Stock Market is the bottom in?

Let me get this straight you think the government can teach anyone about money and debt???
NO - not the government. Our school systems. Start in junior HS to give kids a basic understanding of how to manage their personal finances. Give them some investment advice so they can learn how and where to put away money for their future. You think that's a BAD IDEA???????

The government has been mishandling money for decades through both Republican and Democratic administrations. That's a fact. Decades ago, they "borrowed" hundreds of millions from OUR Social Security Fund, (the one we've been paying into on our paychecks for decades) promising to repay it. Never happened - otherwise SS might not be so short on $$$$$$ long-term. My wife and I BOTH paid into it .......... so YES I'm entitled to my money back since I retired. The government didn't crap the money, or magically pull it out from under a rock. I paid in.
NO - not the government. Our school systems. Start in junior HS to give kids a basic understanding of how to manage their personal finances. Give them some investment advice so they can learn how and where to put away money for their future. You think that's a BAD IDEA???????

The government has been mishandling money for decades through both Republican and Democratic administrations. That's a fact. Decades ago, they "borrowed" hundreds of millions from OUR Social Security Fund, (the one we've been paying into on our paychecks for decades) promising to repay it. Never happened - otherwise SS might not be so short on $$$$$$ long-term. My wife and I BOTH paid into it .......... so YES I'm entitled to my money back since I retired. The government didn't crap the money, or magically pull it out from under a rock. I paid in.
I’m just giving you hard time no offense meant it is not a bad idea. It’s just the thought of our government at any level trying to teach our children about financial responsibility is comical at best.
You are aware that government runs the public school system, right?
The feds don't tell math teachers or economics teachers HOW to teach the way to deal with your personal finances here. My wife was a teacher and she got no specific directions on how to teach math. The feds weren't breathing down her neck - nor that of the district superintendent. No reputable teacher is going to instruct any kid to run up debt and go crazy with credit cards. Math doesn't lie. Numbers are numbers ----- and it's not rocket science. Kids don't get much in the way of saving, investing, insurance info, etc. in school. IMO - they should get more of those in school. Parents advice gets brushed off at that age, because it's only "Mom & Dad." (Extreme example ........ Joe Montana had to HIRE a quarterback coach to teach his son how to be a good QB, because "DAD" Joe wasn't believable to his son. FACT)
I’m just giving you hard time no offense meant it is not a bad idea. It’s just the thought of our government at any level trying to teach our children about financial responsibility is comical at best.
No offense taken, friend!! Exchanging ideas isn't a crime in my book. No high blood pressure here.

As for the government's handling of OUR money - - it's been a mess for decades, under both party's administrations. When folks want to slash programs - everyone wants the cuts to come from "someone else's programs." The programs that are first on the hit list are the ones NECESSARY for millions of REAL AMERICANS to survive today. How many of us older guys on here - or those approaching retirement - would like to see our Social Security & Medicare slashed???? Are so many of us so filthy rich that we can fund our "golden years" out of our pockets????

How about - as Al Gore ( a Democrat ) tried to do - we stop paying $1200 for a hammer, or $700 for ashtrays for government use?? Any of us can buy a hammer for about $20 to $30, and an ashtray for what ..... maybe $5??? I remember when Gore ran an investigation & tried to make the government more cost efficient when purchasing supplies of all sorts. The man was scoffed at and ridiculed. (FACT - I saw it happen). Too many outrageous price mark-ups done by supplying "contractors" to fill their pockets on the public dime. How many multiple BILLIONS are pissed down the drain (and into contractors' pockets) every year?? And this is only ONE segment of the problem!!!!

Have a good day, gentlemen!
As for the markets - our funds have had a pretty good several years. We have no complaints. God has blessed us with some good choices.
No offense taken, friend!! Exchanging ideas isn't a crime in my book. No high blood pressure here.

As for the government's handling of OUR money - - it's been a mess for decades, under both party's administrations. When folks want to slash programs - everyone wants the cuts to come from "someone else's programs." The programs that are first on the hit list are the ones NECESSARY for millions of REAL AMERICANS to survive today. How many of us older guys on here - or those approaching retirement - would like to see our Social Security & Medicare slashed???? Are so many of us so filthy rich that we can fund our "golden years" out of our pockets????

How about - as Al Gore ( a Democrat ) tried to do - we stop paying $1200 for a hammer, or $700 for ashtrays for government use?? Any of us can buy a hammer for about $20 to $30, and an ashtray for what ..... maybe $5??? I remember when Gore ran an investigation & tried to make the government more cost efficient when purchasing supplies of all sorts. The man was scoffed at and ridiculed. (FACT - I saw it happen). Too many outrageous price mark-ups done by supplying "contractors" to fill their pockets on the public dime. How many multiple BILLIONS are pissed down the drain (and into contractors' pockets) every year?? And this is only ONE segment of the problem!!!!

Have a good day, gentlemen!

Al Gore would probably have redirected all that money into phoney "green" businesses, just like Obama did.
Al Gore would probably have redirected all that money into phoney "green" businesses, just like Obama did.
Mind reader?? Psychic??

