Stock Market is the bottom in?

I haven't fact checked this. Personally I dislike the carbs, having a modified low carb diet. Sweetcorn...

Grains are the source of mega doses of omega 6 fatty acids. Those go into the confinement animals. The animals then test off the charts for omega 6's, and those omega 6's end up in humans. Omega 6's uphold the hyper inflammatory state everyone lives in their entire life. Chronic inflammation is the keystone to all lifestyle diseases and early deaths. My heart goes out to the farming community, that they've been backed into this corner. They are out of options. If they aren't producing perfect crops for their area, they're gonna lose it all to the bank and someone that can do it will gladly overpay them for it to expand their operation.

I don't see this system going another 20 years. This is all ass backwards and none of the costs are appropriately allocated. Information is moving fast enough now that market share will continue to erode past a tipping point. There's also the wild card of the UN driving around shutting down a huge number of the confinement barns and feed lots and killing (under the guise of bird flu) a significant portion of the national herd to help with global inflation and starvation goals.

If you want a good friday night or saturday morning learn, check this one out.

I haven't fact checked this. Personally I dislike the carbs, having a modified low carb diet. Sweetcorn...
Don't get me started on commercially grown and even farmers market sweet corn. I've been working on this one and I swung and missed twice with heirloom sweet corns the past two years. I'm gonna have to swing back around to conventional and give up on the heirlooms.
Looked at our patch today. Starting throwing tassels on the earliest rows. Late hand planting by the kids. We don't eat a ton. Make the neighbors happy with some gifts, and then freeze a bunch in case of a fake pandemic. Been striking out on Indian corn. Trying again this year.

You have me researching the omega 6 to 3 ratio in our chicken consumption. Might have to tweak things.
You have me researching the omega 6 to 3 ratio in our chicken consumption. Might have to tweak things.
All you need to know is if it was raised in an enclosed space eating grain and breathing in it's own manure dust, or walking around outside getting fresh air and getting some bugs, worms, scraps and clover in it's diet. You ever see chickens going after a watermelon rind? It's quite the sight. You could also get a bulk buy on @SwampCat 's surplus coon cadavers and feed those to the chickens. That would be some damn fine chicken.

If you wanna go the distance, find the pre-science chickens. Check this out starting at the 11:45 mark. Apparently this will take you back decades in terms of tasting great chicken. And Mike Rowe is always a good watch. You can also buy these chickens online, and they've actually got some on sale right now. I may order a few in just to try them. There's also a great book if you wanna re-connect the dots between nutrition and flavor in food.

Honestly, if/when we stop eating grocery store chicken, it'll be because it's deemed too unhealthy. The taste is perfectly fine, 10/10. No issues there. Most our chicken is lightly seasoned and grilled. Eat a lot of boneless skinless thighs. Also getting better at grilling juicy breast meat. Super high heat after brining and use evoo. Probably far from perfect, but it's an evolution. I read one guy say he's not so worried about the omega 6 and he just balances it by eating a can of sardines. Do you ever watch this doc? Here's a quick vid on seed oils:

Wait, I’m lost. What’s wrong with omega 6?
Looked at our patch today. Starting throwing tassels on the earliest rows. Late hand planting by the kids. We don't eat a ton. Make the neighbors happy with some gifts, and then freeze a bunch in case of a fake pandemic. Been striking out on Indian corn. Trying again this year.

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I think that plandemic is coming soon.
Anyone buy any gun or ammo stocks? Easy money for the next few days.
DJT is up bigly after the idiots tried to kill Trump. People are showing their support for Trump in every way possible now.
TELLurian starting to make a run on hopes of a Trump presidency. MAXN is a penny stock(sorry SD) that is squeezing and going up. Both are penny stocks actually. Anything under $5 is a penny stock.
TELLurian might be at the point where it keeps climbing now due to the likelihood of Trump being the next president. Biden trying to stop LNG was the main thing holding the company back in my opinion. Trump supports business in this country and it should be good for oil and gas AGAIN. jmo
Anyone think they are propping up the stock market only to let it crash when Trump gets in office?
Idk about that I do think when the fed announces rate cuts things will change quickly.
The media will defiantly say Brandon is the cause when Trumps economy takes back off that’s just how they roll. They have been doing that for at least the 40 years likely longer it just wasn’t as obvious that the mainstream media was an arm of the democrat/communist party before that.
Or will they crash the economy (stock market) on purpose and blame trump?
Or will they crash the economy (stock market) on purpose and blame trump?
I'm not so convinced of that anymore. After last night's speech I'm convinced they'll play ball. The military industrial complex eats an enormous portion of the economy and the president just indicated he's gonna dump loot by the trillions to them. They can't steal what isn't there.

I think any defense contractor bought at the right time is gonna be a good play. There was a strategy back to the early 20th century of trying to spread the military plunder across the whole country to create pockets of war dependent job growth. Trouble is, all the good defense contractor stocks are sky high right now.
Can't even participate in the stock markets today with my horse shit schwab account. They give a message like it's a global problem but my e-trade account is working just fine.