Recipes for the not so desirable cuts of meat

Erik Hendricks

5 year old buck +
I know a few people that do not even keep the front legs of a deer or neck roasts out of their deer. The majority of people just grind all of it. Now I take a trip to WI and MO every yr so I normally have enough trimming for brats, canned venison and breakfast sausage so I've dabbled in different ways to cook some of these cuts and figured everyone here had a few to share. Now I'm talking the stuff people normally grind or don't keep. Front shoulders, Rips, Heart, Liver and neck. The only one I have yet to try is venison ribs. Seems like these would be a battle.
Over M.E.A. break (wife is a teacher) we had a family get together at my parents and my brother in law brought up his smoker.

We did 2 venison front shoulder bone in. Marinaded over night in water, salt, brown sugar, little soy and Worcestershire. Took them out, patted down dry and seasoned like you would a steak. Awesome!!!!

1 Rack of Bear Ribs. If you shoot a bear and throw these call me and I'll take them. Just a dry rub and BBQ sauce. Unreal!!!

2 Bone in Bear Roasts. 1 marinaded with the venison and one not marinaded. Seasoned like you would a steak. Both were awesome. Can't say what I liked more.

About 8 hours in the smoker and we all ate like kings. The kids could not get enough.

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Never had bear, but looks and sounds good.
Never had bear, but looks and sounds good.

It's better than venison. Now this is a MN bear that I shot this fall. Had been eating Berries, Hazel nuts, acorns, cookie dough and trail mix for 2 months before I shot it. I've heard spring shot bears do not taste as good but that could be a myth. I have yet to have bear that I did not think was good. No game flavor at all in the bears I've had.
Cube it up and pressure can all of it, it doesn't get any more tender and versatile than that.
Cube it up and pressure can all of it, it doesn't get any more tender and versatile than that.

We eat a ton of canned venison. Favorite thing to make with it is fajitas.
My meat slicer turns all unused roasts or other cuts into jerky or fajitas. Either marinade and grill (fajitas) or add seasoning and dry for fantastic jerky. I'm becoming a jerky addict.
Cook that bear to 165, I was just listening to trichinosis stories. Have done deer ribs twice. They burn easy. Looks like a great feast.
Cook that bear to 165, I was just listening to trichinosis stories. Have done deer ribs twice. They burn easy. Looks like a great feast.

Yes very good info. We had a meat thermometer