Snow now too deep to get into the woods

1-3" tomorrow might put me over the edge on access
Ain't no pink stuff to fix the white shit.
OOOOH yes there is. THINK about it for a minute.
I was born 3 weeks early the first week of August. That still doesn't make the snow go away. :p
I saw somewhere this September there there was a mild baby boom across the northern states.
There was a lot of warming up happening last winter.
I saw somewhere this September there there was a mild baby boom across the northern states.
True. My newborn is part of the Polar Vortex baby boom of 2014 :D
"There was a lot of warming up happening last winter " - Jim Timber ^^^

Can we bribe a weatherman to sprinkle some " polar vortex days " throughout the whole year ?????;):D
Looks like an additional 2-3" last night. Probably in the 14-15" range now.
I'd put a window screen "bud cap" on your central leader if you're worried at all about deer eating it. That snow is crazy!
I will try it. My FIL planted a couple apple trees a few years ago. They looked good going into winter. Come spring they were 85% gone, no branches or bark left, eaten down to look like a pencil.
Maybe hook up with a lumberyard and get their used tyvek from the bundled wood?
Do you think I could wrap the top like I do the bottom? I would be worried they might weight down the top with snow and ice and possible snap the trunk. The other thing I was thinking was to paint all the tips like I did the trunks. I would think the paint would stop them from browsing the tips. Would it hurt the buds come spring time?