I'm not a head hunter. I've only ever shot one "nice buck", a decent eight pointer years ago. Being a small property owner and a former public land hunter with limited time to hunt I've never been too choosy. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to have a crack at that guy. Truth be told I shot two smaller bucks last year and am more than okay with it. It would be nice to shoot a doe in the next week or two and then try and hold out for this guy during the rut. Missouri is a two buck state but we can only shoot one with a bow until firearms season starts. After firearms season we can shoot both with a bow if we haven't taken any yet. Last year I shot a small buck early and was doe only after that until firearms season. We only had one decent buck seen all year last year so it wasn't a concern. Knowing this guy is around and that we have a couple doe groups might make me wait around on a buck and see what all shows up. Time will tell - but I do only have two pounds of deer burger left from our three deer last year. The boys can shoot anything they want.