Sounds like you need some rain still. I tried to send some to Bill earlier in the year, but I don't think that worked out too well....all he got was a soggy envelope!
As long as the clover doesn't die it will bounce back when the rains provide enough moisture. The buckets for tree watering is something i have done before. The first year or two in the ground they can struggle, beyond that they seem to do OK. I try to limit my fruit tree planting so I only have what I am willing to water. I have a chestnut tree that I;m not sure is going to make it this year.
Regarding your hinge cutting....keep in mind your forming another edge on the back side. I have seen bucks avoid the more open areas, but use these little edges to move from place to place if the ground allows it. Just keel that in mind while hunting as the deer your after may not be exactly where you expect him to be.
As long as the clover doesn't die it will bounce back when the rains provide enough moisture. The buckets for tree watering is something i have done before. The first year or two in the ground they can struggle, beyond that they seem to do OK. I try to limit my fruit tree planting so I only have what I am willing to water. I have a chestnut tree that I;m not sure is going to make it this year.
Regarding your hinge cutting....keep in mind your forming another edge on the back side. I have seen bucks avoid the more open areas, but use these little edges to move from place to place if the ground allows it. Just keel that in mind while hunting as the deer your after may not be exactly where you expect him to be.