Shed Dog

John B

5 year old buck +
Anyone own or train a shed hunting dog before? Just looking for some ideas or tips beyond a google search. I have a yellow lab that i didnt get till she was already 6 months old (now 8 months) so a bit behind on the training already but im pretty excited by what im seeing already.
Give them a shed to chew on.

You can also take them in tall grass, throw out a shed and have them work towards it from down wind. Reward them when they find it.

Pretty similar to bird training.
Watch that they don't track your scent from handling shed.Another method is to hide sheds and put a flag or marker so you can find the sheds if they don't
Your fine with your lab...She should be ready to learn and eager to please...basically take baby steps...put an antler plain view...when she picks it up and brings it to you go nuts...make it crazy fun...make her want to find this several times...then step it up and put it in grass...then hide it and so forth...if she has a favorite toy make that a part of it. She will pick it up in no time.
My youngest son has been training our GSP to shed hunt for over a year.
He bought some scent on the internet and used it on old sheds hiding them and throwing them to get her used to the smell and antlers. His verbal command is to tell her “find the bone” and “where’s the bone” and he really makes over her when she retrieves them. A fresh shed that has no human scent and still has some of the wax ring on it definitely has its own smell and if you can get one keep it in a plastic bag and keep it clean to train with without your smell on it. When you take your dog out and you find a new shed call the dog over and let it find it then really praise them when they do.
Our dog has really caught on to it and has been a big help especially where there is taller ground cover in open pastures and fields where antlers are hard to see.
Good luck!
Thanks for the tips! Im really enjoying working with her so far.
John B,

Reach out to wbpdeer. Wayne has 2 active shed dogs. I'm sure he could give you a lot of advice/pointers.
Shed dogs can sure be a lot of fun to bring along and ad to your antler pile once they get the hang of it.





This Sept while working out at the farm the dog came out of the woods carrying this one to my surprise.
Shed dogs can sure be a lot of fun to bring along and ad to your antler pile once they get the hang of it.





This Sept while working out at the farm the dog came out of the woods carrying this one to my surprise.

Oh man, a liver GSP shed dog. that’s my retirement dream right there.
The wife won’t let me have a dog now.... something about traveling 200 days a year and it having to be her responsibility to raise “my” dog.

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Oh man, a liver GSP shed dog. that’s my retirement dream right there.
The wife won’t let me have a dog now.... something about traveling 200 days a year and it having to be her responsibility to raise “my” dog.

She is our first GSP and nothing but pure energy...wish I would have given the breed a look years ago we sure have had a lot of fun with her.
She is a pretty dog and seems to do everything