S.T.Fanatic's Land Tour

Looks like some prime hunting grounds!
I use to hunt in the bluffs down there, and we would hunt over a small 5 acre bean field, that was surrounded by corn in the rest of the field, and the valleys. Lots of deer, but so much trespassing back then. It was frustrating.
Looks like some prime hunting grounds!
I use to hunt in the bluffs down there, and we would hunt over a small 5 acre bean field, that was surrounded by corn in the rest of the field, and the valleys. Lots of deer, but so much trespassing back then. It was frustrating.
I'm glad it doesn't border state land. Lots of issues with that. We have good neighbors.
I used to hunt down near Cannon Falls. There are a lot of corn fed deer down that way! You're place looks very nice. Sure is different than life near the Northern border.
Beautiful place ST! I love the bluff country! I look forward to more.
This is the best fishing hole on the property. It usually produces something over 20” about every 5-6 years.

Walking to the East down the mowed path is our cabin. It’s small but does the job.

I love the giant cotton wood trees and need to plant some. The few that are left are old and there is only one young one growing at the other end of the property. My plan is to plant them along the stream corridor 60’ off of the creek and 60 feet apart staggered on each side of the creek. If there was only more time in a day.

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My son wanted to go down to The Valley and do some shooting yesterday. After a light target practice session we went for a walk. I found some jewel weed that was browsed along the mowed path

Deer commonly eat the stuff so it was no surprise. What I was surprised to see was all the browsing of heads of a certain type of grass. Not sure what it is, it’s a common grass around the area but pretty sure it’s a non native.

The grass isn’t as tall as it looks in the picture. This was the angle I had to get for it to be visible. After I saw this I started paying more attention to it, it was being browsed everywhere. I found it strange but must be filling a niche of sorts. Nothing surprises me with deer anymore after I watched one eat a seed head of a brown, dried up goldenrod stalk.

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My son wanted to go down to The Valley and do some shooting yesterday. After a light target practice session we went for a walk. I found some jewel weed that was browsed along the mowed path

Deer commonly eat the stuff so it was no surprise. What I was surprised to see was all the browsing of heads of a certain type of grass. Not sure what it is, it’s a common grass around the area but pretty sure it’s a non native.

The grass isn’t as tall as it looks in the picture. This was the angle I had to get for it to be visible. After I saw this I started paying more attention to it, it was being browsed everywhere. I found it strange but must be filling a niche of sorts. Nothing surprises me with deer anymore after I watched one eat a seed head of a brown, dried up goldenrod stalk.

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That grass is Timothy. Grasses aren’t the greatest deer food but it is one of the better ones. I have seen it browsed too. This grass will show up in my “take a walk” thread eventually.
If you want cottonwood seedlings pick an area around those trees in the spring and don’t mow it. They will be popping up everywhere. They can proliferate just as fast as silver maple if you don’t mow them.
If you want cottonwood seedlings pick an area around those trees in the spring and don’t mow it. They will be popping up everywhere. They can proliferate just as fast as silver maple if you don’t mow them.
Problem with that is where the cotton wood trees are there is a lot of reed canary grass that smothers everything else out. We have some road ditches around the area that have them grow up in that I can get plenty from. I just need to make the time.
I was down to The Valley again last night and checked on the other plot down there. This spring I did a Throw and Crimp of 100# of soybeans, maybe 3# of sunflower, 50# icicle winter peas, 2# swedes. The soybean seed was old and germination was nearly zero. The peas did great, the sunflowers are coming on strong, and the swedes germinated well.

A couple of issues. The swedes didn't grow much for a bulb and the roots that are there have been infected by (google suggests wire worms) They have a hole in them and seem to be rotting from the inside out. The second problem is with the lac of a canopy from the soybeans the evil red root pig weed has taken off. I had full intentions of over seeding this plot with winter barley, radish, and turnips anyway but now I'm not sure how to move forward. I pulled a bunch of it but there is quite a bit there and a guy only has so much time.

One question I have is once it puts on a seed head how much time do I have before the seed is viable?

