Forget about the fertilizer for now. If your soil is sandy, lime and nutrients will move through it quickly. Focus on build your soil. You need to build OM and that will take years. Make soil your first concern and deer secondary. Start by selecting plants that match your soil. Never till that soil.
If you are not doing anything until spring, start with lime. I would surface broadcast it in the early spring when the soil is frozen. In other soils we want to apply lime early to give it time to work. With sandy soil, if you apply it too early, it can move through the soil quickly. I know some folks on very sandy soil that have to apply 3 tons of lime at planting time.
I would buy a soil thermometer they are not expensive. Next spring take the soil temp. You take soil temp between 0800 and 0900 in the morning. Shove the probe in 2"-3". Wait until the soil temp is 65-70 degrees. Then T&M sunn hemp and buckwheat. Shoot for about 20 lbs/ac of each. The sunn hemp will fix a lot of N into the soil. Buckwheat will mine nutrients and release them quickly for the next crop. If this is the first time you are planting sunn hemp, inoculate it.
For your fall plant, mow the buckwheat and Sunn hemp. Spray and surface broadcast Winter Rye (100 lbs/ac) Crimson Clover (10 lbs/ac) and GHR (Daikon Radish) at 3-4 lbs/ac. Soil test next year and see if more lime is needed. See how these crops do. If they do fine, forget about fertilizer. If they don't do well and the pH is OK, you can apply P (phosphorous) and K (potassium). Use Winter Rye as the crop on your next soil test and completely forget about any N recommendation you are given.
Repeat this process for the next 3 years at minimum.
An alternative, if they do well, you could put your field into perennial clover in the fall of year 2. To do that, T&M it in the fall with 100 lbs/ac of WR as a nurse crop and about 10 lbs/ac of a perennial clover. Each time the WR hits 12-18 inches, mow it back to about 8" to release the clover. This is a lower cost approach as a single planting will get you 5 years or more with just mowing. You can mix chicory with the clover if you like. Tolerate weeds in it. You will be lest tempted to till with this approach.