Stock Market is the bottom in?

Before this ruling - the SEC, FDIC, USDA, EPA, OSHA. These agencies were established to protect all Americans from big-money power players/corporations that cheated/de-frauded people, polluted at will, made shady investments, sold tainted/unsafe foods, and had unsafe/dangerous/deadly worksites. Not 100% successes ..... but MUCH better than in the past without them.

Maybe ask the good people of East Palestine Ohio if there's a need for government regulations since the Norfolk Southern rail crash --- due to wheel bearing getting red-hot & causing the crash. No need for a government safety agency to police & enforce safety rules .... right??? 16 states have discovered pollutants that came from that train crash in Ohio - air & water. What's a little toxic pollution among friends ------ right??? Just "trust" those big corporations to do the right thing at all times ---- like inspecting all wheel bearings as they pass using inspected/tested rail-side sensors. If the sensors didn't detect the red-hot wheel bearing ..... why did the sensor fail? How often are those checked? ("......... we don't need no stinkin' regulations .........")

Anyone who's so trusting of big businesses and corporations ...... get rid of the FDIC and the SEC that protect our money & investments. We can all feel good about the "honesty & good will" of the big players ......... right??

What side of the political aisle keeps cutting the budgets of those agencies, and eliminating inspectors??? Eliminating their power to enforce safety laws???? Who does those things????
I’ve never really understood the goal on bashing Republicans, but if you think your posts will change minds… I’m gonna go out on a limb and say no chance . Especially after the train wreck debate by Biden.

Most hunting forums are 90-95% Conservative, for obvious reasons. I think you might have better luck on other forums ? Just a tip …
I sure hope anybody who's opposed to every federal and state governmental agency makes known their opposition via refusal to accept a penny in aid of any sort.
Anyone regardless of political views should take full of advantage of any ridiculous government program out there to not play the game set before us to the fullest extent one can is just stupid. A wise old man once told me that “There are only two things that are for sure in this life they are death and taxes so get right with god and learn every loophole available to you in the tax code.” I think any government program that refunds some of the taxes I pay falls squarely under the tax code part of his advice.
I bought some Tell (speculation) SiriusXM (speculation, but pretty confident it will go up) & Winnebago stock …. I think it’s just the right time to buy Winnebago as it should be bottoming out. Keep in mind Winnebago owns Barletta Pontoons, & Chris Craft Boats.
I sure hope anybody who's opposed to every federal and state governmental agency makes known their opposition via refusal to accept a penny in aid of any sort.
I have never been on unemployment and have never taken one nickel for any assistance of any kind in my entire life. I've paid in a fortune.
Driving through town this morning going to work and it's free handouts day here. Saw a couple of hundred thousand dollar trucks in that line that went for several blocks waiting for the free stuff. This in my opinion is what is ruining this country. I'm sure some were going to their cabins on the lake for the big weekend. I only hope KARMA comes around.If people actually need help then take some help until you can support yourself again. jmo
I have no problem accepting CRP income as I know what they what they stick me for in federal and state taxes 💰 !
My gripes are mainly about perfectly healthy people or healthier than I am and they are getting paid by my tax dollars to to on vacation every day when they could be making some sort of effort to help themselves. Rewarding women who get knocked up by the guys that can afford to pay the most child support and have 5 kids with 4 different guys types. Not up to me to judge just giving my opinion for no good reason.
My gripes are mainly about perfectly healthy people or healthier than I am and they are getting paid by my tax dollars to to on vacation every day when they could be making some sort of effort to help themselves. Rewarding women who get knocked up by the guys that can afford to pay the most child support and have 5 kids with 4 different guys types. Not up to me to judge just giving my opinion for no good reason.
This is what a communist countries are founded on the degradation of the family unit any self respecting democrat should know this fundamental building block of the communist manifesto.
Hoping TELLurian drops a little more before tomorrow morning so I can get more bang for the buck. Patterns for the last few months would indicate it close to a bottom and will go back up 15 to 20 cents before it slides back down but there's no guarantees for sure.

Being on welfare or a "taker" isn't exclusive to one party.
Maybe it's just me but you seem more annoying than usual today. Not happy about the "debate"?
This is a forum for discussion, correct, J?? Maybe some of the dead mining folks from black lung, cancer & birth defects in places like Love Canal, etc. and the polluted water in places like Flint Michigan and a city in WV I can't remember the name of - have no right to complain?? The chemical companies that have polluted surface water, ground water and soil should not be made to pay for their toxic messes??

I know personally of a place here in central Pa. where families were getting sick with all sorts of diseases and weird conditions. After much exhaustive testing of their wells, and the use of dye to track the source of the pollution - their water was found to be polluted from a business 20 miles away that buried many toxic chemicals on it's property. Those same chemicals were the ones found in their well water.

As for those here who say the EPA isn't enforcing laws on the books, or being tough enough on offenders ........... what's the best way to improve that??? Cut the budget and get rid of EPA inspectors and scientists??? Following that thinking - I guess the way to better protect our money is to get rid of the FDIC, the SEC, and all bank security. Less consumer protection would be better then, correct???