Some things I am considering,

Mow it all off, lightly till, and re plant a radish, sunflower, winter pea, and winter barley mix.

plant the same mix into the existing plot and run the crimper over it.

plant the same mix into the existing plot, run the crimper over it and spray.

hit it hard with 24D and plant into the thatch in early September.

I'd rather not spray but If i can kill the pig weed before the seed becomes viable I will.

No matter what I will be planting 100# of winter barley on it this fall and a smother crop of buckwheat once the barley can be terminated with crimping next spring.

suggestions welcome
I'd say same mix into existing plot, crimp it and spray.
Posted elsewhere but want to preserve species and bloom dates here. I’m not sure on the id’s of a lot of these so chime in if you’d like.












Last and most certainly least

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1st looks like Iron Weed
4th looks like Cup Plant
Run 'em through the app. I've got half of them on the tip of my tongue, but can't think of them. Those yellow ones look like coneflowers, but hell if I remember which ones each are. The purple almost looks like a cornflower, but the color doesn't quite match. That third one from the end, I noticed that for the first time this year at my place, and the name escapes me.

Nonetheless, good finds man.
Took a generator and a pump to the property last night hoping to get some water on one of my plots. Didn’t really do much. I think I need a bigger pump.

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We got a decent rain early Friday morning maybe an inch. I’m guessing with the heat in the upper 80’s low 90’s I will see some growth.

Can anyone tell me if this is a certain variety of sunflower or some type of mutation?

It has 8 or more flowers on it.

Pea pods are filling nicely and will more than likely be gone by our mid September opener.


I over seeded this plot late last summer with PTT and radish. Hard to believe some of the seed didn’t germinate last year but it did this spring.

This thing is about as big as my wrist and is doing a fantastic job boring deep into the soil profile.

You can see in this picture that the radish has bolted. The deer didn’t seem to mind though because you can see it has been browsed.

I didn’t get any pictures of the Purple top turnips but the Swedes are coming along nicely. The reason you can see the ground and the Swede top is missing is because I mowed portions of this plot that had water hemp taking over. Hoping the new seeds I slung before mowing take off and make for some new tender eats and winter tubers.

They soybeans didn’t germinate well but there are still some in there that may also put on some pods. Anyone know if this is clover growing with the bean? If so any idea which variety? I planted berseem and balansa but don’t think it is either.

Sunflowers are strange. Some have one head some have many others will not have any with the browse pressure.

There is a fair amount of lambs quarter in here as well. It won’t make the cover of any magazine but the deer don’t mind.

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This is my 1/2 acre bean plot on the top farm. Hard to tell from the picture but these things are easily 36” tall and loaded with pods. The beans in the nearby field are just starting to yellow. Not sure if they ere reaching maturity or if it’s because it’s been so dry. I spread my ptt and radish cover anyway. I sprayed these beans only once and got great weed control so there is bare soil under them.

Saw this little fella. Guessing there is more where it came from. Does anyone know if this is a pest or beneficial?

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I have a bad habit of getting ahead of myself ADHD I guess.

Here is a close up of the top farm and another with the property lines and plots marked in red.
The picture of the bean plot is from the central finger. In that area there are 3 plots. That area was sheep pasture about 30 years ago so my plot names aren’t overly creative.
North sheep, East sheep, and West sheep.

This is the shooting house overlooking the been plot “east sheep”

East sheep was in Sugar beets last year. They were quite the draw last muzzleloader season.

It’s about 130 yards from the shooting house to the south end of the plot.

This guy met his maker at about 150 yards.

Meet my Uncle Ben. He retired a couple years ago and basically hunts every single day.

Hard to believe but it goes 168 and change. Tons of mass.

There is an un farmed area on a west facing slope east of the shooting house. South sheep plot on the far upper left. My plan is to plant the un farmed area into switch and wild flowers. On the eastern border I’d like to plant a thick row of wild plums “ outlined by blue” the red dots indicate future Apple plantings that I’d like to encircle in clover as a respite from spring burnings.
My son wants me to make milk shakes and watch a movie with him so till next time.

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Your fall plots are looking amazing for the drought. What date did you plant?

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Your fall plots are looking amazing for the drought. What date did you plant?

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Actually my fall plots might be a bust. The pictures from “The Valley” were planted about the third week of May.

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