Stock Market is the bottom in?

I see many people, more each week, walking to our local Walmart. Lots of illegals.
Fair enough. That still isn't Walmart's business model, hence the huge parking lots with free parking for tractor trailers and RVs.
DG business model is to build in smaller communities where Walmart won't/doesn't make business sense.
I got a position in IDR today.
I think the looting is what's hurting the dollar stores. If it's corporate and they close some of the urban locations, I could see the profits and stock price coming back up. I wonder how many shorts are out there and who is holding them.
Fair enough. That still isn't Walmart's business model, hence the huge parking lots with free parking for tractor trailers and RVs.
DG business model is to build in smaller communities where Walmart won't/doesn't make business sense.
DG=The poor mans walmart lol. Walmart=The poor mans costco. Any business is only as good as the people working there.
That looks interesting. You have any info in them?
I use fidelity to do what little research I do.

I’m from Idaho and I know they found gold near challis. If IDR owns it I am not sure.
No matter what the economy does or what the unemployment rate is people will always find money for their phones, cigarettes or vaping supplies and beer.

Skip all the PC and woke boycotting BS. You're in the market to make money, let's get after it !!!!