Stir Crazy

I always plan some logging projects for the winter months. Keeps me in shape and I love the solitude it brings at that time of the year. Nobody is around. Of course that could be bad if I drop a tree on myself.
Plenty of time to snowshoe later I still have to kill a deer!
I'm with MNFish I guess. I have read more habitat and crop related university studies and field trials than I care to mention, all while cooped up inside for the winter. Somehow I find that kind of stuff interesting in a strange way, even though I don't have a place to apply any of it. I always tell my wife that if we'd have met 10 years sooner, her grandparents wouldn't have had to sell their farm, we would have taken it over.

That's sorta what I do. I have had my tattered copies of the Audubon eastern tree guide, my county soil report and plat book on the side table for nearly 15 years. Now with the wealth of information available online, I can't find an end to the 'research'.
I had been doing a lot of hinge cutting, today sure sucked though. Hopefully, tomorrow brings a better day to be in the woods. I need the ground to freeze back up, don't want to be rutting everything up with the atv...just make more work for me to do next spring.:rolleyes:

I didn't even run the atv across the swamp this past weekend - should've left the darn thing home! Woods are gooey at my place - I even tracked mud into the cabin after yesterday's hunt. A couple more days of this and the swamp will be muck again.

I have product to manufacture, a bathroom remodel to finish, some chainsaw mills to make, and then if I manage to get all that done I have a bandsaw mill that needs to be designed and built. Somewhere in there I need to revamp my business website too. Gonna be a busy "off" season.
Since I found my buck - I'm done hunting. I will start taking stands down and then move into habitat work (mainly running a chainsaw). I will also use every fresh snowfall to follow tracks and learn more about how deer use my property. I need to start finishing off my basement - I need the wall space!
Get your self that planter you've been wanting strip it down and rebuild it. If your not a welder buy one and learn.
I'm a fan of hockey. Watching/playing/coaching anything to get me on the ice. If I had more time, I would be a better Wild fan.

I also like to get out on the property and do a little evaluating and walking around saying, "next year this will look so nice" and "i gotta get a stand in here" or "imagine what this will look like in 10 years"...simply planning next springs and summers projects starting with food plots and tree plantings. Maybe a winter hobby could be growing trees in the garage or basement. I've picked that one up and it's addicting and pretty rewarding. Reading on cover crops, apples, general habitat stuff is also a good time utilization.
i run on the treadmill 50-60 miles a week during the winter :) there really isn't anything else to do. i'll make one ice fishing trip (probably red again).

I thought Treadmills were to hang clothes on?:eek:
I'm too young to be retired...I'm gainfully unemployed :D

Yep, I got laid off when my company was hiring about 13 years ago, and I never went back to work. Seemed to work out ok anyways Stu!
I like the snowshoes also, but it is OK if they are not needed this winter.

I did request a couple of fiction/historical paperback books from Santa and Steve Bartylla's book.

I have a new stand location in mind. Need to drop some trees for a screen/blockade and open up a shooting lane. Maybe even a new stand up north.

Look at nursery catalogs and order more trees than I can really handle.
Watch basketball, highschool (both my daughter and son play) and college ball. Officiate basketball. Try to find a new topic to research and learn as much as I can about it. Work. Pretend I like watching t.v so my wife doesnt gripe that I dont spend any time with her. Do a little misc. hunting waterfowl (if there are birds aound) and calling coyotes if the weather cooperates.
Not quite the retirement crowd and not sure I will till I'm forced or until I can quit playing so much. Cross country and downhill skiing. Season been open for 5 wks. Two snowstorms on the horizon. Also luckily only 5 hours from beach house and golf. Best of all worlds.
I think i am going to take up coyote hunting this year. been talking about it for years but after getting hundreds of pics this fall i think it's time. I also think i'm going to actually do some habitat work over the winter. i found out this past spring/summer/fall that there's too much stuff going on when the weather is nice to actually get anything done in the woods. i got next to nothing done all year. I have tons of chainsawing to do. we'll see if anything gets done though. it's tough when the land is 2 hours away and we get so little daylight this time of year.
I've got a lot of logging to do, and all the taxidermy I want. We coyote hunt 2-4 days a week so there is always fun out there. Throw in a couple beer, I mean fishing trips and some snowmobile time. I'm just as busy as ever.
Don't be jinxing those of us who are stuck in this "winter wonderland" :eek:
Long range doesn't show any significant snowfalls for 45 days...of course that will likely change 5-10 times over that time period
I have a snow plowing business so I am always looking at long range forecasts. Two weeks ago I told my guys we might be off till Christmas. A week later a 20" storm of the heaviest snow I have ever seen. Talk about a jinx.
I never run into enough down time. Even when the snow is deep and I can't get into the woods. If anything I kiss my wife's a$$ so I can get more "coupons" come summer/fall.
That's kind of what I was thinking.

Just cruising the internet looking for a new spears I stumbled on this site.

Think this guy has been on the site before ;)

Don't think my spearhouse will make it out this year. The house needs a bit of repair and the closest lake I can spear on is dirty. Great way to pass some winter hours!
Loaded some 357 ammo to take to AZ right after Christmas. Gonna do some bowling pin competition shoots down there. Not sure I can hang with the 45 ACP crowd....but one can hope. :) Tested my loads through the Chrony.....and should have good power to get 'er dome. Also planning to trap and skeet shoot and possibly go on a pasture poodle shoot.

Hauling lots of guns and ammo......gonna steer clear of the Colorado Libtards. ;)
Hey Foggy - based on Chummer's comment on the other thread - I got something to keep you busy.....Road trip to kick Chummer's a$$!!!!!hahahahahaa!!!!!