Until some of the folks who decry any government agencies as useless ......... get screwed over themselves some way -------- then it's a whole different story. Your well water turns up polluted with mercury, or benzene, and your family members get cancer or have horrible birth defects ----- then the loud lamenting becomes " ...... why didn't 'they' prtotect us from this?? Something has to be done! This kind of thing should never be allowed to happen!" (The "they" those good folks come to blame are the very agencies those folks were saying are useless / too powerful / outdated / over-reaching, etc.) Do we as Americans, think we have a right to a clean environment ........ or not?? Should businesses be allowed to do whatever they want in their quest for more and more money?? (Be it polluting, coming up with new schemes to defraud good folks of their life savings, allowing dangerous workplace situations, etc.???) Do health, safety, and doing the right thing have no place here in the U.S. anymore???

Say it out loud, so we can all read & hear it.
This is a forum for discussion, correct, J?? Maybe some of the dead mining folks from black lung, cancer & birth defects in places like Love Canal, etc. and the polluted water in places like Flint Michigan and a city in WV I can't remember the name of - have no right to complain?? The chemical companies that have polluted surface water, ground water and soil should not be made to pay for their toxic messes??

I know personally of a place here in central Pa. where families were getting sick with all sorts of diseases and weird conditions. After much exhaustive testing of their wells, and the use of dye to track the source of the pollution - their water was found to be polluted from a business 20 miles away that buried many toxic chemicals on it's property. Those same chemicals were the ones found in their well water.

As for those here who say the EPA isn't enforcing laws on the books, or being tough enough on offenders ........... what's the best way to improve that??? Cut the budget and get rid of EPA inspectors and scientists??? Following that thinking - I guess the way to better protect our money is to get rid of the FDIC, the SEC, and all bank security. Less consumer protection would be better then, correct???

Until some of the folks who decry any government agencies as useless ......... get screwed over themselves some way -------- then it's a whole different story. Your well water turns up polluted with mercury, or benzene, and your family members get cancer or have horrible birth defects ----- then the loud lamenting becomes " ...... why didn't 'they' prtotect us from this?? Something has to be done! This kind of thing should never be allowed to happen!" (The "they" those good folks come to blame are the very agencies those folks were saying are useless / too powerful / outdated / over-reaching, etc.) Do we as Americans, think we have a right to a clean environment ........ or not?? Should businesses be allowed to do whatever they want in their quest for more and more money?? (Be it polluting, coming up with new schemes to defraud good folks of their life savings, allowing dangerous workplace situations, etc.???) Do health, safety, and doing the right thing have no place here in the U.S. anymore???

Say it out loud, so we can all read & hear it.
Sure but complaining to me or taking what I say out of context and creating a whole lifetime movie scenario just doesn't fit. I don't trust either government party and don't believe either side is doing anything for the people. It's all just lip service at this point. Big businesses can buy pollution credits. Not to keep pollution down but to make money from business that pollutes. In my opinion it's all bullshit and we're caught square in the middle of the political parties blaming each other for everything real or not. I just want to live my life and not hear the pandering from politicians as if they give a damn. THEY DON'T. The people don't have any idea what the truth even is at this juncture. We're all puppets and slaves of the government. Best I can do is try to play the different stocks and companies and try to make some money to try to have a future that doesn't involve me working until the day I die. Not asking for much here.
I think Brownbucks brings up some good points about Governement regulations. Just seems like they always end up "over-reaching" and over regulating to the point that they are counter-productive and add extra levels of cost and frustration for many of us. OSHA is a prime example. So much overreach in that agency adds allot of cost to industry......and the consumer over nothing in many cases. Seems once these agencies are created....they just cannot contain or regulate themselves.
Here's a question - who are the real experts who can give guidance to any government agency as to which rules, drugs, chemicals, etc. are safe??? Some loudmouth politician looking for votes - or a real scientist with experience in those fields?? No human knows everything - but wouldn't seeking guidance from those who've spent their lives studying and learning in a particular field be a smart path to take??

Over-reaching could be solved with non-politicized moves guided by real experts in particular fields. But when avg. folks belittle real experts - as if they themselves know better - therein lies the problem. Any business owner / corporation / or even private landowner, wants no regulations - so they can do as they please - but those things may not be safe, healthy, or good for the whole community. Who gets to set the limits?? Who has sufficient knowledge/expertise to advise lawmakers on the best path forward?? It's not the avg. citizen - sorry.

