source for red Milo

I might reloactae some young spruce trees to open up more foodplot area. Dont want to till so close ot them. However, keeping 25 feet away from a row of M111 apple trees, I have about a 1/2 acre total at home. Might get another 1/3 if I move those spruces.

Backyard wasn't all too well planned out. Also growing trees to hide the neighbors house from the backyard from my inlaws house next door.

I have 3 foodplots close to the road at camp. But guys in the club might ride their atv's in the foodplot. There's usually a easy loop along the edge of the plot. One plot is about 15-20 yards from the road. Another is 10 yards away but about 8ft up. The other has a metal gate and the 20 yards towards the gate isn't plotted. Most of the plot is about 6ft down from the gate. So, none of them are too open. I got about 1.5 acres at camp now. Probably have 2.5 by next fall with a new spot and an expansion.
My CO-OP will order anything I ask for, and shipping is either cheap or free since they throw it on the truck with everything else they've already got coming in. But, I do have to buy 50lb bags when I do this. I'm thinking of getting some milo for this summer's plots but haven't done any research yet. How much will you need? Why red instead of white?
Seeding rate is 5-6 lbs an acre. I'm just planting strips, so I only need a couple pounds. I also found it doesn't store as well as corn, so I don't want a bunch extra.
Red gets taller and deer prefer the seeds. White is better for game birds.
I've seen this suggested a few times. But without clean may be planting allot of new varieties of weeds on your land. Not worth it to me. I ONCE bought some bin-run rye seed.....never again.
Would something like this still be too dirty / not worth the risk?

Would something like this still be too dirty / not worth the risk?

Elk Mound is a legit seed company. That's straight Milo seed, and not dirty at all.
Elk Mound is a legit seed company. That's straight Milo seed, and not dirty at all.

Any reason to NOT buy that offering even though they offer this as well?

Sorry, I didn't click on the first link. The first is birdseed and not selected or tested for germination. The second is for planting. My bad. Didn't realize that Elk Mound offered feed. You could probably get away with buying the first, but I'm with Foggy on wondering what all is in the bag.
Easy enough. Just do a wet paper towel germination test.

One of best plots I ever planted was birdseed.
He folks
Been a while…..
Yes, we now sell Milo but here is the thing.
We tried the game forage sorghum and they don’t seem to hit it hard up here. We switched to a hybrid Milo and it was a night and day difference. We tested it on farms in Wisconsin up here in the UP as well as Lower Michigan and it was the same result, the deer loved it late October -November. Somebody was questioning our prices and I will say this. This variety of Milo is three times the cost to us versus the grain forage Sorghum most everyone is selling. I use that WGF sorghum in our soil builder blend.
As far as shipping, ya that sucks. We are literally screaming (lol) at UPS to fix this. We are bringing in the option for speedee for the Midwest states and that should help.
Easy enough. Just do a wet paper towel germination test.

One of best plots I ever planted was birdseed.
One of our best plots as well. It was a mix from the Pa. Game Commission aimed for turkeys, grouse, and other birds. It had 2 kinds of millet, WGF sorghum, black oil sunflower, and buckwheat in it. Deer loved it as well, especially when the WGF sorghum was in the green, dough stage.