Spraying with a cab tractor


5 year old buck +
May be a dumb question, but now that I have a pto sprayer I’d like to spray in my cab tractor. So far I’ve just used my open one while I was learning the rig and I could reach back and flip the valve off and on from my seat. So how do you do that in a cab? Like most of us I don’t have uniform fields so I would be getting a ton of overlap if I couldnt shut the valve off while I repositioned. I’m scratching my head on this situation!
Saw a similar discussion on Green Tractor Talk or Tractorbynet for pto cone spreaders last fall. They were using an electromechanical actuator to control it…..because they didn’t have SCV’s to do it with hydraulics.

Maybe something like that would work for a sprayer?
I have no idea what that means! I was hoping someone would say oh that’s what the blinker lever does or something simple!
I leave the valve open and turn my pto on and off - even on my open station tractor
Ok thanks. I was wondering about that but didn’t know if for some reason that is hard on the tractor to constantly do
Ok thanks. I was wondering about that but didn’t know if for some reason that is hard on the tractor to constantly do
I really dont do it that much in a morning of spraying. I dont turn anything off at end of turn rows. I spray off my 28 hp JD 790 which has a very tight turning radius so I feel like I am not wasting much spray. I can spray 2.5 acres with my 55 gal tank and commonly empty it without stopping. But, if I am spraying smaller food plots I cut pto when I finish. Still not a lot of stopping and starting pto
Not to complicate things but one of the features of your sprayer is when the PTO is on and the valve lever is off (not spraying) the tank is agitating,
Mine has a section of tubing with shutoff valves that you run into the cab. I leave it lying on my left leg and just turn the valves on and off as needed. Can be added to any sprayer I’m sure.