Stock Market is the bottom in?

A coworker is paying motley fool 1500 but it comes with live class zoom meetings. They give picks but he is also learning how do options. The only pick he has shared so far is fulgent. I got in at 66 and it went to 180. They also gave him DMTK but we all already ready had that one. There are 5 of us that talk stocks everyday and buy a lot of the same things. I don’t trust motley fool because since they gave him those picks I have seen their articles saying not to buy them. I think they pump every stock out there and when the market is going up they look like geniuses.
We have been sitting on a big chunk of money in our work profit sharing since August. We probably should have just held out but with the Covid and elections we chose to park a bunch of stuff. We still ended the year with 67% growth so no big deal. I bought some apple and deere last week. Deere is doing great and apple is down again today so I bought a bunch more. I also bought a bunch of Amazon this morning. Time to get the money working for us again.
My best overall performer over the past year has been snapchat. Snapchat overtook apple as most profitable in my portfolio. My advisor bought snapchat last spring for $19 for me. Before christmas I bought carnival cruise, delta, exxon and chevron. All 4 have done really well the past week, and should hopefully continue as corona magically goes away. I'm thinking of adding more apple and amazon as well. If those two fail money might not matter anymore so what the hell.....
If you guys wanna find me the rest of the day I will be behind the wood shed getting my ass whooped. UGLY day for my stuff. Mailing in contributions for Roth, SEP and college america today. Should have more room to contribute to the SEP later this summer. I did it all at once last year about 1 month before corona nuked the market. Piss poor timing, but still finished the year nicely.
Besides Apple, Pinterest has been a good stock for me. CNHI and MGM are 2 other standouts.

Most stocks that were bought at the March low have now doubled.

Ugly day today though!
Been a brutal week for me.
My stuff went from DEEP in the red this morning to DEEP in the black by the close. Snapchat was down 11% this morning and closed the day 11% higher. Their CEO claimed 50% yearly growth for years to come today and sent it shooting higher.

That was a roller coaster. Wish I had a lot of dry powder at 10am. I had a 10k swing from 10 till close.
That was a roller coaster. Wish I had a lot of dry powder at 10am. I had a 10k swing from 10 till close.

I was really wanting to buy some stuff but just wasn’t sure it was over and got busy at work to see the upturn start and missed out

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That was a roller coaster. Wish I had a lot of dry powder at 10am. I had a 10k swing from 10 till close.
yeah DMTK had a wide range today. Looking for an entry point on a few shares. Still too gun shy to attempt very much biotech
yeah DMTK had a wide range today. Looking for an entry point on a few shares. Still too gun shy to attempt very much biotech
DMTK does have some big swings for a $70 stock. So far it has never stayed down for more than a day. I think it is because there are so few shares available. I am probably to heavily weighted in bio stocks but if I find one I like I buy it. There is one big difference with dmtk over most of the other ones I own. They have an approved product and are starting to ramp up the sales force. They have another promising product in the pipeline but even if that one fails this company will flourish on the one they have. Their revenue should increase in a straight line up for the next few years. If you can watch it all day you will find a nice dip or just put a buy order in for the price you want. The risk is they announce their news at the end of trading every time. So far every time they sign another deal with a new state it takes a big jump. They only have 3 states to date. Hopefully that means 47 more jumps.
No I wish. I think it was $5 a share not that long ago.
Just screaming higher in the overnight. I watched it go from up 40 to up 110+ in 15 mins

I wish they would pick SiriusXM stock !!
Drive that baby up!
I bought some DMTK @ $71 today. If it drops much below that I will buy some more. I’m kicking myself for not buying up airline, cruise, and oil a month ago.

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I’m kicking myself for not buying up airline, cruise, and oil a month ago.

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Those are the exact ones I bought right before Christmas.

Carnival cruise up 27.8%
Delta up 22.9%
Exxon up 35.1%
Chevron up 19.8%

I'm taking the family to Denver at the end of March. Tickets are $91 round trip from MSP. Couple days ago they were $42. Airfare seems to be climbing quickly the past 10-14 days.
DMTK does have some big swings for a $70 stock. So far it has never stayed down for more than a day. I think it is because there are so few shares available. I am probably to heavily weighted in bio stocks but if I find one I like I buy it. There is one big difference with dmtk over most of the other ones I own. They have an approved product and are starting to ramp up the sales force. They have another promising product in the pipeline but even if that one fails this company will flourish on the one they have. Their revenue should increase in a straight line up for the next few years. If you can watch it all day you will find a nice dip or just put a buy order in for the price you want. The risk is they announce their news at the end of trading every time. So far every time they sign another deal with a new state it takes a big jump. They only have 3 states to date. Hopefully that means 47 more jumps.
If you were a day-trader you could make some money on it!