Stock Market is the bottom in?

More regulators isn't the answer. There just needs to be less to steal. We're blowing over $2 trillion dollars a year on defense, and we're not at war with anyone. Problem is, lots of people have gotten accustomed to receiving those trillions of dollars, and they're not going to give it up without a fight.
SD -
It isn't individual people that are getting those trillions ----- it's businesses. BIG BUSINESSES that have the money to buy teams of lawyers to keep the taxpayer money flowing. K-street lobbyists ARE NOT your avg. American person. Do any of us on here have a lobbyist / team of lobbyists working behind closed doors on K-Street???? If you / we aren't in the "heavy-hitter's league" --- and 98 - 99% of us are NOT in that league, weeeeeee just keep getting taken. So YES - we DO NEED regulators. If you / we just blindly trust businesses, lobbyists, and banks to play honest / fair / good guy ....... whatever you want to call it, let's get rid of the SEC and watch all of our hard-earned, invested money get stolen. Let's get rid of the EPA and let companies pollute as they wish - (helps their bottom line.)

It's really ironic that when any chemical spill, train derailment, toxic gas / chemical release into the air, groundwater or municipal water supply pollution happens ------ the people who vote to "deregulate" all sorts of government agencies are the first ones screaming the loudest for that very same government to help them & clean up that mess. I have an idea ------ how about WE the PEOPLE get laws passed that FORCE the offending companies to pay for THEIR OWN MESSES????????

I'm nice and calm as I type this. No ranting & raving here, and I have NOTHING against you SD - not at all.
We can’t shut down or even cut back on gasoline and oil production or we will have serious inflation. As we saw with Joe Biden.

This has led to serious problems in the economy, high interest rates, banks going under ! Retail is slowing now, food is very high. The stock market has been flat for 3 years now under Brandon. (Nasdaq is actually down I think).

Electric vehicles are fine for some people, very limited group. It won’t work in my area. What are farmers going to do ? Nobody in the Democratic Party has really thought this out. Hopefully Americans will vote as many out as possible. So we can go back to being a prosperous country !

This has been a strange and unproductive 3 years. One more year to put up with nonsense and then a change !
We can’t shut down or even cut back on gasoline and oil production or we will have serious inflation. As we saw with Joe Biden.

This has led to serious problems in the economy, high interest rates, banks going under ! Retail is slowing now, food is very high. The stock market has been flat for 3 years now under Brandon. (Nasdaq is actually down I think).

Electric vehicles are fine for some people, very limited group. It won’t work in my area. What are farmers going to do ? Nobody in the Democratic Party has really thought this out. Hopefully Americans will vote as many out as possible. So we can go back to being a prosperous country !

This has been a strange and unproductive 3 years. One more year to put up with nonsense and then a change !
They’ve thought of it, they don’t care. They are making too much money and drunk on the control, both sides. Member of congress must be the greatest gig on earth cause you rarely see someone leaving of their own volition. Amazing they are so concerned with public service that they never want to give up their $175,000 a year job to go to the private sector and make big money.
Trump didn’t need the kickbacks and that fact absolutely horrifies the governing elites because those trillions that go to big business then line the pockets of all the politicians in both parties. They both parties are working overtime to try and keep Trump out for a second term because with no re-election to worry about being his second term they have no idea how badly he will pull back the curtains on what’s going on in Washington.
Politicians need to fear for their lives with breaking the publics trust and not putting the country first. There’s no repercussions for compromising our safety, our wallets and our futures. They should be scared to death to try the things the bidens and others are doing to this country…but they aren’t cause we are soft. It won’t last forever cause other countries and societies aren’t.
Politicians need to fear for their lives with breaking the publics trust and not putting the country first. There’s no repercussions for compromising our safety, our wallets and our futures. They should be scared to death to try the things the bidens and others are doing to this country…but they aren’t cause we are soft. It won’t last forever cause other countries and societies aren’t.
As I was saying…to me if convictied this is death penalty material. Our erosion of trust in public officials is absolutely unacceptable. This guy will get a slap and re-elected.
As I was saying…to me if convictied this is death penalty material. Our erosion of trust in public officials is absolutely unacceptable. This guy will get a slap and re-elected.
Corruption isn't just in the Democratic party. Death penalty?? How about the BS "stolen election" / insurrection / violence / enablers in the T administration??? Even his own picked judges all shot down that crap. In years past THOSE insurrectionists would have ALL BEEN HUNG. If Menendez broke a law - he should be tossed - but it goes both ways - - - unless you're a fascist. Crime IS CRIME - and corruption is CORRUPTION .......... no matter who does it.

