Stock Market is the bottom in?

I see many people, more each week, walking to our local Walmart. Lots of illegals.
Fair enough. That still isn't Walmart's business model, hence the huge parking lots with free parking for tractor trailers and RVs.
DG business model is to build in smaller communities where Walmart won't/doesn't make business sense.
I got a position in IDR today.
I think the looting is what's hurting the dollar stores. If it's corporate and they close some of the urban locations, I could see the profits and stock price coming back up. I wonder how many shorts are out there and who is holding them.
Fair enough. That still isn't Walmart's business model, hence the huge parking lots with free parking for tractor trailers and RVs.
DG business model is to build in smaller communities where Walmart won't/doesn't make business sense.
DG=The poor mans walmart lol. Walmart=The poor mans costco. Any business is only as good as the people working there.
That looks interesting. You have any info in them?
I use fidelity to do what little research I do.

I’m from Idaho and I know they found gold near challis. If IDR owns it I am not sure.
No matter what the economy does or what the unemployment rate is people will always find money for their phones, cigarettes or vaping supplies and beer.

Skip all the PC and woke boycotting BS. You're in the market to make money, let's get after it !!!!
All you can do is laugh at the markets today. Beat earnings=down. Positive guidance=down. Everything down
Yeah, debating about buying some of the sales right now or waiting to see if it goes down some more this week
Always a coin flip after a long weekend it seems. NVDA is at a great price right now but they should have just gone up after nothing but positive news on earnings. None of it makes sense for a few years now.
I picked up some more INTC and NVDA. That means it should drop a bunch tomorrow.
Out with tech.

In with soup, beer, jelly, and baking soda.

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Out with tech.

In with soup, beer, jelly, and baking soda.

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CHD also makes another product that's bought no matter the economy........condoms.
Got me some cash built up.

NVDA,MU, AMD, GSL in my limit order basket


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^ Who wants to work anyway? Just collect money for nothing (and chicks for free) from our Government.....and keep your mouth shut. Life is good. Grin.

That ain't even working....that's the way you do it. Maybe play your guitar on the MTV. Get your money for nothing and your chicks for free...riff
My limit orders all got filled.
Post #4937 -
Corporate "America" has been cutting back on full-time jobs for decades so they don't have to pay any benefits. Decades. And then they tell us that they "appreciate" the American workers - that American workers are the best in the world. It's all BS - the only thing they care about is the bottom line. If anyone thinks businesses respect, appreciate, or "love" their workers ........ I've got a bridge I'll sell you for cheap. Wait until AI kicks in big-time. There'll be millions more put out of work ....... unwillingly. Let's see if those robots, software programs, and computerized systems buy any of businesses' goods and services ............

Why is it that when unemployment numbers are higher, the "business community" likes it?? Because there is a larger pool of people desperate for jobs at any pay level. But when more folks are out of work (unwillingly) businesses b##ch that "nobody's coming in ........ nobody's buying anything." I've seen this over the decades of my lifetime.

More people working / less unemployed = higher worker pay (but not by much) = more buying of things by folks. Fewer people working / more unemployed = lower worker pay / part-time work / reduced or eliminated benefits = folks not buying things, tightening financial belts. Which scenario sounds better for our economy to most people???