5 year old buck +
Keep in mind that Luminol is not recommended for use on wet or visible blood. When you shoot a deer and trail it within an hour or two, you will have wet, visible blood or no blood. When you watch those CSI type things on TV, they are typically trying to detect trace blood after it has been cleaned up. They don't use it when blood is fresh.
So, I think the proper application of Luminol would be on difficult blood trails. Let's take my recent trail for example: (Description of blood trail)
Let's say that I did not hear that deer crash and that I was not confident in my shot placement. When I got to the place where she entered the pines, I would have marked it as I did and I still would have headed back to the barn. If I got 20 to 30 yards into the woods and did not find any blood (which is what happened), I would have backed out, gone back to camp, and waited 4 to 6 hours thinking it may have been a paunch shot deer.
At this point, I think tiny blood spots would have had plenty of time to dry. Perhaps larger, higher volume, drops of blood may not but if I had those, I would not need luminol as I could see them. So, had I sprayed along that trail, I may have found tiny spec of blood glowing. When I had gotten to the place where I did first find a few spots of visible blood I definitely should have had glow.
My thinking here comes from looking at the science of luminol and how it is used in forensics, not from experience using it. Tap, does this seem consistent with your conversations with Jerry describing use?
1st, I never recall reading, or Jerry saying, that blood need to dry. In fact, that puzzles me. If luminol doesnt work until the blood is dry, then why does it work so well on wet, rained out blood trails?
Its been many years since I spoke with Jerry about its use, but as I remember, you spray a mist along the trail ahead of where blood diminishes to the point it can't be seen and only spray as often as needed in order to maintain the trail.
At junctions when we dont know what trail the deer took, we spray to check each trail.
Personally, THE main reason why I bought luminol is for rain. I always had anxiety during late afternoon with rain in the night forecast. I often quit early for fear of a rained out trail. Ive never NEEDED luminol for a rained out trail (knock on wood) but our test trails were amazing after they were rained on.
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