What a year. Feel blessed. Alot of firsts to say the least. From first born, to elk, to tricycle and a few more in-between. Couldn't have guessed the odds at the start.
Finished the year at the home farm on Tuesday. Had to call in to work for one more day off after sitting a dark to dark that Monday and swearing I'd never do that again. Sub freezing and 22mph wind all day. Brought gear and snacks for half day sit but after seeing who was around. Couldnt imagine dragging my ass back to work.
Watched this guy "chase" does the previous day and said a silent prayer that if I got the chance I would help him out.
Went in early. Had to cross a picked corn field to get to the stand (more on this another day) blew a few out on the way in. And got settled thinking I had probably ended things before they even got going.
After a long morning with little to show. I was about to tag a forkie that quickly was becoming my only companion and call it a season. Around noon the little guy started acting funny. So I clipped on thinking back to yesterday's action around the same time.
Of course he started down the perfect trail only to cut to where I least expected. With no lanes trimmed and harness all wrapped funny. He stopped and looked for what I believe he thought was the entrance of the disturbance maker earlier that morning before sunup. Wind had to be swirling a foot away from his face before he turned and cut back inward.
Turns out "little moe" wasn't just beat up from a recent fight. Tuff sob thats for sure.
From the looks of the stub he had been walking on it for a few years. Had to include the heart shot for 2 reasons. 1. My wife swears up and down she is a better shot than I am. Probably is with a riffle. 2. Know full well my opinion won't settle any debate. But after switching back to a coc 3 blade a number of years ago. The confidence to tuck that pin tight is proving deadly.
Learned alot of valuable lessons this year. Most of all of to be aggressive. Especially when time is short.
Alot of quick 3 day trips this year. Learned a ton in the process. Always push the boundaries, stalked to within 20 on a calm day of this mulie, and found the whitey tucked tight on beautiful piece of property most probably drove right past.
In the end.
It comes down to a simple choice, really.
Get busy living, or get busy dying
- Andy D