I've worked on big projects with / around OSHA for over 40 years. Here's the reality ..... people bit## about OSHA rules and safety practices being too stringent - but when someone gets injured or killed at work - many unschooled / unknowing folks start yapping about "where was OSHA?" Well - you can't have it both ways. Either we have safety rules and OSHA personnel to routinely check workplaces to see those rules are adhered to ....... or we get injuries and/or deaths ...... both of which cost money to the healthcare / insurance businesses, and alter lives going forward. Nobody seems to think about OSHA before a tragedy - only after it happens. If OSHA's budget or manpower gets cut (they're understaffed now) - expect even more tragedies - because businesses do not police themselves. I've seen and watched as contractors had workers landing pallets of material 3 stories off the ground into an opening in a building, and they didn't supply safety belts or a means to tie off for those workers. Another was at a brewery where the business owner told a couple guys to ram their forklifts into a huge tank to eject it out of the building from an opening 80 feet above the ground. They followed orders - or be fired on the spot. So don't insinuate that businesses are all goody-goody, and are worried about their workers .......... they are not. That's only 2 examples of many I could list here.
I own a business and we do practice safety and don't ever intentionally put our workers in harms way. Guess it's not as cut and dried after all. Giving extreme examples is a political tactic in itself in my opinion. Not every issue is life and death and not everyone is trying to harm others. Depends on who you are and where you are I guess. Some folks gotta have drama every day.
Big businesses can buy pollution credits. Not to keep pollution down but to make money from business that pollutes.
Absolutely correct. So who allows this to happen?? How do "we the people" go about solving problems like these?? IMO - nothing good will happen as long as multi-millionaires and multi-billionaires are elected by us Americans (!!!???)- or said mega-rich folks are buying their preferred representatives - into offices. If avg. folks were in state houses and Congress, things might well be very different. Money in politics buys favors for even more money ........ and we avg. folks are left holding the bag, on many things. How many mega-rich folks have polluted groundwater, or have landfills / chemical factories / hazard waste dumps / sewage plants placed in their neighborhoods??? But we vote in the very folks that rubber-stamp this kind of SH**.
I own a business and we do practice safety and don't ever intentionally put our workers in harms way. Guess it's not as cut and dried after all. Giving extreme examples is a political tactic in itself in my opinion. Not every issue is life and death and not everyone is trying to harm others. Depends on who you are and where you are I guess. Some folks gotta have drama every day.
I never said every business acts that way - but plenty do. I've seen it for over 40 years ...... so no one will SH me about that fact. If you treat your workers safely and as fellow humans - great. We need more like you. Facts don't = drama. Drama is when someone loses fingers, toes, an arm, their eyesight - or their life.
Holding people accountable for their actions would go a long way. Enforce the existing laws and practice common sense. Criminals should be treated as such without exception. Punishment to match the severity of the crime. Politicians should not be allowed to slander their opponent only promote themselves on their own accomplishments. For starters.
OSHA does not go into any government owned anything. WHY NOT? Shouldn't the government have to follow the same guidelines that every other business has to follow? But yet the government regulates us for our own good? IT'S ALL ABOUT THE $$$$$$$$
Sure but complaining to me or taking what I say out of context and creating a whole lifetime movie scenario just doesn't fit. I don't trust either government party and don't believe either side is doing anything for the people. It's all just lip service at this point. Big businesses can buy pollution credits. Not to keep pollution down but to make money from business that pollutes. In my opinion it's all bullshit and we're caught square in the middle of the political parties blaming each other for everything real or not. I just want to live my life and not hear the pandering from politicians as if they give a damn. THEY DON'T. The people don't have any idea what the truth even is at this juncture. We're all puppets and slaves of the government. Best I can do is try to play the different stocks and companies and try to make some money to try to have a future that doesn't involve me working until the day I die. Not asking for much here.
Agreed. Money takes care of money. Those with the most money have the most leverage / pull / lobbying jokers.

I do the same - and have for decades - when it comes to investing / not working until I die. It's paid off. I hope you get to where you want to be Jsasker. I have no ill-will toward you. Many of us are in the same boat, but we end up at odds over many of the same gripes. My personal opinion is this - I hope every person who goes to work every day, doesn't break laws, pays their taxes, treats their fellow human like a brother or sister - doesn't get eaten up by those wanting to take advantage of such good folks - and they get to retire in good financial shape, as their skills allowed. Maybe it's a dream - but that's what I hope for.
OSHA does not go into any government owned anything. WHY NOT? Shouldn't the government have to follow the same guidelines that every other business has to follow? But yet the government regulates us for our own good? IT'S ALL ABOUT THE $$$$$$$$
Businesses don't pay money to OSHA. OSHA doesn't make money by coming to workplaces to look for safety violations. OSHA is funded by the federal government for the protection of workers everywhere, in all types of work - IF they have the budget to do so.

I've worked in buildings owned by a state or federal government. OSHA rules still applied to us - don't know about government employees themselves. OSHA rules should apply to everyone, IMO. Not to crazy extremes - but safety = lower insurance costs for everyone. Companies I've worked for / with have safety bonuses for man-hours worked with no incidents. Nice monetary bonuses / trips - including hunting & fishing / sets of power tools, etc. Some of those companies hire their own safety man / people, who inspect every day for unsafe conditions ........ saves the companies money on insurance premiums.