Mind reader?? Psychic??
As for "phony" green businesses ........ it seems the developed countries / economies of the world - European AND Chinese & Indian - are moving into more & more green alternatives. I've read that some of those other countries are worried that the U.S. will lead the pack when it comes to the newest / best technology for getting away from carbon pollution via fossil fuels. Several European countries' leaders named Biden's backing of "green" projects as the reason some of THEIR companies are building plants here in the U.S. Germany is going through an energy crisis that its own leaders said is because of short-sighted past decisions, and not looking long-term. They shut down the last of their nuclear power plants - a decision they now say was based on nuclear fears, and was wrong. China is HUSTLING to take the lead in green technology - they want to make the money and have the global advantage. Should the U.S. hide in the shadows ....... or LEAD??
The whole world is going greener - because most global folks believe that continuing to pollute is changing the climate rapidly - despite what some folks here in the U.S stick to. Those new technology jobs will put lots of people to work, because the global tide toward cleaner energy isn't going away. Jobs here ........ or jobs in other countries??? Whichever country takes the lead will be the winner in the global marketplace.
Nuclear power is carbon ZERO. I worked on building 2 nuclear power plants. Since the TMI incident, ALL nuclear plants in the U.S. were retro-fitted with several redundant control systems to stop any such TMI or Chernobyl-type meltdowns from happening. Electrical controls, pneumatic controls and hydraulic controls are the first in line, then if each & all of those failed - the control rods can be manually cranked in place to stop the reaction. The NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) governs all scheduled maintenance procedures and safety aspects of plant operations. Just a FYI - there are plans in the works for smaller-scale nukes to be built on the abandoned sites of old coal-fired plants and industrial sites to give the U.S. more dependable, cleaner, carbon-zero power. Several major engineering companies have been designing new, smaller plants because the science says we either stop the pollution, or we risk global famines from the rapidly warming climate. 8 insurance companies have stopped doing business in Florida because of rising sea levels and the amount of severe weather that's been increasing. Florida isn't the only state with insurance worries either. The reason insurance rates are - and will keep rising .... mounting losses in the multiple BILLIONS from weather - caused catastrophes.
Maybe we ought to look into some "green" investments to profit long-term??