Seeds for 2023

I grew mine in the fall, they liked the fresh growth. My deer up north literally have little to no open field land. Whatever is somewhat open seems to be sedge grass.

So, they have less options.

Hairy vetch is grown in new zealand for sheep. Sure its used elsewhere. I actually have vetch growing in my brush around my house. Powerline Right of way seed blends have both hairy and crown vetch in their mixes, atlast the one that my utility uses. The stuff is growing around my main jobsite. Deer nibble at it all day long. Hayfields and ag fields about a mile away, The hill going to the upper resvoir has plenty of oaks too.
I grew mine in the fall, they liked the fresh growth. My deer up north literally have little to no open field land. Whatever is somewhat open seems to be sedge grass.

So, they have less options.

Hairy vetch is grown in new zealand for sheep. Sure its used elsewhere. I actually have vetch growing in my brush around my house. Powerline Right of way seed blends have both hairy and crown vetch in their mixes, atlast the one that my utility uses. The stuff is growing around my main jobsite. Deer nibble at it all day long. Hayfields and ag fields about a mile away, The hill going to the upper resvoir has plenty of oaks too.

Sounds like an optimal spot for a pond and a plot made made out of spoils to raise it up a couple feet.

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I'm renting a JD tractor and a rotary mower to butcher the plots in August. $200 all-in to mow the whole property.
That combo works well.
That combo works well.
I'm looking forward to it. I did a couple acres with a goat last summer and that about ended me. I think I logged 11 miles on my pedometer that day, most behind that goat. I thought I was gonna collapse in the woods from cramps and get eaten by wolves.
I'm looking forward to it. I did a couple acres with a goat last summer and that about ended me. I think I logged 11 miles on my pedometer that day, most behind that goat. I thought I was gonna collapse in the woods from cramps and get eaten by wolves.
Big kid toys are fun. It'll cut through that like butter.
I'm looking forward to it. I did a couple acres with a goat last summer and that about ended me. I think I logged 11 miles on my pedometer that day, most behind that goat. I thought I was gonna collapse in the woods from cramps and get eaten by wolves.
Is that similar to the DR brush mower?

If so, that is cruel and unusual punishment

I'm looking forward to it. I did a couple acres with a goat last summer and that about ended me. I think I logged 11 miles on my pedometer that day, most behind that goat. I thought I was gonna collapse in the woods from cramps and get eaten by wolves.
Your getting older.....and now a bit smarter I suspect. Soon you will get some grid refrigerator, freezer, Air Conditioning and a Welder. There is hope after-all. Grin.
I feel for ya ith the walk behind brush hog. Love / hate relationship.

Last december I was so cramped up from fighting the DR brushog I had to lay down for a few minutes. That fall / early winter is a tough balance between being warm and too warm. The neighboring camp let me brush hog their part of the snowmobile trail. It was getting badly brushed over, a snowmobile almost collided with me on that narrow part. About 5 or 6 passes a half mile each right after the end of deer season.

Is that similar to the DR brush mower?

If so, that is cruel and unusual punishment

This guy. And keep in mind it was choked down on power, the belt was slipping all day, and I was mowing a full blown crop of mature wheat and japanese millet.

They show the closest dealer as Elmdale Creamery Assn in Bowlus MN. I have not spoken to them but I am hopeful I can buy at the advertised prices.......and get it all in one load. I want to avoid driving to Albert Lea and shipping fees. I'm wondering if they dont do some Kina of a" milk run" with trucking seed to their various dealers.
Their shipping is reasonable, they use speedy about 20 bucks for 50 lbs. They can do a pallet for $100.
Is the alseed’s shipping or elmdales shipping costs?
Is the alseed’s shipping or elmdales shipping costs?

I think he is saying that is Albert Lea's rate. If they do a pallet for $100.....then I will buy direct from them and have them ship to my door. I did that with Green Cover crop too a year ago....but the freight cost me more like $500. That was for a pallet load too.....and I believe it was 1700 lbs. ( too high from Green Cover for the freight....IMO)
I was just on the phone with the folks at Welter Seed. On most of their stuff....they offer to split the shipping costs. They have every thing I need for the year in food plots. I spoke with a gal there....and she said they also still had some winter rye on hand(I think it's Aroostook but she needs to confirm) and that they could put it all on one pallet and ship it to me for $xx shipping charge.

