Rope height for licking/scrape?

From the pictures I cant tell if they could reach it with feet on the ground? Cool that it's getting so much attention though!

My other mock scrapes often end up with the branches broken and torn up. After a while the only way they can reach twigs is by standing on their hind legs. Doesn't seem to bother them, but maybe it needs to be well established to get to that point. I'm hopeful to be home before dark today so maybe I can extend it.
Whether or not they are actually touching it, it seems to be doing it’s job quite well as is!

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IMO it is too high. I would bring it down about a foot to encourage shorter deer to use it. Taller deer will still rub their eye glands on the length of the rope and the end. I've always preferred belly button height or slightly higher (I'm 6'0").
Agree with whomever said getting it further away from that post to give deer 360° access.

Looks like you'll get incredible inventory results from that location based on what you've seen already!
Lowered it last night. No interest yet but I probably left a lot of scent and burgered things up some. We'll see how it plays out.

That location is a natural intersection that had a lot of traffic to begin with. I am seeing an uptick of new bucks since I put the rope up, but I always see that in this spot anyway. I'm amazed at how many critters use my driveway naturally.
Just a little update. It's been slow getting them to use it. Lots of deer sniff it but not a lot rub on it. They're starting to gradually use it more though.
I watched 3 bucks hit mine the other night 1 might have been 2.5 the others were 1.5.They seem to like it where the frazzled end of rope laid on their forehead in fact two of them just stopped and stood there with it laying on their head.I still get more aggressive scraps using pine limbs wired to any other tree.Another thing these young bucks didn't paw the ground but did pee in it.