I am sure most folks already know my preference to an open station tractor - and not trying to sway anyone here, but just relating a light hearted experience - no offense intended at anyone.
I have 62 acres that used to be part of a piece of ground that contains 600 acres of rowcrop ground. I plant ten acres right next to the lower end of a neighboring 200 acre row crop field. It was late June and it was hot and humid - near 100 degrees. Neighbor was planting late beans after a wheat harvest using a big JD with cab. I was disking some ground to plant some browntop millet. It was hot, and dusty. One pass, we both met at the end of the rows and he stopped that big JD and jumped down and walked over to where I was working, to talk. I got down off my open station 65 hp jd, sweating, covered in dust. He walked up with in an immaculately pressed cinch shirt, creased wranglers, and glossy alligator skin boots, drinking a cup of coffee. I said something like “man, now that is farming in style with all that fancy equipment”. He replied, “that aint farming - you are farming - I could just as easily be sitting at a desk in the office”