As for the economy ........ the WHOLE WORLD is in the crapper - not just here in the U.S. It went to SH## when Putin invaded Ukraine. That ruined world oil markets & food markets since Ukraine's grain shipments got wrecked by Putin's war. Putin and OPEC have decided to cut oil production through the end of this year, so up go oil prices. U.S, oil companies have been sitting on approved, green-lighted oil & gas leases (and not drilling) for decades. How is that Biden's fault????? Food shortages?? Biden - nor any other president - can control droughts, floods, or an ever-warming planet that's making growing food EVERYWHERE harder.
Ever since the world went "global" in the business sense for cheap labor, we're ALL tied together economically. A ripple anywhere causes SH## to hit the fan everywhere. European leaders are struggling with the same problems we're having, as is Australia, Japan, etc. Blaming Biden - or any other leader - is just taking the easy way to finger-point. Simple, easy, painless answers to complex, global problems WILL NOT HAPPEN. This kind of crap will take decades, and global cooperation to solve. Say your prayers.
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I thought it was pretty well proven and known by everyone that Pelosi and the dems were the biggest cause of "the insurrection".

And I agree, many corrupt Republicans. Just more corrupt dems. Only R insurrectionists go to jail. D and antifa ones are left alone.
Corruption isn't just in the Democratic party. Death penalty?? How about the BS "stolen election" / insurrection / violence / enablers in the T administration??? Even his own picked judges all shot down that crap. In years past THOSE insurrectionists would have ALL BEEN HUNG. If Menendez broke a law - he should be tossed - but it goes both ways - - - unless you're a fascist. Crime IS CRIME - and corruption is CORRUPTION .......... no matter who does it.
Death penalty. I figured a lib would have a problem rooting out corruption and then on queue turn it on trump. Never seen that move before…
But dems and Republicans need to suffer the same fate 100%. You sell the country out for personal gain or give away sensitive info or not have the countries best interest you suffer a fate that is not pleasant. When is the last time a member of congress served hard time? And those sonofabitches do things weekly that should result in prison at minimum.
Corruption isn't just in the Democratic party. Death penalty?? How about the BS "stolen election" / insurrection / violence / enablers in the T administration??? Even his own picked judges all shot down that crap. In years past THOSE insurrectionists would have ALL BEEN HUNG. If Menendez broke a law - he should be tossed - but it goes both ways - - - unless you're a fascist. Crime IS CRIME - and corruption is CORRUPTION .......... no matter who does it.
Protesting the election theft ? You’d hang them . More and more is coming out on the ballot harvesting. Check out the Michigan voter fraud that was just exposed ! You won’t find it on CNN .

Voting machines don’t work in Arizona? I mean cmon.. get realistic! There’s fraud in all the swing states. No way Biden got 20 million more votes than Obama or Hillary !
Government preys on stupid people and they have successfully created a severely dumbed down population in this country. All by design. jmo
You can't blame Menendez for stealing. That's the only point of going in to politics, on both sides of the aisle.

What you can blame Menendez for is being a kid toucher. We really need to do something about that. Not cool that they're using homeland security, the fbi, and the border patrol to run a child sex trafficking ring and invasion camps out of the Darian Gap in Panama.




I did buy some more GNRC today. Hope that one doesn't begin the nose dive at 2:30 today.
I thought it was pretty well proven and known by everyone that Pelosi and the dems were the biggest cause of "the insurrection".

And I agree, many corrupt Republicans. Just more corrupt dems. Only R insurrectionists go to jail. D and antifa ones are left alone.
Pelosi caused the insurrection?????????? And it's well-known???????? W-O-W. Even with T on TV and at podiums telling his "faithful flock" to march on the capitol??? To claim the election was stolen even when William Barr - T's Atty. General told T personally that his claims were BS. Many Republican lawyers and judges have said the same, T's own hand-picked judges said it was BS and threw out T's lawsuits. THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE ANYWHERE OF "MASSIVE" ELECTION FRAUD. Here in Pa. - the few incidences of PROVEN election fraud were by REPUBLICANS who voted for their dead mothers, or who lived outside their voting districts and voted illegally. Trying to overturn a legal election is INSURRECTION .......... PERIOD. That's what T tried to do - and even by his own words in court, was not ashamed to say it.