As for "phony" green businesses ........ it seems the developed countries / economies of the world - European AND Chinese & Indian - are moving into more & more green alternatives. I've read that some of those other countries are worried that the U.S. will lead the pack when it comes to the newest / best technology for getting away from carbon pollution via fossil fuels. Several European countries' leaders named Biden's backing of "green" projects as the reason some of THEIR companies are building plants here in the U.S. Germany is going through an energy crisis that its own leaders said is because of short-sighted past decisions, and not looking long-term. They shut down the last of their nuclear power plants - a decision they now say was based on nuclear fears, and was wrong. China is HUSTLING to take the lead in green technology - they want to make the money and have the global advantage. Should the U.S. hide in the shadows ....... or LEAD??

The whole world is going greener - because most global folks believe that continuing to pollute is changing the climate rapidly - despite what some folks here in the U.S stick to. Those new technology jobs will put lots of people to work, because the global tide toward cleaner energy isn't going away. Jobs here ........ or jobs in other countries??? Whichever country takes the lead will be the winner in the global marketplace.

Nuclear power is carbon ZERO. I worked on building 2 nuclear power plants. Since the TMI incident, ALL nuclear plants in the U.S. were retro-fitted with several redundant control systems to stop any such TMI or Chernobyl-type meltdowns from happening. Electrical controls, pneumatic controls and hydraulic controls are the first in line, then if each & all of those failed - the control rods can be manually cranked in place to stop the reaction. The NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) governs all scheduled maintenance procedures and safety aspects of plant operations. Just a FYI - there are plans in the works for smaller-scale nukes to be built on the abandoned sites of old coal-fired plants and industrial sites to give the U.S. more dependable, cleaner, carbon-zero power. Several major engineering companies have been designing new, smaller plants because the science says we either stop the pollution, or we risk global famines from the rapidly warming climate. 8 insurance companies have stopped doing business in Florida because of rising sea levels and the amount of severe weather that's been increasing. Florida isn't the only state with insurance worries either. The reason insurance rates are - and will keep rising .... mounting losses in the multiple BILLIONS from weather - caused catastrophes.

Maybe we ought to look into some "green" investments to profit long-term??
Mind reader?? Psychic??

As for "phony" green businesses ........ it seems the developed countries / economies of the world - European AND Chinese & Indian - are moving into more & more green alternatives. I've read that some of those other countries are worried that the U.S. will lead the pack when it comes to the newest / best technology for getting away from carbon pollution via fossil fuels. Several European countries' leaders named Biden's backing of "green" projects as the reason some of THEIR companies are building plants here in the U.S. Germany is going through an energy crisis that its own leaders said is because of short-sighted past decisions, and not looking long-term. They shut down the last of their nuclear power plants - a decision they now say was based on nuclear fears, and was wrong. China is HUSTLING to take the lead in green technology - they want to make the money and have the global advantage. Should the U.S. hide in the shadows ....... or LEAD??

The whole world is going greener - because most global folks believe that continuing to pollute is changing the climate rapidly - despite what some folks here in the U.S stick to. Those new technology jobs will put lots of people to work, because the global tide toward cleaner energy isn't going away. Jobs here ........ or jobs in other countries??? Whichever country takes the lead will be the winner in the global marketplace.

Nuclear power is carbon ZERO. I worked on building 2 nuclear power plants. Since the TMI incident, ALL nuclear plants in the U.S. were retro-fitted with several redundant control systems to stop any such TMI or Chernobyl-type meltdowns from happening. Electrical controls, pneumatic controls and hydraulic controls are the first in line, then if each & all of those failed - the control rods can be manually cranked in place to stop the reaction. The NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) governs all scheduled maintenance procedures and safety aspects of plant operations. Just a FYI - there are plans in the works for smaller-scale nukes to be built on the abandoned sites of old coal-fired plants and industrial sites to give the U.S. more dependable, cleaner, carbon-zero power. Several major engineering companies have been designing new, smaller plants because the science says we either stop the pollution, or we risk global famines from the rapidly warming climate. 8 insurance companies have stopped doing business in Florida because of rising sea levels and the amount of severe weather that's been increasing. Florida isn't the only state with insurance worries either. The reason insurance rates are - and will keep rising .... mounting losses in the multiple BILLIONS from weather - caused catastrophes.

Maybe we ought to look into some "green" investments to profit long-term??

I'm not saying green tech is phoney, I'm saying a lot og taxpayer money disappeared into phoney businesses in the name of green tech. I.e. it was stolen from the American people.

And I don't need to read Al Gore's mind to know he's a charlatan who tricks people into giving him money for phoney causes.

