Prairie Pit-Stop

Let him go so he can grow...
Must of missed the memo.
Will remember that for next year.
Had a rifle tag in my pocket and a bow in my hand. Any deer encounter that got the heart thumping was in trouble. Just so happens about every deer still does.
Geez that's one of the cutest babies I've ever seen. Congrats! The long nights won't last very long, just keep that in mind if it seems stressful. They say having kids changes your hips, and I found that to be true for me. LoL. Still trying to get my pre-kid body back, but it gets more difficult in your 40s. We used a pacifier for our 1st born, but decided not to for the next 3. Adjust her positions a lot with the hope of not developing a flat spot or a stiff neck, and just hold her a lot. One of mine needed a helmet for a few months, and my niece just finished wearing one as well.
Man. She’s beautiful. Congratulations.

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Awww what a cutie TT, you should be proud bud, congrats to you and the family!
Congrats Trampled! my first is 6 months. Those first couple nights are alarming for sure but they sure make up for it. Good luck!
Enjoy every second. My son graduates college this spring. He was in diapers yesterday, or so it seems.
Treasure every second, friend!!! As Bill said ^^^ - the time flies. Rolling around on the floor turns into college graduations in the blink of an eye. Our youngest is 2 years graduated from college. My wife and I wish we could re-live some of those early days. Take GOBS of pictures for reminiscing later.
Just wait until the first time she smiles at you, a real, happy smile. Better yet, the first time she realizes she knows how to laugh and it makes her laugh even more. Or the first steps. Or……

So many things to look forward to!

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Was able to sneak out to the farm and get the first round of trees in for the year.

Still chipping away at the ash renovation project.

Today I feel like a mac truck hit me
Stopped by the farm for a quick check up, found some good and bad.
3yr BHS really starting to pop
This is the ash clearcut I did 2 years ago. Loving how thick the stump regrowth has been.
Hingcut putting out nice vertical growth to block the line of site.

Sometimes a tree just likes where u put them and sometimes they dont. This 3rd year ponderosa might be one of the strongest growers on the farm.

Last pic is hit and miss. Strong growing 4 leaf ww crab, with a sad looking buckwheat food plot in the background. Seeded 60# to the acre broadcast. Kinda spotty. Wish I went 100lbs. Also need to switch to liberty. Getting really poor weed control with r-up.

Other lowlights, clover plot looks like trash. Frost seeded 10# on 1/2a and sprayed with cleth this spring. No grass, but also no clover. Thinking about nuking it this fall and trying something different.

Hanging my hope's on the 7A main plot. Beans are up, scheduled to get sprayed and caught a rain last night.

So far only have had 2 bucks with potential on cell cam. But haven't seen em in awhile. Still a long way to go.
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What a year. Feel blessed. Alot of firsts to say the least. From first born, to elk, to tricycle and a few more in-between. Couldn't have guessed the odds at the start.
Finished the year at the home farm on Tuesday. Had to call in to work for one more day off after sitting a dark to dark that Monday and swearing I'd never do that again. Sub freezing and 22mph wind all day. Brought gear and snacks for half day sit but after seeing who was around. Couldnt imagine dragging my ass back to work.

Watched this guy "chase" does the previous day and said a silent prayer that if I got the chance I would help him out.

Went in early. Had to cross a picked corn field to get to the stand (more on this another day) blew a few out on the way in. And got settled thinking I had probably ended things before they even got going.

After a long morning with little to show. I was about to tag a forkie that quickly was becoming my only companion and call it a season. Around noon the little guy started acting funny. So I clipped on thinking back to yesterday's action around the same time.
Of course he started down the perfect trail only to cut to where I least expected. With no lanes trimmed and harness all wrapped funny. He stopped and looked for what I believe he thought was the entrance of the disturbance maker earlier that morning before sunup. Wind had to be swirling a foot away from his face before he turned and cut back inward.
Turns out "little moe" wasn't just beat up from a recent fight. Tuff sob thats for sure.
From the looks of the stub he had been walking on it for a few years. Had to include the heart shot for 2 reasons. 1. My wife swears up and down she is a better shot than I am. Probably is with a riffle. 2. Know full well my opinion won't settle any debate. But after switching back to a coc 3 blade a number of years ago. The confidence to tuck that pin tight is proving deadly.

Learned alot of valuable lessons this year. Most of all of to be aggressive. Especially when time is short.
Alot of quick 3 day trips this year. Learned a ton in the process. Always push the boundaries, stalked to within 20 on a calm day of this mulie, and found the whitey tucked tight on beautiful piece of property most probably drove right past.

In the end.

It comes down to a simple choice, really.
Get busy living, or get busy dying
- Andy D
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Geez heckuva update! You guys are in the midst of a dream season. The Moe buck is awesome looking. Same with the other one. Nice job buddy... raising my glass to you (got off work early tonight but not early enough to get out for my first hunt):
Very cool bucks, congrats! Tough SOB is right, and nice shootin.
What a season.
Pretty proud of my wife. Her first time out solo, while I stayed home with the little one.
Blood trailed it and everything. Her personal best. Was pretty surprised when I anwsered the call around 330 to a bunch of frantic questions.
Been a wild/busy year. Trying to get caught up on all the projects with the fall clock counting down. Winter was a disaster, lost around a doz beautiful apple trees to rabits including 7 of my oldest. Hurt ripping em out and replanting but they were toast.

Got around an acre of trees planted, took an extra step and ordered some short tubes to protect most everything including the shrubs.


Excited for bow season.
Got a few new stand sites this year, and a pocket full of tags. Including one big adventure.

Hope everyone is well.
Looks great so whats the big adventure?