Do you even know what antifa means??? It means anti-fascism. That would include ALL of the world except Nazi Germany, Japan, and Mussolini's Italy. If you're PRO fascism - then you agree with Hitler's nut-job ideas. So you're calling all the U.S. soldiers who fought and died in WW II antifa .............. as if it's a BAD thing???? W-O-W. I'll bet ALL - 100% - of U.S. soldiers of WW I and WW II, the Korean war, and the Viet Nam war would be PROUD to be called antifa. (Remember T couldn't praise Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jung Un enough. On TV - he even said he sent Kim Jung Un a "love letter" praising him and his government. ---------- Answer this ......... What if it was a Democrat who did & said those things???? Would you then be howling for them to be "hung" ?????? If so - that's the book definition of hypocrisy.

Look up fascism and see what traits it displays. There are TOO MANY in the U.S today that espouse nut-job fascist ideas, saying things like "Hitler was right." Nazi-ism / fascism is rearing its ugly head again here and in other parts of the world. WW III is not far off. Almighty GOD help us ...... Clear the minds of those who believe such fascist garbage. Grant us that grace, Jesus.
What you can blame Menendez for is being a kid toucher.
Like Republican former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert??? Oh .........l did we forget that one??? How about Republican Robert Packard, from Oregon, I believe, who fondled women. Bad is bad - it's not in only one party. Remember T's brag (on video tape) that "....... I just walk up and grab 'em by the p###y." A proud moment by a man who some have said publicly that T is the "second coming of Christ." Lord Jesus - save us.

SD - I have no personal beef with you. I'm only trying to point out that criminal / unethical behavior is in both parties. I'm no flaming liberal by any means - I'm a centrist who leans left on a couple issues - but there are conservative things I like too. Basically, I'd like to see smart, GOOD things be done legislatively for ALL Americans today and for future generations. The environment is a big thing for me. I would think for outdoorsmen / women, the environment would be a big thing. I know a lot of Pa. Sportsmen who bemoan the loss of habitat here, with development and polluted soils & water being big complaints. Most of them are Republicans - from what they espouse on a forum here. I've hunted and fished all my life - so I'd like the same opportunities (in a clean, healthy environment) to be there for our kids & grandkids. Being pro-environment shouldn't be seen as a crime .... or a "weakness" in this age of "tough guys."
More and more is coming out on the ballot harvesting. Check out the Michigan voter fraud that was just exposed ! You won’t find it on CNN .
You won't find truth on Fox, Newsmax or OAN - that's for sure. Fox had to pay $787 million for false claims about the "stolen election." Fox's own lawyers - in court - said that their anchors were "opinion TV" - (and get this) ........ that any viewer with any common sense should be able to see that. What does that say about what Fox and their lawyers think of their viewers????? The court proceedings are public record. Several of their anchors quit over being told to broadcast lies - and they wouldn't do it. Some at Fox that didn't / don't tow the company line have faced ridicule from leadership over "falling ratings." (money)

This whole U.S. in-fighting thing has been caused by private media moguls who have monetized (made GOBS of money from) stirring up / taking advantage of the American people's anger (rightful in many cases) at their circumstances in life. They threw gas on the fire and got Americans HATING each other. Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jung Un, and other dictators are clapping their hands and laughing at us. We're self-destructing because a few FILTHY - RICH private media moguls are profiting from the hate & division they stirred up & threw gas on. More hate & division - higher ratings which = tons more money. Can adults talk to each other calmly - without wanting to grab an AR to shoot someone you disagree with???

Hate & anger WILL NOT make us stronger, or be better people, and a nation to be proud of. Will we become just another banana republic - all energy & resources spent on endless civil war??? What are we leaving our children???
You won't find truth on Fox, Newsmax or OAN - that's for sure. Fox had to pay $787 million for false claims about the "stolen election." Fox's own lawyers - in court - said that their anchors were "opinion TV" - (and get this) ........ that any viewer with any common sense should be able to see that. What does that say about what Fox and their lawyers think of their viewers????? The court proceedings are public record. Several of their anchors quit over being told to broadcast lies - and they wouldn't do it. Some at Fox that didn't / don't tow the company line have faced ridicule from leadership over "falling ratings." (money)

This whole U.S. in-fighting thing has been caused by private media moguls who have monetized (made GOBS of money from) stirring up / taking advantage of the American people's anger (rightful in many cases) at their circumstances in life. They threw gas on the fire and got Americans HATING each other. Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jung Un, and other dictators are clapping their hands and laughing at us. We're self-destructing because a few FILTHY - RICH private media moguls are profiting from the hate & division they stirred up & threw gas on. More hate & division - higher ratings which = tons more money. Can adults talk to each other calmly - without wanting to grab an AR to shoot someone you disagree with???

Hate & anger WILL NOT make us stronger, or be better people, and a nation to be proud of. Will we become just another banana republic - all energy & resources spent on endless civil war??? What are we leaving our children???
Please stop or leave.