The spirit doe.

Angus 1895

5 year old buck +
One day after a snow in October it was a full moon.

It was 7 degrees and I was rather disheveled about actually going out.

It was freaking cold.

But I did, I got dressed put on a pack, swung my leg over my electric bike……oh no no rifle!

I went back into my garage/ lever lounge without putting on the lights.

The Elk I plan on hunting would see them.

Grabbed a Model 70 7 mm Mag push feed.

I had not remembered I had opened the bolt to prevent moisture from the previous day.

I felt the rifle clank on my back as I dismount the bike.

I closed the bolt wearing mittens, it chambered a round flawlessly.

I headed up the hill along a fence line on BLM property.

It was between where the elk are feeding and where they will bed.

At about 30 yards uphill a mule deer doe approached me to about 7 yards. It was surreal in the icy temps and moonlight.

I stared at her , noticing she had a collar and it was causing hair loss on her neck.

I pressed on, looking back , she was following me about 4 fence posts back.

At about 300 yards I could see elk, and took a knee. The elk were about 175 yards, the deer was at 1. ( on the other side of the fence)

Next thing she jumps the fence, sniffs my rifle and let’s me rub her ears like I do my mules.

The elk ( only five, walk past).

I am concerned about the deers neck so I open my pack to get my knife. She sticks her nose in it. I get the collar cut off, it’s old weathered “ vet wrap”.

Onward we ascend together. Once to my favorite spot ( it’s a wooden fence corner…makes good rest) I take a knee.

A coyote howls,……..a bull softly bugles……I look down hill …….shadows…….Elk!

The moon slips outta view.

The deer and I gaze at them……I got no watch, or phone…’s too early to shoot.

I wait,wait,wait,wait, the herd of elk ain’t impressed. The get fidgeting.

I put my model 70 on my mittens on the cross brace of the fence.

The deer wanders off…..I picks a cow….squeeze……nothing!

I must have have the trigger engaged with my mitten.

I recooked but never shot. I reconsidered legal shooting time and the Elk vamoosed.

The next day I was organized enough to have a clock, I think if I had shot it would have been 20 minutes earlier than allowed.

That would have been , no elk, $1000 fine, no hunting next year, and a court date.

They claim it’s a Native American burial ground. I believe they kept me from Kimmosabee by sending the spirit deer.

The ribbons in the photo are the one’s removed from my spirit deer.


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