I need to let her do some homework on that shipping. According to my calculations....if I get all the seeds I need for 2023 they will weigh in at 1679 lbs. I can pick that up with my loader and forks. Nice. I likely would not take delivery until May 15 or after.

I do question whether last year's rye is a smart purchase. (24 bags at 56#/bag) (I have quite a bit of seed from prior years that I intend to plant this year too) I never have had a problem with planting last years seed in the past.....just looking for any advice on that?
I'm going to try marrow stem kale this year. I'm having trou le finding a quantity of it for a decent price.
I was just on the phone with the folks at Welter Seed. On most of their stuff....they offer to split the shipping costs. They have every thing I need for the year in food plots. I spoke with a gal there....and she said they also still had some winter rye on hand(I think it's Aroostook but she needs to confirm) and that they could put it all on one pallet and ship it to me for $xx shipping charge.

I need to let her do some homework on that shipping. According to my calculations....if I get all the seeds I need for 2023 they will weigh in at 1679 lbs. I can pick that up with my loader and forks. Nice. I likely would not take delivery until May 15 or after.

I do question whether last year's rye is a smart purchase. (24 bags at 56#/bag) (I have quite a bit of seed from prior years that I intend to plant this year too) I never have had a problem with planting last years seed in the past.....just looking for any advice on that?
Per usda they need to provide a germ rate and analysis on the rye. Even if from last year. So if they say it’s 80% vs. typical 90% or whatever it comes out to be. It ought to still be a good purchase for you. You just need to managing seeding rate and expectations relative to the germ rate. You can also do germ test at home with paper towel - which will give you the best idea.

All in all - I’d say it was a good buy!! I’m sure it’ll work great for you!
^Thanks for the response Buck. Each time I plant, I've gotten into the habit of putting some seeds in a wet paper towel and then into a plastic bag. Nice to know what to expect outta those seeds you plant.
Just placed an order for seeds at Welter Seed and Honey in Iowa. These guys are about as fair priced as others in the biz....and have all the seeds I'm looking for. Also, when they sell you a bushel of's 56 lbs.....not 50 lbs like so many do today. (Like 12 lbs free with every two sacks you )

My order totals 1,600 lbs of weight. On some other small seeds - they split the shipping cost- and others they need to get paid. At the end of the day I got 1,600 lbs of seeds for $1178.10....fob my door. (The shipping totaled $160.) That about takes care of everything I will need for the spring, summer and fall seedings (along with some stuff I have in my "inventory'). Got a 3% discount for ordering and paying in February. I wont get it shipped until I call them in May.

I figured the shipping was not too bad....and it saves me from running all over creation to accumulate what I want. Not easy up here in the forest area of MN.
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When is the best time to plant hairy vetch in the south?
When is the best time to plant hairy vetch in the south?
Fall time is best for southern states. American joint vetch is a bad A. Crop and can be planted as a warm season annual in south and other areas.
Just placed an order for seeds at Welter Seed and Honey in Iowa. These guys are about as fair priced as others in the biz....and have all the seeds I'm looking for. Also, when they sell you a bushel of's 56 lbs.....not 50 lbs like so many do today. (Like 12 lbs free with every two sacks you )

My order totals 1,600 lbs of weight. On some other small seeds - they split the shipping cost- and others they need to get paid. At the end of the day I got 1,600 lbs of seeds for $1178.10....fob my door. (The shipping totaled $160.) That about takes care of everything I will need for the spring, summer and fall seedings (along with some stuff I have in my "inventory'). Got a 3% discount for ordering and paying in February. I wont get it shipped until I call them in May.

I figured the shipping was not too bad....and it saves me from running all over creation to accumulate what I want. Not easy up here in the forest area of MN.

I have been using Welters Seed for about 10 years now. I am typically buying 600-1000 lbs of seed from them every year. Knowledgeable people, great variety, and i get what I order in about 2 days.

Just had 400 lbs of cow peas, sudan sorghum, & sun hemp delivered to my loading dock on a pallet. Had the guys fork lift the pallet into my truck..

The y have some nice deer mixes which range from $2-$4/lbs, pretty good pricing. see link below. when i want a quick broadcast mix for mid summer it works well.