Sinister looking mopar. (Not habitat related)

J-bird are you sitting on a headlight over headlight goat convertible?

Yep - 1967. Sorry don't have any pics. I bought it and the guy was in the middle of a resto and needed cash. Obviously I was going to pick up where he left off. My situation quickly changed and it has set for 15 years or so. I keep saying I'll get to it and it isn't costing me anything, but I have college educations to pay for now and for another decade or more. My priority will always be my kids. I'll give up the goat, I'll give up deer hunting and I'll give up habitat work if I have too to give my kids a better future. Hopefully some day they will pick a really nice nursing home for me!
I need to borrow your rotisserie!
Any updates Bill?

Here are pics of my Dads 67 Coronet sitting in storage for several years now.

Only damage on the car is the scrape next to the left headlight.

Not sure if the interior is original or not. I didnt see Dad this weekend when I took the pics. Its been so long since I even saw the car uncovered, I have no idea whats original and whats not.

And the mice chewing out the ceiling.
And probably one of the neatest things.... Check out the license plate.
Its not a personalized plate. When Dad got the car licensed, this is what the MN DMV had available......... Its a Coronet 500.... What the F are the odds of getting this plate?????????????????????

Cool car! My brother had a blue 67 with the dent on the other side. The lady who owned it would ease the car in til she bumped the workbench. Then she knew she was in far enough to pull the door down.

Bounty drier sheets help with the rodents.
this is my version, Cummins powered Mopar. Has a set of twins on it, compounds actually, s480 force feeds the 64 71 13 ss and get up to 80 psi boost. has a cam, twin high pressure pumps, high flow supply pump, big arse injectors, laptop tuned to try to get away from the smoke show. runs low 11 s day in day out. Hauled a pallet of lime 200 miles without a complaint, also hauled 8 full sized rr ties, real ones, 225 miles one other trip. tis a beast.

Any updates Bill?

Won't look like much but I've been working on it a lot.

Sound deadener and carpet.


Most of the interior.

Top frame, all the stainless trim, windshield, all weather stripping and a zillion little things.

Cool 67. That interior is original. Possible the radio isn't. Not sure but it looks like a cassette tape deck, would have had to be an 8 track to be factory. (I'm pretty sure)

Nice truck Mik!
heres my favorite update. There must be some Hispanic in my past. I just had too.

LED backlit Pyrex radiator hose :D


this is my version, Cummins powered Mopar. Has a set of twins on it, compounds actually, s480 force feeds the 64 71 13 ss and get up to 80 psi boost. has a cam, twin high pressure pumps, high flow supply pump, big arse injectors, laptop tuned to try to get away from the smoke show. runs low 11 s day in day out. Hauled a pallet of lime 200 miles without a complaint, also hauled 8 full sized rr ties, real ones, 225 miles one other trip. tis a beast.

What did it run in the 1/4?
11.4s....... at about 7200 lbs on the hoof, but wont ever run it again, stuff is expensive when it breaks. sonnax billet input, about a grand+ contributing parts and labor last time it broke.

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I love that exhaust sound. Pretty Cool Bill!
I love that exhaust sound. Pretty Cool Bill!

That's funny my wife says she really likes my car until I turn it on :D

Here some habitat just to keep things legit. Check out the nice soybean fields on both sides of the road. Welcome to south Jersey. Never shown on TV.
Looking good Bill. One of these just popped up for sale on facebook. BB droptop with the bubble hood.
Hey mike I missed your post somehow. Would have liked to check that out.

Momma got a new hat today.

Time for her to go back in the corner until deer season is over.


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Chrysler nationals mid month. First time I'm going public.

No matter what I do, I can't buff my shop wall out of the fender.


No expectations of placing but it will be fun to be there.

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Took 2nd in 1968 to 1970 modified Dodge B-body.

Sooo, Jbird. If you ever want to get to get rid of that headlight over headlight GTO you know I'll take care of it. :D.

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