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I had to bail out of rumble about a week or so ago. I was taking on water and cut the rope at around -16%. Also lost some of my VLO on an option exercise. So I'm a little more cash right now. Don't like much, but wouldn't mind getting back into KMI below $16.40 and before they go ex-div in the next month.
I had to bail out of rumble about a week or so ago. I was taking on water and cut the rope at around -16%. Also lost some of my VLO on an option exercise. So I'm a little more cash right now. Don't like much, but wouldn't mind getting back into KMI below $16.40 and before they go ex-div in the next month.
I can't give up on Rumble. They're doing too much good being the free speech competitor to YouTube.
I think things are going to keep going down. I can get a 1 to 5 year cd for 5.5 Thinking about putting my money in that for a while...
I can't give up on Rumble. They're doing too much good being the free speech competitor to YouTube.
I was trying to figure out why it was in free fall. I didn't find a good reason, but apparently the founder is going to cross a line at some point in the near future where he'll be allowed to sell his shares if he chooses. It could be a thing, but I don't see any reason he'd bail. The platform has gotten much better, and youtube keeps driving people away. Just this week, there was a Dr. chick on the tube (Dr. Hannah) that does truck camping and health videos and she was saying that youtube has updated their "health information policy" and it essentially means there will no longer be any non-government approved discussion on health and nutrition. It's very vague and 1984'ish.

So when season 5 of the great reset starts, there likely be no discussion other than what is put out by the WEF tentacles. It's at the 9:23 mark in this one.

read Al Gore's mind to know he's a charlatan who tricks people into giving him money for phoney causes.
Sounds like the scheme of the ex-pres. to sucker folks into paying for his legal fees. Write those checks!!!!!
I'm not saying green tech is phoney, I'm saying a lot og taxpayer money disappeared into phoney businesses in the name of green tech. I.e. it was stolen from the American people.
BILLIONS of taxpayer money has been S-T-O-L-E-N by .......... you're right ........... BUSINESSES. All kinds of businesses .............. banks, industrial & manufacturing companies, financial institutions, agri-businesses, mining companies, etc. Taxpayer-funded bailouts have happened in the past for many "reasons" that turned out to be BS.

THAT'S THE REASON WE AMERICANS NEED REGULATORY AGENCIES WITH TEETH & FUNDING TO POLICE THAT CRAP SO WE DON'T GET SCREWED. Who's watching the store???? Certain political factions want to gut funding and legal power to stop such things (STEALING of taxpayers' money for BS reasons). When it happens - nobody goes to jail, it all gets swept under the rug by BIG-MONEY corporate interests. So we either support regulatory agencies WITH TEETH to enforce such THEFT of taxpayer money ............... or stop whining about it ........... and keep paying for more theft. It's one or the other - no "gray area" for this.
Buffet -----" greedy when others are running for the doors." Stock prices going down can create bargains / buying opportunities.

I just read a good article by a CFP who stated the easiest way for most people to grow wealthy is to do 4 things ...
1 - Start investing early in life. The earlier - the better. Time is your friend. Mutual funds are the easiest way for the majority of people.
2 - Save / invest the same amount of money on a regular basis - no matter what / good times and bad. (it's called dollar-cost-averaging. It forces you to "buy on sale.")
3 - Find investments with the lowest costs to invest. (lowest expense ratio's ---- it keeps more money in your pocket.)
4 - Reinvest the dividends and interest to buy you more shares. This lets the saver / investor gather more & more shares over the years. As some pro financial folks call it - "the miracle of compounding."

Maybe those tips from a CFP will help any reader here who's younger and starting out, pile up some good jack over 20 to 40 years.
Good penpal for SD! Does she like cats?
Her stuff is good background noise when I'm at home, and she's easy on the eyes. I don't watch any network TV anymore unless I'm betting on a game or it's cartoon reruns. I just can't stomach it. I found a great video yesterday of some old dude walking around his back to eden garden giving a tour and talking wood chips. Good speaker, good content, and it's long enough I don't have to do anything but skip a commercial every so often. This guy has a Bob Ross kind of way about him.

Sounds like the scheme of the ex-pres. to sucker folks into paying for his legal fees. Write those checks!!!!!

BILLIONS of taxpayer money has been S-T-O-L-E-N by .......... you're right ........... BUSINESSES. All kinds of businesses .............. banks, industrial & manufacturing companies, financial institutions, agri-businesses, mining companies, etc. Taxpayer-funded bailouts have happened in the past for many "reasons" that turned out to be BS.

THAT'S THE REASON WE AMERICANS NEED REGULATORY AGENCIES WITH TEETH & FUNDING TO POLICE THAT CRAP SO WE DON'T GET SCREWED. Who's watching the store???? Certain political factions want to gut funding and legal power to stop such things (STEALING of taxpayers' money for BS reasons). When it happens - nobody goes to jail, it all gets swept under the rug by BIG-MONEY corporate interests. So we either support regulatory agencies WITH TEETH to enforce such THEFT of taxpayer money ............... or stop whining about it ........... and keep paying for more theft. It's one or the other - no "gray area" for this.
More regulators isn't the answer. There just needs to be less to steal. We're blowing over $2 trillion dollars a year on defense, and we're not at war with anyone. Problem is, lots of people have gotten accustomed to receiving those trillions of dollars, and they're not going to give it up without a fight.

I am not the least bit worried about anything we'd need to use the military to defend. Our number 1 problem is the uniparty running the country into the ground. And McCarthy helped get rid of the debt ceiling, so there is nothing holding back the end of the dollar and complete and total poverty and slavery after it collapses.
