S.T.Fanatic's Land Tour

Your soybean bug is a stink bug.
Spined Soldier Beetle. One of the good guys!

Brown mottled stink bugs have rounded shoulders.

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Well I'll be damned.

Now you're just showin off.

I just noticed that the QDMA website posted a new article about brassica. I couldn't help but notice the clover in their picture with the radish is the same clover I have growing in my plot. To me it looks live a vns balansa clover. I noticed some variation in the leaves when I looked it up on google images.
The bug is a “stink bug”. Pick him up or squish him and you’ll know why.
They are a crop pest but if you’re not overrun with them it shouldn’t be a problem
Never mind I missed the above posts :)
Nice work and good looking farms. I hope Uncle Ben helps you with all the work you put in!
Nice work and good looking farms. I hope Uncle Ben helps you with all the work you put in!

He dug up a couple plots for me and planted a bunch of apple trees this year.

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Love it S.T.! Great plots and great buck your uncle got! That is suck a beautiful place!

Btw... your Busch Light plot looks like its coming along nicely!
Made it down to The Valley property to hang a couple of cameras. One of the got put on my diversity plot and the other on a fresh scrape that I hang on every year about now.

The ptt and radish I spread on my diversity plot are nowhere to be found. The peas are doing ok but haven’t put on much for growth. (Could be browse related). The winter barley is starting to become visible but germination rates seem to be less than ideal.


My attempt at a brassica plot in the middle of the worst drought we’ve had in quite sometime. It’s better than expected but not what I was hoping for. The plan for this plot as of now is to plant buckwheat next June and give the brassica a go again in this plot. I like to get a good stand of brassica before rotating back into soybeans. Cool front has moved in and if I can get out of work at a decent time I’ll be on stand for my first hunt of the season. Didn’t run cameras this summer so I have no idea what might show up. I’m excited!!

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Same here in MI on the drought, no brassicas. I replanted all mine in cereal grains. Good luck hunting!
Your brassicas look much better than mine. Replanted with lots of other things mixed in kn the 20th of Sept. finally rained yesterday. 2 inches worth. Fingers crossed it doesn’t stay dry for the next 6 weeks....
generally I would have put down a 100# of rye as a rescue but I wanted to give them the most available resources they could get to maximize growth. There were a few that put a bulb on about the size of a golf ball.
Could you hit the bare areas with the rye? Looks prime for "spot spreading". Some probably wouldn't get thru the thatch but some probably would. If you avoided the most dense spots, I don't think the rye would compete all that much at this point. Could be wrong of course.
Could you hit the bare areas with the rye? Looks prime for "spot spreading". Some probably wouldn't get thru the thatch but some probably would. If you avoided the most dense spots, I don't think the rye would compete all that much at this point. Could be wrong of course.
The only time I will be going back this time of year is if I will be sitting in a tree. I'm not to concerned about it and cereals get little to no use from the deer on our place. I generally only plant them to no till into the following year. I've no tilled into weeds plenty of times. I don't have a problem with chemicals taking everything out.
I hunted over a Swede plot last night. Caught some movement out of the corner of my eye. A mature buck was chasing a doe. They crossed the bottom which is native grass so i didn't get a good look at him. I spotted the doe on the hillside they went up on. She stood there for a few min then walked off. I got out the grunt call and got aggressive. The buck came off of the hillside and into the plot broadside at 60 yards. This thing was a STUD!! Unfortunately I had to give him a pass. Put the scope on 9 power and got a great look at him. I don't have any pictures of him this year but believe I have a shed to him that I found in the same plot he was feeding in last year. It would have been a done deal but he had already shed his Left antler.:emoji_cry:
He dropped an antler this year already?
I hunted over a Swede plot last night. Caught some movement out of the corner of my eye. A mature buck was chasing a doe. They crossed the bottom which is native grass so i didn't get a good look at him. I spotted the doe on the hillside they went up on. She stood there for a few min then walked off. I got out the grunt call and got aggressive. The buck came off of the hillside and into the plot broadside at 60 yards. This thing was a STUD!! Unfortunately I had to give him a pass. Put the scope on 9 power and got a great look at him. I don't have any pictures of him this year but believe I have a shed to him that I found in the same plot he was feeding in last year. It would have been a done deal but he had already shed his Left antler.:emoji_cry:

This is the year where if something will go wrong, it will without a doubt be FUBAR'd! :emoji_wink:
He dropped an antler this year already?
I got a good look at it through the scope. It wasn't broke off. I have heard of 2 people this past week that have found sheds while out hunting.
Go shed hunting. Glue it back on :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: