) perhaps it could trigger it even with high unemployment. Perhaps folks are hedging into bonds.
I bought some DMTK @ $71 today. If it drops much below that I will buy some more. I’m kicking myself for not buying up airline, cruise, and oil a month ago.

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I'm in at $70 as of today. Hope they have strong patents.
I was off by an hour.
I wish I would have held out on Amazon a week longer!!!
Well that was a fun day. Closed on selling a property today. Will have some nice powder to throw at this dip next week.
Airbnb lost almost 4 billion last quarter, but the stock is close to $200 a share‍♂️
Stock market manipulation at it's finest today.
Biden is killing it with the gas price increase ... .75 cents in 3 months?
Stocks look like they are having a going out of business sale this week.
Is it correction time?
All the buy-the-dippers should probably be excited; opportunity may be knocking soon. Inflation pressure, stinky employment numbers and a covid relief bill that may languish in the Senate - to say nothing about founded or unfounded fears about a variant - could result in a "fraidy-cat" market for investors in the near future. Let's hope not.
So I’m fairly new and inexperienced to investing (outside of retirement account) but this stuff lately is scaring me. I don’t know whether to bail and take profits or buy this dip (bought some recently but it’s mostly just kept falling)

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DMTK sure has taken a tumble.
DMTK sure has taken a tumble.
I bought 350 more shares today. I think today’s drop was the market getting crushed and earnings were due out at the close. Earnings were better than I hoped for. I listened to the earnings call, I think they are a year away from blowing the top off but will be profitable sooner than I hoped. The whole sector has got crushed the last week. I sent 40k in today. It was like a clearance sale at bass pro. I have 10k of powder left and hope I see no reason to use it tomorrow but I hate Fridays
Once the stimulus money is approved the market will probably go up for a couple months, then crash after that, if there isn’t anymore stimulus talk.
So I’m fairly new and inexperienced to investing (outside of retirement account) but this stuff lately is scaring me. I don’t know whether to bail and take profits or buy this dip (bought some recently but it’s mostly just kept falling)

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If you are young and have a long time horizon for the money, simply dollar cost average into a low cost S&P each month and don't worry about ups and downs.
In all reality, would the amount they have given out in stimulus money save a persons' home or business? Are they that out of touch to think people can live on $600 bucks every 6 months?
In all reality, would the amount they have given out in stimulus money save a persons' home or business? Are they that out of touch to think people can live on $600 bucks every 6 months?

Home? Probably not. Small business? Definitely. More money in the economy, keeps the wheels greased. Many small businesses run on tight margins. The tide-over loans can only keep them going so long. They need sales. A little money to a lot of people can help small business. Many won't make it, but those that folks chose to patronize may. "Helping" folks is the way lawmakers take credit. Keeping the general economy from coming to a full stall is the real objective.
As soon as the stimulus passes I'm maxing out my margin account.